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Tutorial: Changing NAT from Strict/Moderate to Open.

  • 11-09-2010 4:43pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭

    Changing their NAT settings from Strict/Moderate to Open.

    What you need:
    2.Pen and paper
    3.Your router model

    You will know you have either strict or moderate settings when you see the image below after running Xbox LIVE connection test:


    Hope this tutorial will help change this so you get the most out of your connection on Xbox LIVE and the ability to join your friends in session! (Windows guide and one xbox only, may also apply to Playstation Network)
    Note:There are many routers out there and some options may not be available to everyone. Consult your routers manual/guide if having difficulty later on

    Always try have your connection wired instead of wireless-it will be alot faster and reliable.

    Open the cmd prompt. Select the Start button from the windows menu and search "cmd".Select the first option. A black box will appear. Type "ipconfig/all" without the quotes. A list of information will appear. Note the number for "default gateway". It should be in the form 192.168.x.xx. This is known as an I.P address. Note also "subnet mask"( nearly always

    Step 2:
    Open an internet browser( Google chrome/Firefox/ Internet explorer) and type this number into the url bar to bring up your routers configuration page. If prompted for a password it is usually Username: admin/administrator Password: password. If these do not work check the guide/manual that came with the router.

    Step 3:
    On your routers configuration page find DHCP server ( usually in the configuration settings of the advance tab-can take a while to find but have a good search around). It will have a start I.P address and an End I.P address. Note these two addresses.

    Step 4:
    For this step, go on to your xbox. While on "My xbox" blade navigate over to the system settings tab. Select by pressing A button and move down to "Network settings". Select "Configure Network" and press A. There should be two options-Automatic and Manual. Select Manual. Press A to edit your settings.
    For I.P address, enter an address within your DHCP server range found within step 3- It should be something like 192.168.x.yy and note the address you have entered for later on(Very Important).
    For subnet mask, enter the address found in step1, usually
    For default, gateway enter the address that you typed into your browser and found in step1 and exit out.
    There will also be the option to edit your DNS settings on the same tab. Select manual and enter the the default gateway address you found as your primary DNS server. Enter as secondary address-This is Googles DNS server ( Not as important as primary however) and your done on the xbox for the moment.

    Step 5:
    Log onto you routers configuration page again
    Enable UPnP.(May involve a bit of searching within the configuration page).

    Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is a set of networking protocols promulgated by the UPnP Forum. The goals of UPnP are to allow devices to connect seamlessly and to simplify the implementation of networks in the home (data sharing, communications, and entertainment) and in corporate environments for simplified installation of computer components.

    Try to enable UPnp. It will help your connection alot for gaming/streaming etc

    Step 6:
    There are 2 options in this step to get your NAT to open(Don't use both):
    1.Using DMZ (may not be available on some routers and may be risky(read below))
    2.Port Forwarding(Safer but more time consuming and trickier)

    1. A Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) is a zone (IP address) that is external to the Firewall. In layman's terms it exposes one computer or console to the internet with no protection. This isn't recommended for computers, but for a games console it is perfect(In my opinion)!

    2.The vast majority of home networks have a Firewall unless disabled. Computers and Games consoles are protected from malicious content on the internet by the Firewall. The Firewall can also stop information that needs to be sent and received. In this scenario, the information that the Xbox trying to send or receive is being limited. If the specific ports are opened, then the Xbox can send and receive all the information that it needs to.

    For 1., Find your DMZ option and enter the I.P address that you entered for your xbox( also known as DMZ Host) in part 4 and your done! All ports will be opened and NAT will be set to open( at own risk)

    For 2.,There is a great site that will help you forward your ports for xbox live for all sorts of routers: find you router and default guide for the router and follow the steps to open the following ports.

    Ports needed open for Xbox Live are:

    TCP 80
    UDP 88
    TCP 88
    UDP 3074
    TCP 3074
    UDP 53
    TCP 53

    Name it Xbox Live and put the ports in seperately. For example;
    Service Name : Xbox Live 1
    Service Type: TCP
    Starting Port: 80
    Ending Port: 80
    Server IP Address : YOUR XBOX'S IP that you gave it earlier.
    save settings, reboot if needed and exit out

    Step 7:
    Test xbox live connection.You should get this

    Hope this works for all! Spent a lot of time creating this and making it as simple as I could so please acknowledge. Any questions feel free to ask!!



