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Story Archive: Choose Your Own Adventure - Zombie-style

  • 31-01-2011 3:28pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,394 ✭✭✭


    Let’s face it - you got good ‘n pissed up last night and barely managed a couple hours of sleep. The drive into work was a blur as you were on autopilot from your house to the office. Once there you shambled through the your fellow zombies at the coffee machine to extract some caffeinated wakefulness...

    You sat down, returned a few emails and then proceeded to space out for an hour or so making it look like you were busy. Your head continues to pound as you surmise the aspirin you took aren’t helping. Further down your body your stomach rolls as you dump in more black coffee. It’s obvious your guts are not real pleased with your performance last night, but a trip to the vending machine to fetch some little chocolate donuts might be just the thing you need to get you feeling better.

    Then - you heard a scream. Probably not the first one as your natural defenses most likely kicked in to keep the high pitched noise from exploding in your brain. And maybe not even the second one. But maybe the third, or was it the fourth or the fifth?, you heard for sure - followed by a crash at the main office door as the hinges buckled slightly. You stood up and looked out the window and down to the streets from the 4th floor. People were everywhere trying to get somewhere - gridlock at 10am?? Odd but not unheard of... You step out of your cubicle to get a better look at the office door when you hear more screams followed by a torrent of red liquid sprayed across the window of the office door. What do you do hot shot? What... do.... you... DO?

    A. Head out the main office door.
    B. Head to the back stair case.
    C. Stay where you are.



  • Registered Users Posts: 44,080 ✭✭✭✭Micky Dolenz

    Well, that's the best cure for a hangover. Once I see the blood my head kicks into action. I make my way to the vending machine and put my CPU through it, quickly filling lap top bags with any food and drink I can get.

    Then I choose option B

    Back stairs, heading up. Cading the stairs behind me as I go :D. My work mates will be ok. :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,737 ✭✭✭✭degrassinoel

    Option B

    cautiously back away palming the wall with one hand and holding back the vomit with the other..

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    Option B, but Downstairs towards the Canteen, Hold up for a bit and improvise some Weapons.

    As for the Rest of the Staff

    well they're a shower of Cnuts anyway:D:D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,411 ✭✭✭SUNGOD

    option B
    and as mickey said grab some supplies water etc on the way
    and if im lucky my prick supervisor will pass me in the hall so i can give him a good kick up the arse before i leave

  • Registered Users Posts: 495 ✭✭ChaseThisLight

    I say Option B, as's the only one that allows you to get away and have time to think, and as stated previously, try to gather supplies.

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    You are now AWAKE

    another streak of blood splashes against the Oak and doubleglazed door of your office, ****, thats Jen from accounts, they just Killed her, OH F*CK OH F*CK OH F*CK, this cant be happening, but IT IS

    You look around your office, you are alone, the sickly feeling in your stomach has just been replaced by something a lot worse, they are beating at the door, Cracks begin to appear in the outer sheet of Glass, you have Seconds, what do you do.

    You run back to your desk, you grab your bag, you do a quick visual inventory

    1 bottle Water 1.5L
    1 Packet Cigarettes (17 left)
    1 Zippo Lighter
    1 can Lighter fluid
    1 Roll toilet paper
    1 first aid kit ( basic)
    2 A4 Notepads
    1 box pencils
    1 spare shirt
    1 vicegrip
    1 Swiss army Knife
    1 Calculator
    3 pairs Socks
    2 Packets Condoms
    1 Beanie Hat

    You look back at the door, the glass is holding for now, then you See Jen, you begin to feel relief, "I must be really badly hungover, Jen seems alright"
    then you take a closer look at Jen, She's very pale, almost blue, and there dosent seem to be any method to her actions, you are Scared.

    You look around, theres only one way out, and thats the back stairs, you begin to move in that direction.

    you pass the vending machines,
    you pause
    you look at your laptop
    you are about to smash the glass when you decide that the Lappy might just be handy later

    You Grab a chair and systematically smash the machines
    you grab
    7 Cans of Fanta
    12 Cadburys dairymilk
    5 Packets tayto
    15 Star bars
    8 Snickers
    3 bottles water (500ML)
    4 Cans of Lilt

    You hear the first sheet of glass break, you look around, there are dozens of them and he seem fixated on entering your office

    you proceed to the back door.

