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Cerazette - coming off it.

  • 06-02-2011 12:38pm
    Registered Users Posts: 48

    Hi Ladies,

    I have been on Cerazette for the past three years. During that time I have only had two light spotting periods. I used to really suffer horrendous periods before I went on this pill (was on the combined pill for a decade and still had horrible periods). When I started taking Cerazette I was delighted not to get those monthly tortures.

    However, recently I have been feeling like I need to take a break for a few months so I decided to come off Cerazette a month ago. I did not get a withdrawl bleed and have had NOTHING since. I was doing a bit on reading on UK womens forums (as Cerazette has been available a lot longer on the English market compared to here) and the general consensus is that it is a terrible pill and that some women didn't have a period for up to a year after coming off it.

    Has anyone any experience of this? I will do my nut and be broke from preg tests if I don't get a period for ages.
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