If you have a new account but are having problems posting or verifying your account, please email us on for help. Thanks :)
Hello all! Please ensure that you are posting a new thread or question in the appropriate forum. The Feedback forum is overwhelmed with questions that are having to be moved elsewhere. If you need help to verify your account contact
Hi there,
There is an issue with role permissions that is being worked on at the moment.
If you are having trouble with access or permissions on regional forums please post here to get access:

User-developed Scripts for

  • 19-02-2012 4:10pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,967 ✭✭✭✭

    I thought it would be useful to have a thread for scripts developed by users to extend the functionality of I'll start off with a couple of my own, but feel free to contribute. Also, if you have any feedback or suggestions for additions, please post it here

    Instructions for installing scripts
    1. Install the Greasemonkey extension (if you don't already have it)
    2. Go to the script homepage on
    3. Click Install in the top-right hand corner, then click Install on the dialog box that pops up
    1. Go to the script homepage on
    2. Click Install in the top-right hand corner, click continue on the bottom bar, then click Install on the dialog box
    1. Scripts need to be added manually. See here:
    IE/Safari/Other Browsers:
    1. Largely unsupported. Try a google search for "greasemonkey [browsername]" for further info and possible workarounds.

    1. Be careful. There's nothing to stop me (or anyone else) writing a script that would grab your internet banking log-in details and send them elsewhere. Some basic safety guidelines:
      • Use common sense. If a one-post wonder adds a script, don't install it
      • Ideally, you should know how to read Javascript, then you can check the script's source manually. On the script homepage on, click "Source Code" to see it
      • Even if you don't know Javascript, you can still make sure that the scripts only run on the pages you expect them to run on. If you're using Firefox+Greasemonkey, you will get told what sites the scripts will run on in the pop-up box asking you do you want to install. Otherwise, you can look at the Source Code. Near the top of the script, there will be at least one line, possibly multiple, that start with // @include. These are the sites that the script runs on (* is the wildcard character). You want to be especially wary of scripts that have // @include * or // @include http*, as these will run on every single page you visit
    2. All of these scripts are totally unsupported by If something changes in the code, there's a good chance it could break any or all of the scripts

    Index of Scripts in this thread
    I'll try to keep this list up-to-date while I can still edit it, or else ask a mod to do it.
    1. Advanced In-Thread Searching: Post - Script homepage
    2. Quick Spam Reporting: Post - Script homepage
    3. Keyboard Shortcuts: Post - Script homepage
    4. Reformat Homepage: Post - Script homepage
    5. Add Social Media Links : Post - Script homepage

    Boardsie Enhancement Suite - a browser extension to make using Boards on desktop a better experience (includes full-width display, keyboard shortcuts, dark mode, and more). Now available through your browser's extension store.




  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,967 ✭✭✭✭28064212

    Script Summary: Allows you to use advanced search on a single thread, including search by username

    Instructions for use:
    1. While on a thread, click "Search This Thread", then "Advanced Search"
    2. This brings you to the standard advanced search page, but with an extra box pre-populated with the thread number. You can then add extra search terms, including username and it will only search on that specific thread


    Boardsie Enhancement Suite - a browser extension to make using Boards on desktop a better experience (includes full-width display, keyboard shortcuts, dark mode, and more). Now available through your browser's extension store.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,967 ✭✭✭✭28064212

    Script Summary: Easily post to spammer notification thread in Feedback

    Adds a "Spammer" link beside the 'report post' button:


    Clicking it brings you directly to the new post screen of the "Spammer Notification" thread in Feedback. It also adds the profile link of the spammer to the URL. Just copy and paste everything after &customspamlink= into the text box and hit reply



    Boardsie Enhancement Suite - a browser extension to make using Boards on desktop a better experience (includes full-width display, keyboard shortcuts, dark mode, and more). Now available through your browser's extension store.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,967 ✭✭✭✭28064212

    Script Summary: Left/right arrow keys for navigation in threads and forums, ctrl+left for parent forum, quickly switch focus to the "Find a Forum" or Search textboxes

