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Take down all NDP signs

  • 29-06-2011 10:37am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 724 ✭✭✭

    It's time to get rid of the massively oversized NDP signs around the country. these were pointless and distracting for cars and in many cases they were aging very badly. They look like the election signs you'd see in some tinpot country.



    As they were really just ads for Fianna Fáil, let's remove this visual pollution.

    What do you think?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,563 ✭✭✭leeroybrown

    Might it not be best to leave them rot for another few years and spend the money that removal across the whole country would cost on other more vital road maintenance and safety work?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 80 ✭✭daveboy01

    Maybe while they're at it they could remove the remaining "Host Town" signs for the Special Olympics in 2003 :eek:
    I don't have any pics but I've been through quite a few towns that still have these signs up 8 years later e.g. Manorhamilton Co. Leitrim still has a sign up proclaiming it to be host town to The Gambia:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,905 ✭✭✭Aard

    Yes, take them down. Take down other cluttering signage too, especially in urban areas. Just do a huge spring clean all at once.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 7,102 ✭✭✭Stinicker

    A suggestion: If these things were to be removed it would mean a report would have to be done, a minimum of ten FF cronies would be hired by the local council and other costs incurred. Why not just declare open season on certain signs and a few lads in hiace vans will render their services free and remove them for scrap, even making a profit on it. If the state gets involved it will cost money and line the pockets of kronies.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 71,578 ✭✭✭✭L1011

    Stinicker wrote: »
    A suggestion: If these things were to be removed it would mean a report would have to be done, a minimum of ten FF cronies would be hired by the local council and other costs incurred. Why not just declare open season on certain signs and a few lads in hiace vans will render their services free and remove them for scrap, even making a profit on it. If the state gets involved it will cost money and line the pockets of kronies.

    What FF councils are there left to employ FF cronies? Think they control two...

    FF are a spent force, and their cronies are all in NAMA.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,272 ✭✭✭Pete_Cavan

    Looking through the tender documents for a project the company I work for are tendering for atm and saw a drawing for one of these NRP signs - rather than taking them down, they are still planning on putting more up. I thought of this thread and had a good laugh to myself.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,733 ✭✭✭✭corktina

    Take down all NDP signs
    yep and next time dont waste a small fortune putting up such signs, if ever there is anuther time when we have any money
