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arthroscopic knee surgery



  • Registered Users Posts: 82 ✭✭sls

    received phone call from my own doctor the other night. he recieved letter stating that i have been removed from waiting list in waterford due to a request from myself. he obviously rang e to confirm this of which i had no news or idea what was going on he will contact them and insist to put me back on waiting list. he said they were probably reviewing and simply making cuts as they wanted. !! what can i say not surprised really but where does this leave me lord only knows im going to call down to waterford and try to see what is going on as i think a phone call wont get me far.

  • Registered Users Posts: 82 ✭✭sls

    ok yesterday i booked an appointment privately paying from my own pocket to see specialist in kilkenny appointment nest thursday. tried ringing waterford to see what the story was elaine ronan in the referrals office is closed from 3rd to 10th og this month she had told me to ring back in sept 2013 for possible earliest appointment. but i feel i have no other choice now than to go private. im waiting long enough.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭skaface

    Hi, sorry to hear about your misfortune
    My son ruptured his cruciate in sept. 2010, playing football with the school. I brought him to WRH, they took an x ray , told him to rest for 6 to 7 weeks and he,d be fine - they never diagnosed it!! He went back playing and one night at training, his knee went again.. brought him to the Whitfield for an MRI scan and we were told the news. They advised that he wait 2 years until he was 16 to have the op . We went for a second oppinion, brought him to the Santry sports clinic to Ray Moran.. he was operated on at the end of December and was back playing in July 2011, i couldn,t speak highly enough of Ray Moran and his staff, thank god we had VHI. As for WRH...less said the better... hope you get sorted soon

  • Registered Users Posts: 82 ✭✭sls

    ok ive been to see doctor im going for surgery this friday two operations both arthroscopic surgery and also having bursa in front of knee cap removed im told to them lay up for 8 weeks after this but at least ill be back better waterford hospital and public waiting

  • Registered Users Posts: 82 ✭✭sls

    on the road to recovery had arthoscopy of the right knee
    was given print out of all details
    surgery details
    extensive grade 3 articular cartilage degeneration of the patella was treated with the electrosurgery ablator.a pre patellar bursa was removed arthoscopically with the shaver and the ablator.

    knee is well swollen and will be for 6 to 8 weeks plus ive physio excersises to do along with using ice on it but everything went well and ill be back like new after christmas.

    good site to see picture of patella and pre patellar bursa

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  • Registered Users Posts: 82 ✭✭sls


  • Registered Users Posts: 378 ✭✭cade

    I think I may have to line myself up for someting like this in the future. I'd say for the last six years I haven't been able to sit in a cinema for the duration of the film without hobbling out at the end. I can't sit for long periods of time with my knee bent, I can feel the pain building under my kneecap.

    Nothing had really progressed on that until last Monday when I kneeled down for a moment and when I went to stand up my knee clicked rather paifully and I found myself collapsing to the ground. Since then it's been a recurring pain while sitting at my work desk. I did however notice that eventually when it reaches a point my ankle hurts too and it feels like my toes start to curl up and spasm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 132 ✭✭pedro7

    Hi Mate,

    Good luck with your op.

    I am 25 now. Had it done when I was 18. I had 2 tears in the meniscus. the one at the front of the knee cant remember what it was called. I had my operation done semi private in Cappagh Hospital near Finglas. I think the surgeons name was Dr Mulhall? He was excellent.

    Before the op I was extremely active in sport, hurling and football mainly. One day I jumped for a high ball and when I landed my knee was locked in the bent position and was very painful to unbend. I went to numerous doctors who pawed it off as growing pains and such. But I went to a good physio who knew exactly what it was.

    I then had an MRI which confirmed the tears. Then was scheduled for the arthroscope. I was knocked out for the op. I was in and out of hospital in 15hrs. Staff in Cappagh were very nice to me. I was quite scared having never been in hospital before this. I woke up still feeling really euphoric from the pain killers and the anesthetics. It was brill! But about an hour or so after I felt nauseous and sore. I was very nauseous on the car journey home. But then straight to bed and slept for nearly 20hrs. When I woke up I was fine. My knee was quite swollen for 10 days after and mildly painful if I attempted to move it at all. I couldn't really move it much for about 3 weeks after the op.

    My meniscus was not removed during the repair. It had some blood flow so was repaired some how. I was told to stay off the leg for 6 to 8 weeks. So I was on crutches for that time. Then I started a lot of physiotherapy. Once a week for the first month off the crutches then once a fortnight for the following 2 months and then once a month for the remainder of the year after that.

    Because I was on crutches so long I had a lot of muscle to regain so I was in the gym lifting weights and doing strengthening exercise at least 3 days a week.

    A year later I was back running and playing hurling within 18 months of the surgery. I haven't had any problems with it since. Touchwood. On very cold mornings it can be a little sore intil I warm up. But other than that its 100% again.

    I hope that helps somewhat. If I can be of any more help let me know.
