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Really really sad in dreams, but not when Im awake?

  • 29-08-2011 10:31pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 284 ✭✭

    For any dream buffs out there, any advice or insight would be great.

    I have dreams a lot and in my dreams I am devastatingly upset.
    I am in complete heartbreak, either saying to people that I feel so so sad,
    or bawling crying, the way that only happens when you are truly broken.
    It feels so real, like its coming from inside the very core of me,
    but when Im awake Im never that upset.
    I wake up and Im not crying in my sleep, and the feeling of sadness fades.

    Does anyone have any idea why Im getting these deep sad feelings in my dreams. Sometimes its not even the content of my dreams that makes me sad in the dream, sometimes its a normal dream and im saying to people in my dream, "Im so sad, I feel so upset"...

    Also, its never one particular thing im sad about in the dream, it could be a number of things that in real life im not consciously upset about.

    Grateful for any input.