    Instructions for use:
    Quick access to the Find a Forum textbox (beta skin): Ctrl + Space
    Quick access to the Search textbox: Ctrl + Alt + Space
    In forum view and thread view:
    Previous and next pages: Left and right arrow keys
    Go the parent forum of the current page (whether that's a thread or a forum): Ctrl + Left


    Boardsie Enhancement Suite - a browser extension to make using Boards on desktop a better experience (includes full-width display, keyboard shortcuts, dark mode, and more). Now available through your browser's extension store.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,967 ✭✭✭✭28064212

    Script Summary: Makes logo smaller, cuts down on whitespace

    Simple script that changes some of the display on the home page to minimize whitespace


    Boardsie Enhancement Suite - a browser extension to make using Boards on desktop a better experience (includes full-width display, keyboard shortcuts, dark mode, and more). Now available through your browser's extension store.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,967 ✭✭✭✭28064212

    Script Summary: Adds Google+, Twitter and Facebook share buttons to threads and single posts

    This script adds a social media section to the bottom of every thread page, as well as the "View Single Post" screen, allowing you to share links on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter.



    Note that the buttons use the current url, so you may not be linking to the exact place in a thread that you think you're sharing (e.g. someone may be using a different number of posts per page to you, so a link to page 10 isn't much good). My personal recommendations for use are:
    • Sharing an entire thread: go to the parent forum, and click on the thread title. The URL in the address bar should be in the form /vbulletin/showthread.php?t=12345. You can now use the social media buttons at the bottom of the page, and anyone following the link will be brought to the first page of that thread
    • Sharing a single stand-alone post: If you want to link a post that doesn't need any context, simply click the number at the top right of the post. You will be brought to a URL ending in the form /vbulletin/showpost.php?p=123456&postcount=123. The buttons are at the bottom of the post and will link directly to that page.
    • Sharing to a particular post in a thread: In this case follow the steps for a stand-alone post, but when you're on the View Single Post page, click the thread title in the top right (not the number). This will bring you to that post within the context of the thread. The URL will be in the form /vbulletin/showthread.php?p=123456#post123456. Then go to the bottom of the page and use the buttons as you did for sharing a thread. Anyone following the links will be brought directly to that post within the thread.

    Google+: Uses standard +1 functionality, shows up in your +1's on your profile. If you want to share it with your circles, click the button, then hover over it and click in the text box that appears

    Twitter: Opens window allowing you to edit exactly what is posted. Defaults to thread title followed by a link

    Facebook: If you are signed in to Facebook, one-click is all you need. If not, a window will pop up asking you to sign in. Your like will show up on your wall/timeline as a like, as well as in the newsfeed ticker of your friends, and possibly in their full newsfeed, it depends. If one of your Facebook friends is using this script and has liked a page on boards, it will show up beside the button.

    Note: The Share button is deprecated and no longer supported by Facebook, which is why I'm using Like/Recommend instead. More details here:


    Boardsie Enhancement Suite - a browser extension to make using Boards on desktop a better experience (includes full-width display, keyboard shortcuts, dark mode, and more). Now available through your browser's extension store.



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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,967 ✭✭✭✭28064212

    Script Summary: Hides ignored users' posts totally, as well as text from posts that quote them (leaves option to display those posts)

    Trolls getting under your skin? Can't resist that "View Post" button? Remove their posts totally from thread views. With this script installed, the "View Post" option on ignored users is gone. The only indication that an ignored user has posted is a skip in post numbers.

    Someone else quoting the ignored user? No problem! The text of their posts is removed, and you can decide whether to display it or not. There's also a "Scorched Earth" option in the script, which will totally remove ignored users' posts and any posts which quote them. Just edit the script and change the SCORCHED_EARTH variable to true.




    Boardsie Enhancement Suite - a browser extension to make using Boards on desktop a better experience (includes full-width display, keyboard shortcuts, dark mode, and more). Now available through your browser's extension store.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 21,263 ✭✭✭✭Eoin

    28064212, I was a bit bored so I changed your spammer script slightly to pre-populate the textbox with the spammer's details so you don't have to copy and paste from the address bar. I also changed the location of the report spammer link for some reason; can't remember why.