    You pass the coatrack and decide to grab a Long Black woolen trenchcoat and a Wide Brimmed hat

    you exit the office and lock the door behind you

    you are now in the stairwell,

    You can hear other people, they must be in a room on this floor

    A) To proceed upstairs to the roof turn to page 198
    B) To find the group on you floor turn to page 36
    c) To proceed downstairs to the Canteen turn to page 327

  • Registered Users Posts: 44,080 ✭✭✭✭Micky Dolenz

    Good Story :D

    Page 198 for me all day long. The higher I go the safer I feel for now and I have chocolate, w00t :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 495 ✭✭ChaseThisLight

    I'd be tempted to find others, to get their input on what's happening...but in this situation safety in numbers might not apply - look what just happened to Jenn. And, if it's a large group, your supplies wouldn't last long - and who knows how long you have to ration them out? So, A. Head upstairs to the roof, further away from the chaos, from people.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,394 ✭✭✭DakotaYoda

    Sorry. Thought I replied this morning but I see I must not have. I had something witty typed up but I don't recall what it was.

    After I put on my beanie hat I head for the roof.

    I thumb to page 198 - if it's as bad as I think it is at least I can jump if things get too bad. :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,379 ✭✭✭Sticky_Fingers

    Page 327 for me, down to the canteen I go.
    Since it is still the morning (around 10-11am) it should be empty. Going up to the roof is IMO suicide since your office is on the 4th floor and attempting to jump from the roof (higher up) will only leave you dead or worst with 2 broken legs. It is a temporary refuge at best since the Z's already have access to the building and once up there you are trapped.

    Going to meet up with the trapped group is also a bad idea since if you can hear them so can the undead and all their hollering and carry on is going to bring a horde down upon your head. Best thing to do is leave them to their fate and hope that all the commotion they are making attracts any Z's away from your escape route.

    Down to the canteen, look for useful supplies and exit through the canteens backdoor (hopefully into a relatively quiet alley)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,411 ✭✭✭SUNGOD

    i vote for canteen

    i would avoid a loud group of people as the noise would attract Z's

    and not too sure about heading for roof as it only gives you one option and thats to lock door behind you and wait till the intial phase of chaos is over and hopefully the undead will leave the building so you can escape.
    problem is they might not leave
    they might sense you on the roof and gather at the door

    so its canteen for me picking up the biggest meat cleaver or knive i can find and possibly a hand held fire extinguisher as i exit through the kitchens back door into the staff carpark

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,411 ✭✭✭SUNGOD


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,411 ✭✭✭SUNGOD

    I rush up the back stairs and burst through the roof door slamming it behind me, I press my back against the door and slump to the floor . im breathing hard and have trouble getting oxygen into my lungs my hands are shaking and my mouth is dry as a bone

    I can hear my heart beating in my ears as the adrenalin rips through my body.
    “Steady” I say to myself and I try to calm myself and think straight but its no use all I can see is jen and that crazed dead look in her eyes.
    I can hear screams in the distance and sounds like cars crashing and glass breaking and its at this point I realise I cant lock the roof door.
    f*ck! f*ck! f*ck! I say and press my ear to the door to see if anyone is coming up the stairs after me.

    Nothing , not a sound then I hear screams and banging and its getting closer.
    I dump the contents of my bag on the ground and fish out the vice grip
    I open the door and break off the inside handle using the vice grip, I slam the door shut and jam the vice grip between the floor and door to act as a wedge. At least now it cant be opened from the inside I hope.

    Once more I slump to the floor with my back to the roof door, I open one of the bottles of water and drink it in one go, I reach across and open another bottle. the adrenalin rush coupled with my hangover has made me very dehydrated.
    I greedily drink half this bottle and immediately regret it , my stomach cramps and it takes all my will just to keep it down. After a few minutes my nausea passes , my brain is on overdrive , what’s happening? Is it a terrorist attack? Or a chemical spill making people insane or a deadly virus turning anyone who becomes infected into rage filled murdering cannibals.

