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Sever anxiety at night/scared of the dark

  • 23-08-2011 12:10am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 205 ✭✭

    ...........well this is embarrassing!!

    For the past 3 months I can't go asleep in the dark, I need to have the landing light on and the door open and/or music on. In those 3 months I was fine if there was someone in the room with me, but just last night I actually just couldn't sleep even though I could feel the other person right beside me.I get overwhelmed in the dark, it feels so claustrophobic. I then freak myself out my imagining horrible things(monsters,murders,deaths,aliens even!) and get paranoid about every 'house' noise.
    A lot of the time, just as i drift off I jolt awake with what I can only describe as the 'spinnys' leaves my heart racing and in cold sweats.
    I also get extreme anxiety, my thoughts just run away thinking about everything and anything, work,family,friends, what I'm gonna have for dinner, is the cooker off etc.

    I'd say I'm lucky to get 4 hours a night. I just can't sleep. I went to the doc about 6 weeks ago (when this had been going on for 6 weeks) and was told it would probably settle down in a few weeks (how long is a few weeks?)

    Life has been a bit stressful lately(long term relationship breakdown,ex moving to NZ,giving up my house, pets, starting a new job) but I am used to a hectic lifestyle anyways and have never had a problem sleeping before ever.

    Any advice to have a better night, or to advise me what a doctor might suggest (or even how to get him to take me seriously?) would be great..... thanks

    ps: i don't have morbid thoughts/fear of anything during the day. can watch/listen to/do whatever during the day without any anxiety. i'm not depressed or anything and am usually in great form


  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭borabora

    Maybe try some mindfulness meditation to calm yourself right down before you try to sleep? Fretting about it is only going to make it far worse but it's so hard not to when you're getting starved of precious precious sleep! Just try to meditate and relax your mind, let your imagination run away with itself with good thoughts and hopefully you'll be able to lull yourself to a restful sleep...good luck!

  • Registered Users Posts: 175 ✭✭achmairt

    Don't drink tea or coffee after 8pm.
    Play your favourite song in your mind while you wait for sleep to come. It helps to clear all the thoughts from coming through. It sounds like you're stressed even though you don't think it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,116 ✭✭✭starviewadams

    I have a hard time sleeping and my doc wont give me sleeping pills because they're addictive,so he prescribed me a thing called phenergan instead,it's basically a strong anti-histamine (allergy) tablet but it also acts as a mild sedative,I take 40mg before I go to bed and am asleep within 20 minutes.

    Not sure if you want to go down the prescription route but it's another option to think about anyways.

    Best of luck!
