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Books/Audio/Courses for women on Men & Dating???

  • 15-02-2011 11:59pm
    Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭

    I have a friend who seems to be horribly unlucky in love. She has not had a boyfriend in 5 years - never likes the guys who like her and always falls for the guys with no interest in a relationship etc. She's a really cool girl, loads of fun, popular, very pretty, great figure, all the normal things are right, she's definitely a little cooky - but in a nice & fun way - but things just do not work out for her.

    After going on this long she's starting to get quite down about it and I'm seeing her attitude get quite negative towards men, couples, love, marriage etc etc - I try to talk her around but its not getting anywhere really. Now the story goes that I (a man) used to have a very similar problem, I was hopeless with girls for most of my life, but eventually set myself a task to turn it around. I read the books and listened to the tapes on how to be more of the guy that girls like - how they like to be treated etc - and in a fairly short space of time I totally turned myself around, started dating lots of girls and eventually found my perfect one.

    I'd like her to do the same, but I have no idea what the girl equivelent is. Can anyone recommend any good books, audio tapes etc etc that would give a girl a kick of confidence into getting out there, getting over her insecurtities and reseverations, and get back on the scene? Personally I did a lot of Internet Dating which really helped my confidence but she is 100% against it. I tried a million times to change her mind but to no avail. What other things can she do to get out there and take control of her life, take responsibility and go out there and get what she wants instead of sitting and waiting for it to land on her lap???

    Thanks for your advice.