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,374 ✭✭✭dunworth1

    great job this should be stuck to help people.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,162 ✭✭✭TheMooseInNam

    Yeah, nicely done. Been meaning to post a thread like this for ages.

    I think MS should have it more obvious what your NAT settings are, like in MW2 (about the only thing I really liked in that game :D), perhaps have it pop up when you sign in instead of having to go manually test the connection.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭.E_C_K_S.

    dunworth1 wrote: »
    great job this should be stuck to help people.

    Well alot of people are noticing this with their xbox connection but have liitle idea to fix it so I hope it is.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭.E_C_K_S.

    Yeah, nicely done. Been meaning to post a thread like this for ages.

    I think MS should have it more obvious what your NAT settings are, like in MW2 (about the only thing I really liked in that game :D), perhaps have it pop up when you sign in instead of having to go manually test the connection.

    MS support is very poor for this matter( Believe me I know) I had to piece this together from every angle. Ya I noticed it strict in MW2 and changed it to open making it a lot less frustrating!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 603 ✭✭✭metalgear2k2

    I have the Zyxel P-660 - HW- v3 and have done the port forwarding bit and changed the firewall to low but it still wont work, have tested it with the firewall off and then it works perfect, any ideas as what I'm doing wrong?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,162 ✭✭✭TheMooseInNam

    I have the Zyxel P-660 - HW- v3 and have done the port forwarding bit and changed the firewall to low but it still wont work, have tested it with the firewall off and then it works perfect, any ideas as what I'm doing wrong?

    Delete the port forwarding settings (after making sure they are correct) and put the console in the DMZ instead of forwarding the ports. Honestly, I reckon you've made a mistake somewhere along the line, double check you've made your console use a static IP address and that it matches up with the one you entered for the port forwarding settings.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 603 ✭✭✭metalgear2k2

    how do you put it in DMZ?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,162 ✭✭✭TheMooseInNam

    how do you put it in DMZ?

    Not sure if your router has one but if it does, look at the first post again... step 6, option 2

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,291 ✭✭✭-=al=-

    each router is different but you should just be able to add the xbox's ip to the list

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 603 ✭✭✭metalgear2k2

    Is the DNS the same as the IP address? I dont think it is, would this be right?

    First DNS:

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,162 ✭✭✭TheMooseInNam

    Is the DNS the same as the IP address? I dont think it is, would this be right?

    First DNS:

    Ok, the simplest way for you to know your settings, is as follows. Go to network settings on your xbox, set it up for automatic connection, take note of all the settings, then manually enter the exact same settings so that they will never change in the future. Then use that IP address to open up the correct ports in your router.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 603 ✭✭✭metalgear2k2

    I seem to have got the port forwarding to work anyway, I got the last pic in the OP! Sweet, thanks guys! I think this should be stickied.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭.E_C_K_S.

    Thanks for answering some of the questions for others TheMooseInNam.Helps alot!
    Is the DNS the same as the IP address? I dont think it is, would this be right?

    First DNS:

    Your first DNS entry should be your default gateway address found in step 1 using the cmd prompt. Your secondary address can be just googles address.

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 15,249 Mod ✭✭✭✭FutureGuy

    Thanks for taking time to create a very well written guide for the community. I feel that this is going to be an excellent resource for people.

    If you do not mind, I'd like to modify your original post to include all Q and As from this thread as people post their questions.


  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 15,249 Mod ✭✭✭✭FutureGuy

    Here's a question for all you tech braniacs :D

    For some reason, my NAT keeps changing to closed after opening it. It will stay open for a few days, and then will revert back to being closed. Halo Reach has a great network connection screen which shows various connection statuses. I have a Belkin wireless router. The Xbox is wired while the laptop and PS3 are wireless.

    Anyone having similar problems?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭.E_C_K_S.

    FutureGuy wrote: »
    Here's a question for all you tech braniacs :D

    For some reason, my NAT keeps changing to closed after opening it. It will stay open for a few days, and then will revert back to being closed. Halo Reach has a great network connection screen which shows various connection statuses. I have a Belkin wireless router. The Xbox is wired while the laptop and PS3 are wireless.

    Anyone having similar problems?
    I believe certain ISP's have a timeout feature on their routers where the connection is refreshed back to normal settings every day or in your case every couple of days.