    I’ve seen enough zombie films to know what’s going on but the rational side of my brain refuses to accept that its finally happened.
    That life as we know it is over and everyone is now fighting for their lives.
    I crawl on my belly the ten feet to the edge of the building and peer over, I cant believe my eyes.
    Its carnage down there people chasing people, cars crashing , some on fire, people screaming.
    I spend the next 7 hours transfixed as I watch all manner of horror unfold before my very eyes.
    When I finally snap out of it its starting to get dark and im cold hungry and very tired.
    I stand up and stretch feeling the blood rush back into my limbs.
    I open a can of lilt and a snickers bar and realise I haven’t eaten since yesterday.
    Two snickers a star bar and 2 packets of tayto washed down by a second can of lilt later and I start to feel normal for the first time since this hell started.
    The tiredness hits me like a ton of bricks and I put on the trench coat and hat and try to sleep with my back against the roof door.

    Im out in a matter of minutes, I come too just as the sun is starting to come up and im amazed at the silence especially compared to yesterday chaos and cacophony of screams cries and horror.
    I don’t move, I just sit there and listen to silence.
    Its then I realise I have not given a single thought to anyone only myself since this started.
    Guilt and shame grip me, my parents died some years ago but I have one brother ,john.
    Fortunately for him he moved to the country almost two years ago to escape the rat race and live a more rural life. God I wish I was with him now and not on this roof and I wish even more to have one of his hunting rifles draped across my knee but john and his guns are almost fifty miles away to the west.
    My thoughts then turn to the most important person in my girlfriend Sarah.
    But at least she’s safe as she flew out yesterday morning to visit her parents in Scotland.

    Wait !what time did this outbreak happen and where did it start oh **** maybe she didn’t get out where is she now?.
    Just As my mind goes crazy I hear it, very soft at first but I can definitely hear it.
    A soft but definite scratching coming from inside the building just behind the roof door.
    I jump up, something is trying to get on to the roof
    Is it a survivor looking for safety and trying not the make any noise?
    Or one of the infected but judging by what I saw yesterday the don’t do subtlety and would just try break the door down.
    I whisper “ hello” and the scratching stops then starts again but this time its harder, louder
    I feel like im going crazy
    I look through my possessions to see if I have anything I can use as a weapon .
    I pick up the Swiss army knife and open it up on its biggest blade, its not great but it will have to do.
    Before I lose my nerve I kick the vice grip out from under the door and open the door screaming and lunging forward ready to stab any infected f*cker straight through the eye.
    As I lunge forward a cat, a f*cking cat runs between my legs and across the roof.
    Jesus Christ what am I doing if it was a survivor I would now have them skewered on this knife.

    I breath deep and try gain control, I listen intently. Not a sound ,nothing.
    Quickly I decide I have to leave now when I can.
    I gather up what I think is essential and put it back in my bag.
    This leaves me with
    1 bottle Water 1.5L
    1 Packet Cigarettes (17 left)
    1 Zippo Lighter
    1 can Lighter fluid
    1 first aid kit ( basic)
    1 spare shirt
    1 vice grip
    1 Swiss army Knife
    3 pairs Socks
    2 Packets Condoms
    1 Beanie Hat
    As well as some dairy milk bars and cans of fanta I reckon food such as this wont be hard to come by and I need to travel as light as possible..
    I make my way down the stair well with the knife in one hand and vice grip in the other.
    I move very slowly listening to any sound of life .
    I eventually get to the hall outside my office , the walls are streaked with blood and the glass is smashed.

    I walk directly across the hall to the canteen/kitchen I open its metal doors and see its empty I look down to see the key is in the back of door so it can be locked.
    I step back out into the hall and peer down the final flight of steps past reception out into the street.
    in the distance I can see a couple crouching down behind a car.
    They look normal, are they hiding or trying to get into the car? I reckon I could get to them within 3 minutes if I ran through reception.
    I step towards my office and look in , it’s a massive room with 20 workstations in it, mine is the second in about 7 feet from the door .
    I scan my desk and see my car keys and phone sitting there, my heart jumps.
    I begin to open the door then I freeze, at the back of the room I can see Jen and another infected person fighting over a severed arm.

