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Scratching/Tickling Arm In Sleep

  • 27-03-2011 9:30pm
    Posts: 0

    Hi all,

    I'm a pretty active sleeper. I grind my teeth a lot, talk, laugh, cry, jump about. You name it, I do it! However I've started a new thing. A couple of months ago my bf pointed out to me that I've started putting my arm straight up in the air and scratching it with my other hand. I've begun to wake up for a few seconds while I do this, and have noticed I get a real comfort feeling from doing this. It's like it makes me feel safe or something. It's a hard feeling to explain but I get anxious if I stop the scratching, as if I won't feel comfortable if I'm not scratching my arm. It's not hard scratching, more like a tickle, and it seems to happen at the same time as me grinding.

    Does anyone else do this? I've been grinding and talking in my sleep for as long as I can remember but this scratching is new and wondering what it's all about?


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,991 ✭✭✭metamorphosis

    I do this too

    I'd be interested in hearing any theories. It gives me that happy feeling so thinking it may be a comfort thing.