    Anyway, I've only used this on the beta theme on Chrome (i.e. no testing at all), but here it is for what it's worth:
    var users = document.getElementsByClassName("bigusername");
    for(var i = 0; i < users.length; i++)
    	var link = document.createElement("a");
    	var spamusername = users[i].innerHTML;
    	var regex = /(<([^>]+)>)/ig;
    	spamusername = spamusername.replace(regex, "");
    	var userURL = encodeURI("[url=" + users[i].href + "]Spammer: " + spamusername + "[/url]");
    	link.href = "" + userURL;
    	link.innerHTML = "<br/>Report Spammer"; = "bold";
    var url = document.location.href;
    if (url.indexOf("customspamlink") > -1)
    	var spamlink = decodeURI(url.substr(url.indexOf("customspamlink") + 15, url.length));
    	document.getElementById("vB_Editor_001_textarea").value = spamlink;

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,967 ✭✭✭✭28064212

    Eoin wrote: »
    28064212, I was a bit bored so I changed your spammer script slightly to pre-populate the textbox with the spammer's details so you don't have to copy and paste from the address bar. I also changed the location of the report spammer link for some reason; can't remember why.

    Anyway, I've only used this on the beta theme on Chrome (i.e. no testing at all), but here it is for what it's worth:
    Thanks Eoin! I've been meaning to do this for a while and kept putting it off. I left the link where it was, as I think it makes more sense to have it beside the report post button, but obviously, move it around as you see fit :)

    Quick Spam Reporting
    I've updated this script on the userscripts website here: It adds a "Spammer" link beside the 'report post' button:


    Clicking it brings you directly to the new post screen of the "Spammer Notification" thread in Feedback and fills in the spammer's url in the reply box automatically.

    I've also set it to default the subscription option to "Do Not Follow". That may not suit everyone, so there's instructions on the userscripts site on how to change that option to either a specific setting, or just to use your default option.

    To update to this version, you can either use the Firefox update mechanism (Ctrl+Shift+A, click "User Scripts" on the left, right-click on the script and choose "Find Updates"), or (for either Firefox or Chrome) just go to the link above and install it from there and it will overwrite the old version.

    If you have any problems or questions, feel free to PM me.


    Boardsie Enhancement Suite - a browser extension to make using Boards on desktop a better experience (includes full-width display, keyboard shortcuts, dark mode, and more). Now available through your browser's extension store.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,967 ✭✭✭✭28064212

    I've updated the scripts so they work with the new beta skin released today.

    I've also updated the Spam Reporting script so it includes the name in the reply

    EDIT: Chrome users have to update manually (by visiting the script homepages and clicking install), Firefox users can use the built-in extension update facility

    Boardsie Enhancement Suite - a browser extension to make using Boards on desktop a better experience (includes full-width display, keyboard shortcuts, dark mode, and more). Now available through your browser's extension store.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,967 ✭✭✭✭28064212

    I've totally redesigned this script, (hopefully) making it more useful. I've also added Reddit to the share options. Fair warning, it only looks 'good' in the new beta skin. It's still perfectly functional in the "old beta" and the default skins, but uses the new design scheme.
    Script Summary: Adds Google+, Twitter, Facebook and Reddit share buttons to threads, forums and posts.

    Adds a "Share" button to the top and bottom of every thread and forum page, as well as on every post. Clicking it brings up a set of social media buttons, allowing you to share links on Facebook, Google+, Twitter and Reddit. To close the display, just click the button again.

    This is how the buttons work for forums, threads and posts:
    • Forums: Share buttons on each page of the forum beside the "New Thread" button. No matter which page you are on, the url shared will be of the form .../forumdisplay.php?f=XXX, meaning the link shared will bring you to the first page of that forum.
    • Threads: In a thread, the share button appears beside the "Post Reply" button at the top and bottom of the thread. Like forums, the url shared will be of the form .../showthread.php?t=XXX, meaning the link shared will bring you to the first page of that thread.
    • Posts: The Share button is beside the Quote button of every post. The url shared is of the form .../showthread.php?p=XXXXXX, meaning the link shared will bring you to the post within the context of the thread. Example (link to this post):

    Google+: Allows you to share with your circles. Clicking opens a frame allowing you to add a description and choose which circles.