    The second infected is male and he wins this fight , he pushes Jen and start to gnaw at the arm jen jumps at him and they fight again.
    I think to myself “ this is my chance” I can sneak in get my keys and phone and be gone before they notice I was there.
    I open the door and step inside
    As soon as I do my phone starts ringing , its 7 am and its my wake up alarm .
    I look across the room and jen and her friend are staring at me.
    Its 6 feet to my desk and the infected are 30 feet away
    What will I do?
    (1) keep going ,get your phone and keys and head for canteen praying im faster then them
    (2)leave the phone and keys and head straight for canteen
    (3)f*ck phone and canteen and head out through reception to couple by car and hopefully a lift to safety

    and remember indecision can be fatal

  • Registered Users Posts: 44,080 ✭✭✭✭Micky Dolenz

    (1) keep going ,get your phone and keys and head for canteen praying im faster then them
    (2)leave the phone and keys and head straight for canteen
    (3)f*ck phone and canteen and head out through reception to couple by car and hopefully a lift to safety

    Have to say, no way would I go for a useless phone and keys. these things don't carry much weight in the new world.

    Going on to the street would be jumping out of the frying pan into the fire in my opinion.

    By the process of elimination I would go to the canteen, try and pick up a decent weapon and see what food/drink is knocking about.

    So option 2 for me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 495 ✭✭ChaseThisLight

    Option 2. You definitely need to find a better weapon than a Swiss army knife before heading outside, where you'll be exposed not just to infected people, but the possibility that the couple you saw out the window won't be friendly.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    Conflicted a bit on that one, Yeah Goin to the Canteen seems like an Idea but if your Car Keys are that close then it makes sense, depends on what sort of car you have, but if it was mine it would be useful, its a Landcruiser Wagon, thats the sort of thing riskin a sprint from Jen, anyway Jen was always a bit too big a Fan of the Cream Buns:D:D:D I should have no problem outrunning her;)

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    DUDE:eek: You threw away the BogRoll :eek:

    OK I can see why you might chuck one of the A4 pad and the calculator ( but its only Tiny)
    Pencils == Dry Tinder
    so does the paper;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,558 ✭✭✭SmileyPaul

    hey peeps sorry bout the long absence, college and what not :P

    I'm going with B. they've seen you so you're gettin a chase anyway, better having a 30 foot start to find a weapon in the canteen than a 10 foot one with your keys :P

    I'd find a weapon in the canteen then do what I can before goin for the keys and lastly the phone

  • Registered Users Posts: 849 ✭✭✭adser53

    Option 2 for me too. Leggit to the canteen to get a better weapon. I'd assume its unsafe outside and I'd hope to scrounge some car keys later

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,394 ✭✭✭DakotaYoda

    Canteen here I come.... I sure hope the crazy ex-military cook left that works there didn't just wear cammo for fun. I hope he left some useful tools around! :D

    Actually - he's the kind of guy I'd want to be around right now. I'm sure he's locked and loaded. Now that I think about it he doesn't live too far from here...

    Vote for #2.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,558 ✭✭✭SmileyPaul

    Thanking some kind of higher being you realise that Jen and the other nasty don't have a direct path to you through the office tables, but they're fast.
    you turn a full 180 without a second thought and sprint in the direction of the canteen "there's gotta be something to defend myself with in there" you think to yourself as the adrenaline begins coarsing through your veins, as you reach door of the canteen the door of your office smashes through. your pursuers are closing, glancing back you see Jen has the lead with the older and much larger man lumbering behind.