    Try extending your time for when the router refreshes maybe is the only thing I can think of. It does not happen to me for some reason! Otherwise you will just have to keep entering the I.P of your xbox into the DMZ every couple of days to change it back to open!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,162 ✭✭✭TheMooseInNam

    FutureGuy wrote: »
    Here's a question for all you tech braniacs :D

    For some reason, my NAT keeps changing to closed after opening it. It will stay open for a few days, and then will revert back to being closed. Halo Reach has a great network connection screen which shows various connection statuses. I have a Belkin wireless router. The Xbox is wired while the laptop and PS3 are wireless.

    Anyone having similar problems?

    It's not unusual. Routers often tend to get bricked after a certain amount of info goes through them or their setting might go a little weird. You may notice little messages on your pc, like your router is IP flooded and such, depending on your OS.

    My advice is very simple to everyone I discuss this with. Once you've opened the correct ports in the router, then always power cycle your router regularly. In order words, pull out the power cord for at least 10-20 seconds, this will discipate all residual energy and when plugged back in, your router will reboot with all the correct settings.

    I do this, now out of habit, every time I turn on my xbox, so I always know I have an OPEN NAT.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,885 ✭✭✭Optimalprimerib

    if you use the dmz setting with the specific address for the x box will your pc be still protected

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭.E_C_K_S.

    if you use the dmz setting with the specific address for the x box will your pc be still protected

    Yes, your PC has a different I.P to that of the xbox. The xbox will be unprotected in DMZ but your PC will be fine provided you have some sort of anti-virus and firewall installed. I would not recommend putting a PC in DMZ

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,958 ✭✭✭Mr. Rager

    Ok this is an absolutue disgrace. I have typed in every piece of information here (i think), i dont know what im doing wrong, if anything. I typed in Xbox Live Games in the NAT box and put in the ip i got and i still failed the connection test :(

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭.E_C_K_S.

    fjsanchez wrote: »
    Ok this is an absolutue disgrace. I have typed in every piece of information here (i think), i dont know what im doing wrong, if anything. I typed in Xbox Live Games in the NAT box and put in the ip i got and i still failed the connection test :(

    Calm need patience with this sort of thing!
    Little unsure what option you are using? Is it DMZ or port forwarding?
    Router model?
    What is your general setup like i.e how many other computers xbox's do you have?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,958 ✭✭✭Mr. Rager

    Sorry, its just ive broken a lot of android phones/ others in the last one, dont want to mess this up :D
    oh and i somehow managed to fix it after a lot of fiddling around so everythings cool :cool: thanks again

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 645 ✭✭✭dagdha

    Hey guys,
    I was wondering if any of ye guys can help me out. I have'nt tried the above steps yet as I'm not too sure if it applies to my situation.

    I have been playing on Xbox live for about two years now and I have'nt really had a problem. The only problem I have is with Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, I can play online with this game but the majority of the time I do go to play it I could be sitting in a lobby for at least 5 mins trying to find a game and some nights I could be sitting there for up tp half an hour trying to get into a game. I never had this problem with modern warfare 1 and I would usually get into a game straight away. Another problem I have is when I actually do get into a game I could be playing for up to an hour and then all of a sudden I would be disconnected from Xbox Live or it would come up on the screen somethng about 50ms ping and the screen would freeze annd I would have to log out of Xbox live and log back in which then could take another 5-8 mins to get into a game.

    Would the above steps help me? I would appreciate any help or do alot of people have this problem and is it something I have to live with, I can still play the game but its extremely annoying.

    I'm with eircom using a netopia router and my firewall is set to low on the router homepage.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,162 ✭✭✭TheMooseInNam

    dagdha wrote: »
    Hey guys,
    I was wondering if any of ye guys can help me out. I have'nt tried the above steps yet as I'm not too sure if it applies to my situation.

    I have been playing on Xbox live for about two years now and I have'nt really had a problem. The only problem I have is with Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, I can play online with this game but the majority of the time I do go to play it I could be sitting in a lobby for at least 5 mins trying to find a game and some nights I could be sitting there for up tp half an hour trying to get into a game. I never had this problem with modern warfare 1 and I would usually get into a game straight away. Another problem I have is when I actually do get into a game I could be playing for up to an hour and then all of a sudden I would be disconnected from Xbox Live or it would come up on the screen somethng about 50ms ping and the screen would freeze annd I would have to log out of Xbox live and log back in which then could take another 5-8 mins to get into a game.

    Would the above steps help me? I would appreciate any help or do alot of people have this problem and is it something I have to live with, I can still play the game but its extremely annoying.