    Twitter: Opens window allowing you to edit exactly what is posted. Defaults to the relevant link.

    Facebook: If you are signed in to Facebook, one-click is all you need to "like" the link. If not, a window will pop up asking you to sign in. Your like will show up on your wall/timeline as a like, as well as in the newsfeed ticker of your friends, and possibly in their full newsfeed.

    Reddit: Standard reddit submit functionality (I'm not a reddit user, so feel free to message me if it's not working as expected).

    Note: The Share button is deprecated and no longer supported by Facebook, which is why I'm using Like/Recommend instead. More details here:


    Firefox users who previously had the script installed can just install updates in their Add-on manager. Chrome users have to go to the link above and install it, but it can be installed over the old version, no need to uninstall first

    Boardsie Enhancement Suite - a browser extension to make using Boards on desktop a better experience (includes full-width display, keyboard shortcuts, dark mode, and more). Now available through your browser's extension store.



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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,967 ✭✭✭✭28064212

    Script Summary: Display notification count in page/tab title

    Want to easily see whether you have new notifications on Boards? This script adds the count to the start of the page title, and automatically updates it if the count changes, without needing to refresh the page, making it easier to keep an eye on your notifications without having to switch to the Boards tab



    Boardsie Enhancement Suite - a browser extension to make using Boards on desktop a better experience (includes full-width display, keyboard shortcuts, dark mode, and more). Now available through your browser's extension store.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 619 ✭✭✭ Paddy

    28064212 wrote: »
    Script Summary: Display notification count in page/tab title

    Want to easily see whether you have new notifications on Boards? This script adds the count to the start of the page title, and automatically updates it if the count changes, without needing to refresh the page, making it easier to keep an eye on your notifications without having to switch to the Boards tab



    We're totally stealing that ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,967 ✭✭✭✭28064212

    We're totally stealing that ;)
    Go nuts, but DomSubtreeModified is deprecated, and I don't think the replacement has been written yet ;)

    #joysofsinglebrowserdevelopment :p

    Boardsie Enhancement Suite - a browser extension to make using Boards on desktop a better experience (includes full-width display, keyboard shortcuts, dark mode, and more). Now available through your browser's extension store.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 21,263 ✭✭✭✭Eoin

    I've only tested this on Chrome, and very briefly at that.

    It finds posts containing another quoted post and will replace any images that have been quoted with a link to the image. It shouldn't affect smilies. If you're a regular on forums where people tend to quote large images, it might be useful.

    I'm trying to get a configurable max height/width and resize option, but I'm having problems with that so far.

    It's pretty rough, but let me know if it can be cleaned up.
    // ==UserScript==
    // @name  - hide quoted images
    // @description    Change quoted pictures to links. Shouldn't change smilies etc.
    // @version        4.6
    // @include*
    // @include*
    // @include*
    // ==/UserScript==
    var quotes = document.getElementsByClassName("smallfont");
    for(var i = 0; i < quotes.length; i++)
    	if (quotes[i].innerHTML == "Quote:")
    		var quotetable = quotes[i].nextSibling.nextSibling;
    		var imgs = quotetable.getElementsByTagName("img");
    		for (var x = 0; x < imgs.length; x++)
    			if (imgs[x].src.indexOf("vbulletin/images") < 0)
    				var newlink = document.createElement("a");
    				newlink.innerHTML = "quoted image";
    				newlink.href = imgs[x].src; = "_blank";					
    				imgs[x].style.display = "none";						

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,898 ✭✭✭✭Ken.