    Running into the canteen you find a chair and have just enough time to put the leg through the double doors securing it close. you waited, gasping heavily. something, which you realise is Jen, hits the canteen door, luckily the chair will hold. for now. looking around you see the corpse of a person lying on the ground with its' skull completely bashed though. realising that could be you in a few moments you turn and sprint to the kitchen to begin rummaging for any kind of weapon. There is blood everywhere. and signs that a struggle happened here. A stick of camo cream is being held tightly by a severed hand which must have belonged to the cook "ha, I knew it." you think to yourself. The banging noise coming from the doors becomes louder, more forceful, the larger man has arrived. The chair wont hold for much longer.
    scanning the area quickly you see a number of pots,
    frying pans,
    a choice of knives,
    and a set of steel dustbins.
    you take a dustbin lid for defence and a meat cleaver.

    looking for a way of escape you realise the windows are still to far above ground to jump, you are trapped.
    the banging grows louder and a moan is heard causing you to almost whimper.
    with one final bash the chair leg buckles and the doors swing open.

    the two stand there. gazing at you with dark dead eyes. you prepare yourlsef for you're first battle as they begin lurching towards you.

    will you?
    A: run straight in and attack the 2 head on

    B: wait for the faster of the two to reach you and try to take her out before the larger one becomes a problem

    C: Attempt to escape without Confrontation

    1 bottle Water 1.5L
    dairy milk bars and cans of fanta

    1 Meat cleaver
    1 Swiss army knife

    1 Dustbin lid

    Medicine and selfwelfare:
    1 first aid kit ( basic)
    3 pairs Socks
    2 Packets Condoms
    1 Beanie Hat
    1 spare shirt

    1 Packet Cigarettes (17 left)
    1 Zippo Lighter
    1 can Lighter fluid
    1 vice grip

    *note:all items may be improvised into any category if necessary

    Sorry if that was an epic fail :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,394 ✭✭✭DakotaYoda

    Seeing as there is no obvious way out of here it's time to stand and fight. I think I'll stand a better chance if I can take them on 1 at a time so I will opt for Choice B.

    Perhaps after taking out the faster Jen you can get by the big guy and make a run for it.

    If nothing else ya still have the lighter fluid - but what's the only thing worse than a Zombie? A ZOMBIE ON FIRE! Use the butcher knife and lid for defense and step to it...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,674 ✭✭✭DirtyBollox

    is it possible to mix the options? if so i'd go for b then c.

    if you cant then i'd go for b and see what happens. she might be fast but you have the cleaver to take her legs out and then her head (if your faster that is) and then brace yourself for the other guy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,411 ✭✭✭SUNGOD

    good stuff smileypaul
    i think confrontation is envevitable and i would rather try take them out one at a time so its option B for me

  • Registered Users Posts: 44,080 ✭✭✭✭Micky Dolenz

    First things first, Is Jen hot? :P

    Only messing.

    One female zed and a large male. I think it's time to stand and fit. I would be happy with my shield and weapon, a sword would be cool but a cleaver will do too, up close and personal.

    I'd chop and move, I don't need to kill them just yet, just incapacitate them. A quick few blows to the knees as I use my shield to protect myself, brings them down. Crawlers are easy, Beheading time.

    Opt B

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,379 ✭✭✭Sticky_Fingers

    I vote B
    Take out or incapacitate Jen first before handling the big guy. You have to do this quickly though because more might be on the way. Meat cleaver to the legs of both of them and then finish them off with a smack to the head.

  • Registered Users Posts: 495 ✭✭ChaseThisLight

    Def B. Let them come to you; it gives you a more solid chance to fight them on your terms, whereas rushing them could cause you to overlook something and mess up. Oh, and Micky, I always knew you had a thing for the undead. :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 6 SteJForum

    B. Lets **** these Zombies up!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    Option A

    No Waiting no hessitatin

    Get er Done

    My fear would be that there may be other Z's in the area still, whats to say that while you are waitin for one of te 2 you see there isnt a crawler poised to bite yer ankles.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 355 ✭✭wavehopper1

    option C for me.

    Haven't had eneough time to observe the zombies and how they fight, so run now and fight later. E.g. do they work together, do they get distracted and fight each other, do obstacles slow them down (upending chairs/tables into their way etc).

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