    I'm with eircom using a netopia router and my firewall is set to low on the router homepage.

    Thanks in advance.

    First of all, are you sure it's a NAT issue? Does it say you're NAT is STRICT. MODERATE or OPEN on CoD's multiplayer screen with the classes on it?

    I have a suspicion that it could be that you don't have any of the map packs and therefore the system is finding it difficult to match you up with other players.

    If it is a NAT issue, you'll need to provide us with more info.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 645 ✭✭✭dagdha

    Hi, Thanks for the reply.
    It says on the cod multiplayer screen that my nat type is open. I have'nt got any of the map packs but I have had this issue before any of the additional map packs came out.

    One or two of my friends seem to get into a game straight away on eircom and they only live a mile or two away from me so the signal should be the same for myself and my friends although they play on the Playstation network and not Xbox live.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,776 ✭✭✭✭siblers

    What game type you playing? Try Free For All and see how you get on, I've been playin that a fair bit in the last week and it always connects within a minute or so, if you are able to connect to Free For All straight away then it's just a game type problem. I don't have any maps either.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,162 ✭✭✭TheMooseInNam

    dagdha wrote: »
    Hi, Thanks for the reply.
    It says on the cod multiplayer screen that my nat type is open. I have'nt got any of the map packs but I have had this issue before any of the additional map packs came out.

    One or two of my friends seem to get into a game straight away on eircom and they only live a mile or two away from me so the signal should be the same for myself and my friends although they play on the Playstation network and not Xbox live.

    It's not a NAT issue then, it's a game issue. Most probably related to the map packs and matchmaking. Try posting in the CoD threads, someone might know specifics.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,162 ✭✭✭TheMooseInNam

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 645 ✭✭✭dagdha

    Thanks for the info. Getting into games the last few days does'nt seem to take too long for some reason. I'm kind of putting it down to my broadband connection being poor for a while but it seems to have got a bit better the last couple of days so hopefully the signal stays good and this problem does'nt happen again.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,653 ✭✭✭Ghandee


    Just after findin this thread, just after I came on the net as my xbox wont work due to the rrod the fluting barrister! :mad:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭.E_C_K_S.

    As I said over in the other thread, get it repaired! It will be 100% fixed and tested. They are usually very speedy. Thanks

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 507 ✭✭✭cycocycle

    Don,t know if this is related but here goes. Got myself a new belkin router to upgrade my wireless range. I tried last night to play BFBC2 online. It would let me play for a few minutes and then it would lag like crazy. Same story with CoD4. This morning tried it again but I switched it off and plugged it out. It allowed me to play CoD for a good while no proplem. Flushed with success I made an attempt at BF again. Same story. Connection lost with EA servers. When I plug back in my netgear its all systems go.
    When I run the connection test on the Xbox its saying its fine so other than the issues with connection there are no indications of any problems. The uPnP is enabled.
    Any ideas?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,162 ✭✭✭TheMooseInNam

    cycocycle wrote: »
    Don,t know if this is related but here goes. Got myself a new belkin router to upgrade my wireless range. I tried last night to play BFBC2 online. It would let me play for a few minutes and then it would lag like crazy. Same story with CoD4. This morning tried it again but I switched it off and plugged it out. It allowed me to play CoD for a good while no proplem. Flushed with success I made an attempt at BF again. Same story. Connection lost with EA servers. When I plug back in my netgear its all systems go.
    When I run the connection test on the Xbox its saying its fine so other than the issues with connection there are no indications of any problems. The uPnP is enabled.
    Any ideas?

    can you post the model no. of the Belkin router? Chances are it's got to do with the firewall or quality of service settings within the router. Try lowering the routers firewall and see if that makes a difference first. Also, open all the correct ports regardless of what the network test came back as or alternatively, just place the static IP address of the xbox into the router's DMZ if it has one. My guess it's the firewall though.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 507 ✭✭✭cycocycle

    can you post the model no. of the Belkin router? Chances are it's got to do with the firewall or quality of service settings within the router. Try lowering the routers firewall and see if that makes a difference first. Also, open all the correct ports regardless of what the network test came back as or alternatively, just place the static IP address of the xbox into the router's DMZ if it has one. My guess it's the firewall though.

