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Slender November.......

  • 01-11-2011 1:15pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭

    Right, So first day of my November experiment.

    Stats are as follows

    Male 5'9"
    Weight 15 Stone 5 lbs (bit shocked by this!!!!!)
    40" around the belly button
    38" around the waist

    not sure of % body fat, will get it tested during the week and post it up here. Im guessing in the high 20's at least, mostly around the mid riff! :mad:

    Im aiming for a 2000Kcal diet every day. Bread is stricken from the diet. Plan to finish off the current program (Defranco's BLBA) and hit another 2 days of cardio, more than likely a spin class or Kettlebell class of some sort.

    Started off with scrambled eggs and a protein shake for breakfast.

    Will take pre pics later and post them up for a reference point.

    Off to the gym in a few. lets get this started!


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Right so update.

    Workout Tuesday

    1. Chin-ups (total reps) = chin-up max + 60%
    2. Rest-Pause, 3-Second Eccentric Front Lat Pulldowns (Wide, overhand): x1
    3. Standing DB “Modified Arnold Press”: 3x8
    4. Blackburns: 4 Positions, 20 Seconds each x 2 sets
    5. Cable Curls: 3x12

    6. Core Circuit: x 2
    A) V-ups x 20
    B) Hip-ups x 20
    C) Alternating Toe Touch (i.e. Right hand to Left Foot, etc) x 15ea side

    7. Bodyweight Complex: 5x through, rest 60 sec. b/t sets
    A) Mountain Climbers x 30
    B) Push-ups x 20
    C) Groiners x 10
    D) Burpees x 5

    Found the BW complex next to impossible. Probably due to the excesses of the weekend.

    Tuesday Diet:
    1600 Cals ( i tried eating more but couldnt :confused:)
    45 grams fat
    118grams Protein.
    47grams carbs

    Wednesday: back was very sore today so had to stay off the exercise.

    Diet as follows:
    1701 Cals (think im going to have to throw in an extra protein shake every day)
    Fat is a strange one (using my fitness pal to calculate) saying total 156 grms but doesnt give a breakdown (plus I dont know HOW theres 156 grams of fat in the days food!)
    118grams Protein
    187 grams carbs.

    Wednesday wasnt such a good day Diet wise even thought there was a calorie deficit.

    Off to the gym now to get the workout done. Will update later on todays diet/workout.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,877 ✭✭✭Burkatron

    thehamo wrote: »
    Im aiming for a 2000Kcal diet every day. Bread is stricken from the diet. Plan to finish off the current program (Defranco's BLBA) and hit another 2 days of cardio, more than likely a spin class or Kettlebell class of some sort.

    I'm bored (avoiding studying), thats the main reason I'm asking these questions :pac:
    Why 2000 Kcal's? You'll be hitting close to a 1000 calorie deficit if my maths are right? Why not a more manageable 500 calorie defecit?

    Are you saying once you finish you're dropping the weights for cardio?

    Why only bread & not the rest of your traditionall high carb sources?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Burkatron wrote: »
    thehamo wrote: »
    Im aiming for a 2000Kcal diet every day. Bread is stricken from the diet. Plan to finish off the current program (Defranco's BLBA) and hit another 2 days of cardio, more than likely a spin class or Kettlebell class of some sort.

    I'm bored (avoiding studying), thats the main reason I'm asking these questions :pac:
    Why 2000 Kcal's? You'll be hitting close to a 1000 calorie deficit if my maths are right? Why not a more manageable 500 calorie defecit?

    Are you saying once you finish you're dropping the weights for cardio?

    Why only bread & not the rest of your traditionall high carb sources?

    I'm hoping to drop 2lb a week which would work out at about a 7000 cal deficit for a week.

    Not at all dropping weights for cardio. I'm not doing any cardio at all at the moment so I'm planning to add in with my weights regime. I have 4 weeks left on tht program then il start a new one.

    Bread mostly because it's my f'n enemy! It was my major vice and I ate far far far too much of it. I'm also cutting down on all other carbs too not eating half the amount if even than I would have normally :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Thursdays work out

    1. Bench Press: 80kg x 6, 85kg x 4, 95kg x 3/2/1
    2. Alternate DB bench (flat bench): 2x10 ea arm (25kg DB)
    3. Standing Rope “J” Pulldowns: 4x12 43kg
    4. 3-Way “Shoulder Shocker”: 2x10 ea
    5a. Timed DB Shrugs: 2 x 30sec 30kg
    5b. Alt. Hammer Curls: 2x10ea arm 15kg
    6. DB Complex With 17.5 kg DB (front squat, swings, unilateral curl+press, squat jumps): 5 *ascending sets. Rest 60 seconds between sets. *1st set perform 6 reps of each exercise. 2ndset perform 7 reps. 3rd set perform 8 reps. 4th set perform 9 reps. 5th set perform 10 reps.