    Well done and thank you 28064212. Could i be so bold as to start a campaign to get this thread sticky'd at the top of site development.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,609 ✭✭✭ Danny

    Such a campaign wouldn't be met with success I'm afraid, since design changes or feature changes implemented at a later date may render the need for one or all of these scripts obsolete. They're also not officially supported, though we do of course highly appreciate any community based efforts to improve the site :)


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,967 ✭✭✭✭28064212

    ken wrote: »
    Well done and thank you 28064212. Could i be so bold as to start a campaign to get this thread sticky'd at the top of site development.
    Thanks for the support, but yeah, what Danny said. Good bump though! :)
    Such a campaign wouldn't be met with success I'm afraid, since design changes or feature changes implemented at a later date may render the need for one or all of these scripts obsolete. They're also not officially supported, though we do of course highly appreciate any community based efforts to improve the site :)

    Where's my public API!? :P

    Boardsie Enhancement Suite - a browser extension to make using Boards on desktop a better experience (includes full-width display, keyboard shortcuts, dark mode, and more). Now available through your browser's extension store.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,967 ✭✭✭✭28064212

    It's been a while, but new script:
    Script Summary: Open all unread threads on a forum page listing

    Adds a button to the top of a forum listing that allows you to open all unread threads on the page in one click. It opens the threads to the last post unread by you (the equivalent of clicking the "down" arrow to the left of the thread title). It uses the default open option of your browser e.g. in Firefox this is under "Tools => Options => Tabs => Open links that open in a new window in:"

    Note: this can open up 20+ pages at once. Some computers will struggle with this workload, so use with caution.



    Boardsie Enhancement Suite - a browser extension to make using Boards on desktop a better experience (includes full-width display, keyboard shortcuts, dark mode, and more). Now available through your browser's extension store.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,967 ✭✭✭✭28064212

    The Total Ignore script has been updated, it now works with the dark skin too. Thanks to Herrick for the bug report

    Boardsie Enhancement Suite - a browser extension to make using Boards on desktop a better experience (includes full-width display, keyboard shortcuts, dark mode, and more). Now available through your browser's extension store.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,967 ✭✭✭✭28064212

    Script Summary: Use HTML5 embed code instead of Flash

    Don't want or have Flash installed? This script converts the Youtube player used on Boards to HTML5, allowing you to watch Youtube videos without needing flash installed.

    Converts this:

    To this:


    Boardsie Enhancement Suite - a browser extension to make using Boards on desktop a better experience (includes full-width display, keyboard shortcuts, dark mode, and more). Now available through your browser's extension store.



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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,967 ✭✭✭✭28064212

    The Quick Spam Reporting, Open Unread Threads, and Keyboard Shortcuts scripts have all been updated to work on the "Talk to Forums"

    Any bugs, feedback, or suggestions are welcome

    Boardsie Enhancement Suite - a browser extension to make using Boards on desktop a better experience (includes full-width display, keyboard shortcuts, dark mode, and more). Now available through your browser's extension store.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,967 ✭✭✭✭28064212

    The userscripts website that these were hosted on is down, and it doesn't look like it will be coming back up any time soon, so I've moved them all to github: To install them, click on the relevant link below, then "Install" in the notification bar that drops down (you must have Greasemonkey installed on FireFox, or TamperMonkey on Chrome)

    Add Social Media Links
    Admin User Nav
    Advanced In-Thread Searching
    Keyboard Shortcuts
    Notification in Title
    Open Unread Threads
    Quick Spam Reporting
    Reformat Homepage
    Total Ignore
    Youtube Flash to HTML5

    The Keyboard Shortcuts script has received a major upgrade, and you can now do most things on boards without using the mouse. The shortcuts:

    →|Go to next page (on threads or forums)
    ←|Go to previous page (on threads or forums)
    Ctrl + ←|Go to parent forum (from either a thread or a forum)
    Ctrl + Spacebar|Jump to the search box at the top of the page
    a/z|Use to navigate posts in a thread, threads in a forum or on the homepage, or the list of forums on the User Control Panel
    Ctrl + a/z|Jump to the top or bottom of the lists respectively
    Enter|Open the highlighted thread (or forum in the Control Panel)
    Ctrl + Enter|Open the highlighted thread to the first unread post
    Alt + Enter|Open the highlighted thread to the last page
    l|use on the homepage or in forums to toggle the display of the first few lines of the post
    o|Open all unread threads in this forum, or new followed threads in the Control Panel
    r|Post reply to this thread
    q|Quote the highlighted post
    m|(on a thread) Multiquote the highlighted post
    m|(on a forum) Mark this forum read
    t|thank the highlighted post (also, unthanks on Talk To forums only)
    f|follow thread

