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Strange sensations and visions

  • 16-09-2011 2:22am
    Registered Users Posts: 1,115 ✭✭✭

    So I've just started looking at lucid dreaming and tried to enter such a state a few times now. The last 2 times the following happened:

    1. Lying on my back and total paralysis, a terrible pain in my abdomen, below my ribcage on the left side, that seemed to be pulsing through my whole body. I didnt have any vivid visions persay, just the blackness as you would with your eyes closed but a terrible Witch like face forming in the darkness. Akin to a wraiths queen from stargate Atlantis I guess - .
    The mouth would be exactly like that.

    I calmed down after about 15 seconds and realised what was happening. I tried to smile and the vision of the witches mouth smiled too, making me think it was me controlling it. I then regained the feeling in my limbs but j was still paralysed for about 10 seconds before i started to relax. At which point I woke up with mild pins and needles everywhere.

    The other time I was having a seemingly normal dream, but when I realised it was a dream I got the same type of pain in my waist on the right side before I woke up.

    Both occasions were in under 15 minutes of me trying to go to sleep.

    Are the pains common in this too or is it just me? I know that visions and paralysis are common enough and I've had them both before along with the eerie, terrified feelings, but only started with the pains in the last 2 episodes.

    #1 was tonight and #2 was last night.