    Thursday Diet totals

    Calories 1900
    Fat 40 grams
    Carbs 55Grams
    Protein 140 Grams

    Have my body fat analysis in the morning so il post it up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Right so got my body fat measured and im at 24%.

    I also had a biosignature modulation done (anyone ever heard of this) which pinpointed out the reasons why im having trouble dropping the belly weight. Basically, I cant even so much as look at a carbohydrate with out putting on weight!

    il be working with the guy who did it to work out an eating plan for the next couple of weeks to kick start my body and see how it goes from there. To be honest, I thinks its just gonna be a paleo diet for the next while!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 Six Tea Nine Er

    The hamo, if your goal is to loose fat i would stay away from throwing in the protein shake just to add calories, a good alternative would be to cook with a little more extra virgin coconut oil or olive oil or just have a handful of nuts twice a day, its VERY easy to pack in the calories with hardly any nuts :) as for the workouts they sem like a bit too much, i would just stick to the

    ''1. Chin-ups (total reps) = chin-up max + 60%
    2. Rest-Pause, 3-Second Eccentric Front Lat Pulldowns (Wide, overhand): x1
    3. Standing DB “Modified Arnold Press”: 3x8
    4. Blackburns: 4 Positions, 20 Seconds each x 2 sets
    5. Cable Curls: 3x12

    6. Core Circuit: x 2
    A) V-ups x 20
    B) Hip-ups x 20
    C) Alternating Toe Touch (i.e. Right hand to Left Foot, etc) x 15ea side''

    for a workout, any more than that and youll risk burning out ur body and releasing cortisol which will end up storing fat and have you feeling weak.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    I'm actually following a program so the workout changes every time. Would u suggest not throwing in extra cardio so?

  • Registered Users Posts: 163 ✭✭toshy321

    Wel best of luck with the weight loss quick tip that I find helps drink couple litres of water a day hydrates the whole system it really is some stuff, you wont feel as hungry either.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Fridays workout

    1. Squat or Deadlift: 77.5% x 6, 82.5% x 4, 90% x 2 or more
    2. Split Squat Jumps (BW only): 3 x 20sec.
    3a. DB RDL: 3x12
    3b. Plank “shoulder touches”: 3x12 ea shoulder
    4. Single Leg “Speed Skater” Squats: 2x8ea leg
    5. Tabata-style Jump Rope: Jump rope as fast

    Friday Diet Totals

    Cals 2023
    Fat: 74 Grams (a lot of cheese eaten today)
    Carbs: 50 Grams


    Walk into town, around, and home. All in all 2.5 hours walking

    Saturday Diet totals
    Cals: 1900
    Fat: 33 Grams
    Carbs: 88
    Protein 112

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    No work out Sunday. Gym closes at 1 on Sunday so couldnt get up in time.

    Anyways Sunday Diet Totals

    Fat: 74 grams (15 Sat)
    Carbs: 142grams
    Protein 67grams

    Monday Workout

    Chin-ups (total reps) = 6, 4, 3
    2. Drop-Set Front Lat Pulldowns (wide, overhand): 2x8,6,6 (8 reps, drop 20lbs., 6 reps,drop 10lbs., 6 more reps)94Kg, 84kg, 77kg

    3a. Seated DB “Modified Arnold Press”: 3x8 15kg
    3b. Incline DB “cleans”: 3x10 7.5kg
    4. Barbell Curls: 4x8 30kg
    5. Core Circuit w/Med Ball: x2
    A) Spread Eagle Situps x 15
    B) Seated Twists x 20ea side
    C) Toe Touches x 20
    6. Barbell Push-ups, descending sets (“18 down to 1”): Perform 18 barbell push-ups,then 17, then 16, then 15, etc. Rest the least amount of time between sets while still enabling yourself enough recovery time to complete all the reps in each set. (painful!!!)

    Also threw in a set of squats as I want to try focus on them now. Done 70kg x8, 80kg x6, 90kg x5 100kg x 5

    Starterd the new diet (poloquin fat loss) on Monday, so im thinkin cals are a tad irrelivant, il throw them in anyway

    Monday Diet: 1890
    fat:57 grams (12 saturated)
    Carbs: 37 grams
    Protein 117 grams

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Tuesday Diet totals

    Calories 1800
    Fat: 94 Grams (14 Sat)
    Carbs: 54grams
    Protein: 157 grams

    Previous Weight: 15.6 stone.
    Current Weight: 14.12 Stone
    Total Weight loss 8lbs!!

    Good bit of weight loss though doesnt seem to be much off in the way of measurements. I'l keep it going anyway and see what happens.

