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Girl in love with best friend but so scared!

  • 18-02-2011 1:59am
    Registered Users Posts: 10

    Hi Girls!!

    Already posted this in the gentlemen's club but i definitely wanted the girls side too so here i am! ( I did just copy and paste- apologies but it's too long a thread as it is!)

    This is my first post so be kind, i'm a big fan of boards and the banter that comes with advice that in my case is badly needed.

    I'm a female, 28 with enough common sense to know better but it seems i've fallen in love with my best friend. He's the closest person to me although I have hard time explaining that to him due to my stubbornness with letting people know i need them. He's the best man i've ever met, always known this but in the last year my feelings for him have gone out of control despite me fighting them. I don't want to fancy him so much because if i lost him i'd be devastated. He means the world to me.

    Anyways, we're friends for eight years, BUT i went out with a mutual friend of ours for 6 months bout 7 years ago and then got back with him bout four years ago for a summer fling. It sounds shallow but that's why i can admit it on an internet forum- I didn't think much of myself and it just happened even though it really wasn't what i wanted just all i thought i deserved. My Ex wasn't very nice- not mean or anything just made me feel used and cheap i guess.

    The ex, to me isn't the point- i know i didn't have feelings for him and the fact that i knew i'd never fall in love with him was part of the draw- i didn't want the commitment issues. To be honest i never think of him even though it was he who ended it (a day before i was going to...grr) but i think my friend thinks it was more than it was- he's a romantic!

    What i want to know is whether any of you have ever woken up one day and realised that you really care about a friend who you've been close to for ages and whether the fact that you'd gone out with a friend of his years ago would matter? This also applies if a fella interested in you had gone out with a friend of yours years ago- would that be an immediate no?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,485 ✭✭✭✭Ickle Magoo

    Hi there!

    I appreciate you want advice but the advice forums are in the Personal Issues forum. Please don't post the same post in multiple threads/forums - it's known as spamming and it gets a dim reception.

    You might find it handy to read the rules stickied on the front page of each forum to find out what the deal is within each forum...and for a general posting guide, I'd recommend reading FAQ's.

    All the best :cool:

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