    Opened the ports etc as per the original post. Got the yellow warning triangle where there was none before! I then disabled the routers firewall. Finally I entered the Ip add into the DMZ.
    Connection test on the xbox came back OK but the issues with the ea servers on BFBC2 remain. It is now allowing me to join games but the connection seems to be hit and miss. After about 30 seconds it will lag like crazy and kick me from the match!
    Its a Belkin F5D8236-4 v2 (01). If I plug in the netgear router its fine.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,162 ✭✭✭TheMooseInNam

    cycocycle wrote: »
    Opened the ports etc as per the original post. Got the yellow warning triangle where there was none before! I then disabled the routers firewall. Finally I entered the Ip add into the DMZ.
    Connection test on the xbox came back OK but the issues with the ea servers on BFBC2 remain. It is now allowing me to join games but the connection seems to be hit and miss. After about 30 seconds it will lag like crazy and kick me from the match!
    Its a Belkin F5D8236-4 v2 (01). If I plug in the netgear router its fine.

    Interesting.... I'll have a think about it tonight and let you know what I come up. Have a few ideas but need to do a little research first.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,374 ✭✭✭dunworth1

    that is very strange.
    is that the only problem with the router is everything else working.
    it sounds straight off like a firewall issue
    but if you put the xbox in dmz
    it should work did you make sure that the xbox has a static ip.
    did you try factory resetting the router.

    Edit: you might get a better/quicker response in the net and comms forum

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭.E_C_K_S.

    Hi there,
    Strange alright.I would only choose one of the options-the DMZ one. Make sure you have set up a staic I.P for the xbox as Dunworth has said(or else your router will assign a new i.p different to that which is entered into the DMZ box) Using the DMZ should take care of any issues since it bypasses any firewalls present.
    Thanks for giving us the model number...I will have a look at it later and see if any other simliar issues have happened

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,162 ✭✭✭TheMooseInNam

    Hi there,
    Strange alright.I would only choose one of the options-the DMZ one. Make sure you have set up a staic I.P for the xbox as Dunworth has said(or else your router will assign a new i.p different to that which is entered into the DMZ box) Using the DMZ should take care of any issues since it bypasses any firewalls present.
    Thanks for giving us the model number...I will have a look at it later and see if any other simliar issues have happened

    Walshy, do you think it could have something to do with the lease time of the router or something similar. If it's initially ok and then gets worse, I have a feeling it could be a setting like that. Just haven't had a chance to research it more today. Any ideas?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭.E_C_K_S.

    Walshy, do you think it could have something to do with the lease time of the router or something similar. If it's initially ok and then gets worse, I have a feeling it could be a setting like that. Just haven't had a chance to research it more today. Any ideas?

    I'm unsure if it is a lease time issue to be honest but I found this:

    "The Client Lease Time is the amount of time a network user will be allowed connection to the Router with their current dynamic IP address. Enter the amount of time, in minutes, that the user will be "leased" this dynamic IP address."

    We assign static I.P's so I don't think this would effect it but maybe he could increase the time anyways and see if it has any effect.

    Is it just me or am I the only one struggling to realise how he is connecting?

    How do you connect to xbox live? Wired or wireless?
    Can you give us a layout of your setup please? Thanks

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,162 ✭✭✭TheMooseInNam

    I'm unsure if it is a lease time issue to be honest but I found this:

    "The Client Lease Time is the amount of time a network user will be allowed connection to the Router with their current dynamic IP address. Enter the amount of time, in minutes, that the user will be "leased" this dynamic IP address."

    We assign static I.P's so I don't think this would effect it but maybe he could increase the time anyways and see if it has any effect.

    Is it just me or am I the only one struggling to realise how he is connecting?

    How do you connect to xbox live? Wired or wireless?
    Can you give us a layout of your setup please? Thanks

    Yeah, that detail would help a lot.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,374 ✭✭✭dunworth1

    Walshy, do you think it could have something to do with the lease time of the router or something similar. If it's initially ok and then gets worse, I have a feeling it could be a setting like that. Just haven't had a chance to research it more today. Any ideas?

    i would doubt that its the lease time since its only happening with the one game

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 507 ✭✭✭cycocycle

    dunworth1 wrote: »
    i would doubt that its the lease time since its only happening with the one game
    It was happening with CoD 4 as well. Also it was randomly signing me out of xbox live. Im sure everyone in my friends list was getting sick of the notifications when I signed back in!
    I will be trying it again in a while and I'll get back then.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,162 ✭✭✭TheMooseInNam

    cycocycle wrote: »
    It was happening with CoD 4 as well. Also it was randomly signing me out of xbox live. Im sure everyone in my friends list was getting sick of the notifications when I signed back in!
    I will be trying it again in a while and I'll get back then.