    Wednesday Workout:

    1. Bench Press: 80% x 5, 85% x 3, 95% x 1 or more
    2. Alternate DB bench (flat bench): 2x12 ea arm
    3. Standing Rope “J” Pulldowns: 4x10
    4. 3-Way “Shoulder Shocker”: 2x10 ea
    5a. Timed DB Shrugs: 3 x 30sec
    5b. Alt. Hammer Curls: 3x8ea arm
    6. “BeZercher” Barbell Complex (Zercher squats, Zercher reverse lunges, curl to press,RDL’s, bent rows): 3 *descending sets. Rest 60 seconds between sets. *1st setperform 10 reps each exercise. 2nd set perform 9 reps. 3rd set perform 8 reps. The knee went at this stage so had to give the last complex a miss.

    Wednesday Diet totals

    Fat: 81 Grams (13 Sats)
    Carbs:42 grams
    Protein: 174.

    Having scrambled egg for breakfast tomorrow. Im so happy I could cry!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Thursday Diet Totals

    Calories 1780
    Fat: 99 grams (26 Sats)
    Carbs:28 Grams
    Protein 144 Grams

    No workout today

    Friday Workout:

    Deadlifts 5x80kg, 5x90kg, 3 x 100kg, 3 x 120kg 2 x120 kg (95% 1RM)
    Split squat jumps 3x30 secs
    PLank shoulder touches 3 x 12 each shoulder
    dips 3x10 with close grip pull ups 3 x max
    Dumbell rdl's 3x12
    Speed skater split squats 2 x 10 each leg
    Jump rope 20 seconds on 10 seconds rest x14

    Friday Diet Totals
    Calories: 1380 (really struggling to pack in the cals on this diet im doing)
    Fat:85 grams(20)
    Carbs: 33g
    Protein: 114g

    Saturday Diet totals
    Fat: 88 grams (26 Sats)
    Carbs: 7 grams
    Protein: 136 grams

    No workout today but was working on my sisters new house. Good 6 hours non stop work lugging crap out to a skip ripping up carpets etc, has to count for something!

    Friday and Saturday were the first two nights I found it really quite difficult with the no eating carbs etc. Sick of eating just meat and veg I need another texture or taste! Everyone was tucking into ham cheese and coleslaw rolls today in my sisters house, I was looking at them mouth watering! Had to go without anything until dinner time.

    ON the upside, measured around the waist today and im down an inch around the belly button. So happy days!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Ok. Update

    Sunday Diet Totals

    Calories: 1895
    Total Fat: 65 grams (17 sats)
    Carbs: 50 grams
    Protein: 178 Grams

    No workout Sunday

    Monday Diet Totals

    Calories :1800
    Total Fat: 42 grams (7 sats)
    Carbs: 36

    Monday Workout

    Chin-ups (total reps) = chin-up max + 70%
    2. Drop-Set Front Lat Pulldowns (wide, overhand): 2x8,6,6 (8 reps, drop 20lbs., 6 reps,drop 10lbs., 6 more reps)
    3a. Seated DB “Modified Arnold Press”: 3x8
    3b. Incline DB “cleans”: 3x10
    4. Barbell Curls: 5x6
    5. Core Circuit w/Med Ball: x2
    A) Spread Eagle Situps x 20
    B) Seated Twists x 20ea side
    C) Toe Touches x 25
    6. Barbell Push-ups, descending sets (“19 down to 1”): Perform 19 barbell push-ups,then 18, then 17, then 16, etc. Rest the least amount of time between sets while stillenabling yourself enough recovery time to complete all the reps in each set.

    Tuesday Diet Totals

    Calories: 1600
    Fat: 59 grams ( 26sats)
    Carbs: 9
    Protein: 167grams

    No workout

    Wednesday Diet totals

    Calories: 1600
    Fat:62 grams (3 sats)
    Carbs: 57
    Protein 200 grams

    Wednesday Workout

    Changed program today on the back of consultation with a trainer. He reccomended I do volume training instead to build more muscle to burn fat quicker instead. So workout was as follows

    Deadlift with trap bar 70% of 1rm 10x10
    Back extensions 10x10 with 5kg weight
    Leg press 70% 10x10
    Workout finsiher 8 x dumbell front squat,db swings, db curl and press and db squat jumps in a row. Done 5 times.

    legs are sore. Must be doing something right.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Thursday Diet totals

    Calories 1800
    Fat:52 grams (14 sats)
    Carbs: 33 grams
    protein 266 grams

    Thursday workout

    Bootcamp 45 minutes. Started a new bootcamp tonight, definietly gonna keep it up. Was tough but I made sure I pushed my self. Think I must have sweat at least a litre of water.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Friday diet totals:

    Calories: 1600
    Fat:55 (6 saturates)
    Protein: 195 grams

    Friday workout: upper body volume training
    Bench: 60kg 8x8
    Lat pull down 70kg 8x8
    Incline dumbbell press 15kg 8x8
    Seated cable rows 77kg 8x8
    Shoulder flys 10kg 8x8

    Dips 3x10
    25kg "21's" using ez curl bar.

