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20 Carrolls a day, 39 yrs - Day 10 or 5!!



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,673 ✭✭✭Miss Fluff

    Oh NavanEPS, welcome to my world! There have been loads of threads regarding smoking dreams. I actually had one last night funnily enough. It's horrific because you wake up disappointed momentarily in the morning thinking that you have succumbed. You will get more of them. They won't happen that often but the dreams can happen for years after so don't worry too much about that.

    I must have a look for it as I have definitely read it somewhere but it is common enough when you have quit an addictive substance for your mind to play tricks on you and convince yourself that it wasn't that bad to start with you. Like you say, just read again to reinforce why you are doing this, this article is particularly useful

    You are nearly two weeks off them now, think of all you have achieved:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 765 ✭✭✭yungwan

    Well done Navan, you have done so well.

    Funnilyenough I do have them dreams too!

    Had one last night too! Theyre so weird - they usually involve me taking a few drags of a fag and feeling terrible about it and people asking me " have you not given up cigs"!? and me saying oh yea i just smoke sometimes. And feeling **** that I have broken.

    6 months in and I still feel this way...

    But yes the cravings DO get fewer and further between.

    I can honestly say that only 5.5 months in I can go weeks at a time witout thinking about them! Its like I never smoked sometimes. Now I do still get cravings like eg when i pass someone outside smoking sometimes it smells great but i think straight away "thank god I ament a slave to going out in the rain and cold anymore". And yesterday I felt cravings at work but i got over it again in 5 mins.

    So it wont go away forever BUT dealing with it gets SO much easier. I know the feeling of the "doubt" but thats the nictotine trying to get in again, like it is for any addict eg HEROINE, you body is fooling ur mind into thinking "I need this!. But you dont! Your body only needs food, water, and oxegen to survive. NOT nicotene!! lol

    Keep it up non smoker!! x

  • Registered Users Posts: 295 ✭✭judas1369

    Just in case you are looking for more online resources, this is a very good site with lots of excellent content. Well worth your while checking it out-

    I know, I know information overload! its excellent though and isn't as "preachy" as the why quit site, so see what you think.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 104 ✭✭NavanEPS

    Thanks Judas1369 - that site is quite good - will continue to read through it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 104 ✭✭NavanEPS

    Day 15 but really tough today for some reason -I can't concentrate for more than 5 minutes. Suppose it doesn't help I am going on holidays for a few days tomorrow but......

    I will be away til next week, but I will check in when I get back
    Keep it up everyone!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 765 ✭✭✭yungwan

    NavanEPS wrote: »
    Day 15 but really tough today for some reason -I can't concentrate for more than 5 minutes.

    Days like that will come and go. They spring for no reason but they get further apart in time.

    Enjoy your holiday.

    Good luck :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 104 ✭✭NavanEPS

    Day 22 - thanks to everyone's support I am still smober

    Holiday time was a bit difficult especially with a glass of wine or two but.... clenched my teeth..... and got through it.

    So to the update. Still getting cravings, but now they are earlier in the day and do last only 10 to 15 minutes and I can deal with that. Only getting them 1-3 times aswell so great!

    Will talk later when more time

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,673 ✭✭✭Miss Fluff

    You'll soon be a month off them. You must have a great sense of achievement. Well done! :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 104 ✭✭NavanEPS

    Thanks Miss Fluff - I really do have a sense of achievement as it is one of the most difficult things I have done so far in my ever lengthening life!

    I wish these cravings will stop soon as my mind begins to play tricks on me:o
    But 99.99% of the time I feel GREAT and no urge to smoke or think about them, which is fantastic. It seems much more than 3 weeks and a day - I suppose all the talk, support, obsessing etc. drags it out.
    I really am getting self righteous about it all though - telling people about how bad it is, and the proof is the addiction of trying to get off them physically. Not just "all in the mind" as you hear non/never-smokers say.

    I would like to congratulate anyone who has made the decision to stop. Keep going with it because "your worth it!"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 104 ✭✭NavanEPS

    Well well well! I am delighted with myself and amazed that a body can recover from smoking 20 a day for 25 years so quickly.

    I have just come back from a 14km bike ride in Cavan (those pesky drumlins) which is quite tough, and I feel just great. No pins and needles in my lips, so wheezy chest, no MAD beetroot face and no jelly legs. I can't actually believe the difference. Before I stopped smoking I
    1. couldn't have completed that in one go
    2. not without the above symptoms
    3. wouldnt have been ars*d doing it in the first place - "sure have a fag instead"

    I don't have ANY of the symptoms, yes I was out of breath and I feel tired from having done some physical exercise (I am 40 this year!) but I feel good and certainly that I have achieved something.

    That last couple of days haven't been easy to be honest, lots of cravings but today was easy peasy and then to come home and go out and achieve this it just topped the day off.
    Come on guys try this exercise craic! we really can recover so quickly. This is from one who admittedly never had a weight problem but does hate "have to" exercise and really never did any. Just smoked fags.... But the feeling of well being is amazing.

    Cheers everyone - and to anyone who had a crap day there is always tomorrow so keep at it one day at a time and never take another puff.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 765 ✭✭✭yungwan

    Wow Navan, well done you!

    You have such a positive attitude after your exercise! I think you are doing so well!

    Exercising really helped me when I quit, try and keep it up as it helps the ould endorphins, gives you something to focus on in the evenings and means you can eat more without worrying about gaining weight.

