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Car brakes not working

  • 25-04-2011 5:29am
    Registered Users Posts: 587 ✭✭✭

    I never thought much about until just now, it came into my head and i relised I've been having a lot of these dreams lately.
    In my dream I'm driving and when i press the brakes they're spongey and its like i keep pushing but they never go in far enough.. and I slow down but I'm never able to stop. It isn't the same dream that I'm having over and over, this just happens in random dreams.
    When it happens in the dream I have like a deja-vu moment and before it's time to stop I think sh*t I'm not gonna be able to stop, it's happening again. Usually when i need to stop it's in a normal situation but I end up having to dodge cars and go through lights and stuff like that. I never crash though!
    Anyone know what these sort of dreams are meant to mean?