    Was meant to hit bootcamp this morning but my body is so stiff and sore I think it would serve me better to give my self a bit of a rest over the weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Saturday Diet totals

    Calories: 1600
    Fat:78 grams (19 sats)
    Carbs: 31
    Protein: 163

    Sunday Diet Totals

    Fat: 83 grams (17 sats)
    Carbs: 25
    Protein: 106

    No workout over the weekend.

    Monday Work out

    Lower body day:

    Deadlifts 75kg 8x8
    Back extensions 8x8 with 5kg plate
    Squats 65 kg 8x8
    Dumbell shoulder press 8x8 with 15 kg dumbells.

  • Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭Satanta

    thehamo wrote: »
    Changed program today on the back of consultation with a trainer. He reccomended I do volume training instead to build more muscle to burn fat quicker instead. So workout was as follows

    Volume training is good.... But does this trainer guy know you are on a very restricted diet? To get the most out of it you would need to be eating more. I'm not sure volume training on a restricted diet is the best idea. You only had 3 weeks of BLABA left to do

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    He's the one who put me on the diet. At the moment my goal is to loose body fat more so that build huge amounts of muscle. That can come later. I would hope that the large amounts of protein and supplementation on the diet would counteract the calorie deficit

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Tuesday Diet totals

    Today was a cheat meal day so I had a bowl of porridge loaded with berries and a tea spoon of honey, full fat milk. I was in heaven, missed it so much!

    Calories 1700
    Fat: 84 Grams (16 sats)
    Carbs: 189
    Protein 100 grams

    Tuesday Workout
    Bootcamp 45 minutes HIIT work. HORRIBLE session tonight, but good at the same time:D

    Wednesday Diet totals

    Calories: 1600
    Fat: 62 grams (Saturated 23)
    Protein: 229 grams

    Went for a workout on Wednesday but the gym had a power cut so couldnt do anything. So I got lazy and went home and sat on the couch all day.

    Thursday Diet Totals

    Calories: 1600
    Fat: 74 grams (19 sats)
    Carbs: 33
    Protein: 221 grams

    Thursday Workout

    Bootcamp 45 minutes.

    Not sure of my results to be honest. Im yet to get my bodyfat measured from the last time so il still have to see the outcome, but to be honest, not sure if im seeing anything. Weight has stayed the same, and dont think Ive lost anything else around the waist. Ive been very strict with diet and exercise so I dont know where im going wrong. :confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Friday Diet Totals

    Woke up late thismorning so couldnt make my much looked forward to beef burger and brocolli (puke) so had to have a protein shake instead.

    Calories 1755
    Fat: 72 grams (18 sats)
    Carbs: 32
    Protein 180 grams

    Friday Workout
    Upper Body volume training

    bench 60kg 8 x 10
    Bent over barbell Rows 40kg 8 x 10
    inverted dumbell press 17.5 kg 8x8
    kneeling lat pull down 77kg 8 x 8
    shoulder front and lateral raises (alternating) 6 sets of 8 & 8
    Tricep dips 3x10
    21's using easy curl bar

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Right Havent updated in a few days so here goes

    Saturday Diet totals:

    Calories: 1743
    Fat: 115 (29 Saturates)
    Carbs: 42
    Protein: 150

    No workout Saturday

    Sunday Diet Totals

    had a very disrupted day today out and about etc etc. Cant remember what I had on the day, but I ate well and main meal was a cajun chicken fillet with raw brocoli salad. No workout either

    Monday Diet Totals: (cheat day)

    Calories: 1618
    Fat: 48 (14 Saturates)
    Carbs: 102
    Protein: 207

    Monday Workout

    Deadlifts 85kg 10x8
    Back extensions 10x8 with 10kg plate
    Squats 70 kg 10x8
    MilitaryBarbell press 25kg 8x8

    Tuesday Diet Totals:

    Calories: 1300
    Fat: 61 (10 Saturates)
    Carbs: 38
    Protein: 129

    Tuesday Workout:
    Bootcamp 50 mins HIIT

    Have a meeting with the trainer on Friday to get body fat measured so heres hoping something went right over the 4 1/2 weeks!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    ok so , heres a before and after pic.

    Not sure if I can notice much of a difference, still want to get rid of the love handles!

    First pic is before, (034.jpg)

    Next pic is after (002.jpg)

    Excuse the first pic, was after a heavy session in the gym:o

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Just back from the gym and follow up assessment. Down 12.5 lbs and 3% body fat! Would have liked more of a body fat reduction but I suppose it ain't bad for a start!