    Well done again, im happy for ya! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 104 ✭✭NavanEPS

    This is not fair I am getting terrible cravings today - I am off the cigs over 4 weeks!
    Of course not as bad as the first few days but :(

    Any ideas? help? suggestions?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,673 ✭✭✭Miss Fluff

    We all have days like that. I guess all you can do is remind yourself of how far you have come since those first days of quitting. Compare your craving now to those cravings in the first few days and pat yourself on the back for doing so well!

    Treat yourself to something nice today so cook a really nice meal or ask your OH for a foot massage, basically have something to look forward to later and focus on that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 765 ✭✭✭yungwan

    Hope the damn cravings have passed for you Navan.

    When you get hit by a craving out of the blue like that it can really pee you off but going for a walk, doing some cleaning, ironing or basically anything to get your mind off the craving for 5 minutes is all you need to do. Before you're finished the activity your craving will be a distant memory.

    DO NOT listen to the doubt which is probably trying to creep in.

    You have stopped smoking for your health, for your families health, because it is the right thing to do and because you KNOW the dangers it does to your body.

    You have come this far, do not let them damned cigs beat you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 104 ✭✭NavanEPS

    Thanks everyone - that was this morning and this is now - no cravings, just nice thoughts of where I am going to go for a walk this evening when I eventually get home from work!

    Thanks again - you guys were right though, the doubt was starting to creep in, "sure I'll just go out and have one with the "old" smoking friends"
    I didn't but it just shows how strongly these cravings can be to fool us like that so often.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 104 ✭✭NavanEPS

    5 Weeks today!! I am delighted.

    I had my big test at the weekend - the annual "bash", "really let your hair down" type of party and I didn't smoke one cigarette. I thought smoking was "out" of fashion but most people seem to smoke when drinking. I couldn't believe it!
    A few of you might relate to the following when you were "real" smokers
    1. All those people who only smoke when they drink are disappointed you are no longer a continuous source of cigarettes for them for the night.
    2. No fear as the night goes on that you "might" run out of cigarettes
    3. No race to the shop the next morning to get cigarettes. In fact I didn't have to go to the shop at all!!
    I found this all really strange but releasing. I must now be a non-smoker!!

    Cheers for all the support as you all have helped me get here ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 765 ✭✭✭yungwan

    WOW where have those 5 weeks gone!!?

    Well doen navan! You have done so well, onwards and upwards!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 104 ✭✭NavanEPS

    Thanks Yungwan - you are right where have they gone!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 104 ✭✭NavanEPS

    Just a quick question - does anyone else "taste" cigarettes off their teeth? I know it sounds ludicrous but I taste this. Just a slight taste but I can't get rid of it. I stopped smoking nearly six weeks ago, but can still get this "feeling/taste".
    I need to visit the dentist soon anyhow, but will this help do you know? or am I going absolutely crazy - which is of course a possibility ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 765 ✭✭✭yungwan

    Yeah, I think I get what you mean.

    Is it behind your bottom teeth in particular, or all around?

    I found I could taste it there where plaque had gathered along with nicotene and cigarette stains.

    I definately recommend going to the dentist, you will be amazed at how clean and white your teeth will be afterwards and it will further instill in you how much you want to keep off them. It did for me anyway!!

    Go as soon as you can, so your mouth will feel fresh and ciggarette free!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 104 ✭✭NavanEPS

    Thanks Yungwan - this means I am not going mad!
    It is exactly where you say, behind the bottom ones.

    I will book an appointment tomorrow - cheers

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 104 ✭✭NavanEPS

    Well, over 9 weeks off them now and doing OK, but I think doubt is creeping in again. I don't think about them like I used to as it is a casual need, not an absolute need as before.

    It is great to be off them but what is happening is that it appears that everyone is smoking now. What's that all about?, I thought I was the only one still smoking smelly cigarettes until a few weeks ago?!?! Went out on Saturday and EVERYONE was smoking.

    I need to, and will, keep strong and read up on the tools that helped me at the beginning. I just need to remind myself why I have done this in the first place.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 104 ✭✭NavanEPS

    BTW - I got my teeth cleaned and they are BEAUTIFUL!
    Not completely stain free, but as good as!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 104 ✭✭NavanEPS

    10 weeks and 5 days off them now.
    Worst day yesterday for a good few weeks and the craving was all day from about 9.30 til 7pm - I would feel like a right nelly now if I had smoked. I had one in my hand just playing with it and then after about 5 minutes the craving was gone after being there ALL day. I was driven demented. But when I had that cigarette in my hand I started to really think about the smoke and chemicals going into my clean body (YUK!:eek:) down my windpipe, the tar, the dirt and the danger. It was really quite vivid in my mind. And within a few minutes the craving was gone.
    Sorry to be so descriptive but if it helps someone else remind themselves why we are all off them, well so be it. Good luck everyone and keep up the hard work.
    By the way other than the one difficult day recently everything is going fine and I am so glad to be a non-smoker. It is a release.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 765 ✭✭✭yungwan

    Well Navan, how is the non smoking going now?

    Hope you are still holding in there?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 104 ✭✭NavanEPS

    HI Yungwan - I actually can't believe that I AM STILL OFF THEM!
    Thanks for asking as it gives a boost. I had a mad craving today and I try and laugh them off cause I KNOW I am not going to smoke.

    I have had recently had a few days where I did'nt have any craving - usually get one a day for about 5 minutes maybe less - so this is a great feeling for me as it feels as if I am becoming a real non-smoker, instead of someone battling to stay away from them all the time.

    I have to admit this journey has been real tough but definitely worth. I really really wish anyone starting out on this journey the best of luck and the strong will power needed to keep at it.
    YOU CAN DO IT! (without B&Q :) )