    As always, any bugs, feedback, or suggestions are welcome (either here or on github)

    Boardsie Enhancement Suite - a browser extension to make using Boards on desktop a better experience (includes full-width display, keyboard shortcuts, dark mode, and more). Now available through your browser's extension store.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,967 ✭✭✭✭28064212

    Oh, and you should probably uninstall any of the older ones before you install from github, otherwise you may run into problems

    Boardsie Enhancement Suite - a browser extension to make using Boards on desktop a better experience (includes full-width display, keyboard shortcuts, dark mode, and more). Now available through your browser's extension store.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,914 ✭✭✭Inviere

    28064212 wrote: »
    Script Summary: Hides ignored users' posts totally, as well as text from posts that quote them (leaves option to display those posts)

    Trolls getting under your skin? Can't resist that "View Post" button? Remove their posts totally from thread views. With this script installed, the "View Post" option on ignored users is gone. The only indication that an ignored user has posted is a skip in post numbers.

    Someone else quoting the ignored user? No problem! The text of their posts is removed, and you can decide whether to display it or not. There's also a "Scorched Earth" option in the script, which will totally remove ignored users' posts and any posts which quote them. Just edit the script and change the SCORCHED_EARTH variable to true.




    Just checking this out now, works wonderfully (I spent a few mins looking for ignored posts to see was it working - until I realised it completely removes them - bliss!)

    However, I'm still seeing users on my ignore list quoted on threads, and seeing that content. I know the scorched earth option is there, but as I understand it, that completely hides the 'quoters' post too? Is there a way to leave these posts that quote ignored users in place, but to instead hide the quoted text which belongs to an ignored user? TLDR - I'm not getting the 'click to show' option. Dark theme, Chrome, Windows 10

    Great work btw :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,967 ✭✭✭✭28064212

    Inviere wrote: »
    Just checking this out now, works wonderfully (I spent a few mins looking for ignored posts to see was it working - until I realised it completely removes them - bliss!)

    However, I'm still seeing users on my ignore list quoted on threads, and seeing that content. I know the scorched earth option is there, but as I understand it, that completely hides the 'quoters' post too? Is there a way to leave these posts that quote ignored users in place, but to instead hide the quoted text which belongs to an ignored user? TLDR - I'm not getting the 'click to show' option. Dark theme, Chrome, Windows 10

    Great work btw :)
    Only getting to look at this now. Should be fixed if you update:

    Boardsie Enhancement Suite - a browser extension to make using Boards on desktop a better experience (includes full-width display, keyboard shortcuts, dark mode, and more). Now available through your browser's extension store.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,914 ✭✭✭Inviere

    28064212 wrote: »

    Will give it a go now, many thanks :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,914 ✭✭✭Inviere

    28064212 wrote: »

    It works! Fantastic, thank you :cool:

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    28064212 wrote: »

    Fantastic stuff, fair play.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,146 ✭✭✭dudeeile

    Getting the following error when trying to install Total Ignore:

    User script download failed

    404 - Not Found at

    Edit: Installed now.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,967 ✭✭✭✭28064212

    dudeeile wrote: »
    Getting the following error when trying to install Total Ignore:

    User script download failed

    404 - Not Found at
    Updated the script, should work now

    Boardsie Enhancement Suite - a browser extension to make using Boards on desktop a better experience (includes full-width display, keyboard shortcuts, dark mode, and more). Now available through your browser's extension store.



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Rich Text Editor. To edit a paragraph's style, hit tab to get to the paragraph menu. From there you will be able to pick one style. Nothing defaults to paragraph. An inline formatting menu will show up when you select text. Hit tab to get into that menu. Some elements, such as rich link embeds, images, loading indicators, and error messages may get inserted into the editor. You may navigate to these using the arrow keys inside of the editor and delete them with the delete or backspace key.