    If you want, you could use your older router as your main hub and have your xbox connected directly into it and have your wireless switched off. Then use your new router as a wireless access point by plugging that into your older router. Thereby availing of both the superior xbox compatibility of the older router and also the wider range of the newer router. Just an idea.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 507 ✭✭✭cycocycle

    This is not making sense at all. When I logged in last night the connection kept dropping on me. Went back and assigned an IP address and put it in the DMZ. It again stated that my NAT was moderate. Re ran the connection test and I got an error message stating my MTU was incorrect.(whatever that is). After several attempts without changing any settings I never got this message again.Restored router defaults and restored the console to automatic. No problems with connection test but connection to xbox live was unstable. I,m getting the feeling that it may be the type of broadband I have. I,ll try and get in touch with the provider to see if he has any ideas. Thanks for all the suggestions.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,505 ✭✭✭nevaeh-2die-4


    where is the DMZ option on the standard eircom netopia router?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,162 ✭✭✭TheMooseInNam


    where is the DMZ option on the standard eircom netopia router?


    Don't know specifically where it is or whether it has one for definite. If it has one, it'll be an option around the PORT FORWARDING section. If it doesn't have a DMZ, just open the relevant ports will do the same thing. Either way, you'll still need to assign it a static IP address.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,374 ✭✭✭dunworth1

    ok guys maybe ye can help me out with a problem i have been having.

    i noticed the other day that my nat was moderate so i put my xbox into dmz
    turn on xbox all worked fine then from the second time i turned on my xbox i have problems

    it dosent auto login to live and if i try to login from the dashboard it will fail and ask me to test connection now this is the weird thing if i test the connection its fine and then it will let me login into live.

    this only happens when i have the xbox in dmz if i take it out of dmz it logs in straight away

    any ideas

    connected wireless to a d-link dir-615 with DD-wrt running on it

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 149 ✭✭jetpack101

    I found the best solution was to get just a Standard modem from your internet provider and setup your own router.

    I had the same problem with NAT on 3 XBox's. A little digging on the net and I was told that any router that had Windows Vista or Windows 7 compatible sticker on it would give me open NAT on all 3 Xbox.

    I got a NetGear Router (can't remember the model) plugged it in and had open NAT on all 3 xbox without changing any settings.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,162 ✭✭✭TheMooseInNam

    dunworth1 wrote: »
    ok guys maybe ye can help me out with a problem i have been having.

    i noticed the other day that my nat was moderate so i put my xbox into dmz
    turn on xbox all worked fine then from the second time i turned on my xbox i have problems

    it dosent auto login to live and if i try to login from the dashboard it will fail and ask me to test connection now this is the weird thing if i test the connection its fine and then it will let me login into live.

    this only happens when i have the xbox in dmz if i take it out of dmz it logs in straight away

    any ideas

    connected wireless to a d-link dir-615 with DD-wrt running on it

    take it out of the DMZ and open up the correct ports instead. It might be conflicting.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭.E_C_K_S.

    dunworth1 wrote: »
    ok guys maybe ye can help me out with a problem i have been having.

    i noticed the other day that my nat was moderate so i put my xbox into dmz
    turn on xbox all worked fine then from the second time i turned on my xbox i have problems

    it dosent auto login to live and if i try to login from the dashboard it will fail and ask me to test connection now this is the weird thing if i test the connection its fine and then it will let me login into live.

    this only happens when i have the xbox in dmz if i take it out of dmz it logs in straight away

    any ideas

    connected wireless to a d-link dir-615 with DD-wrt running on it
    Hi dunworth,
    I don't login automatically on the xbox and I use the DMZ option.
    When the dashboard comes up then I go to my profile and login.
    Sometimes it will fail and make me test the connection but only after I have changed any settings on the configuration page.

    I believe it just takes a bit of time for the connection to realise what is happening and to test that the connection is working fully. When you try login automatically as soon as you turn on the xbox, you are giving it no time to establish the connection and this is why it fails. Then when you exit and go to test, it has enough time and shows that there is no problem then.
    Its a bit strange since you would think it would work straight but in fact it may not. I wouldn't get too worried about it, once you have NAT of open its happy days just give it a few secs:D

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