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Panic Attacks from nowhere

  • 21-06-2010 9:37pm
    Posts: 0 ✭✭✭ Rhea Squeaking Band-aid

    I've started having what I think are panic attacks. I won a competition a few months back and had to stand for a photo. I got so nervous my legs turned to jelly and I was trembling. The funny thing is what made me nervous was the thought people would notice I was anxious which in turn made me nervous so it's a bit like a vicious circle.

    Everything was fine afterwards but one day I was heading into the city centre on a busy Saturday and it occurred to me what would I do if my legs turned to jelly again and I was unable to move them! I got very frightened at this thought and also the thought of this happening in front of loads of people exacerbated my anxiety. I hurried through town, did my errands and went straight home.

    Weeks passed but lately I was standing in a queue at the supermarket and it hit me again. What if I couldn't stand when I was first in the queue and everybody saw this. Being the centre of attention in front of many people is the crux of the problem.

    I should add I am currently taking anti-psychotics for a few years since a mild psychosis in 2005. I also got counselling. Previous to this I was taking anti-depressants for about a year. I thought the current medication and counselling was remedying my anxiety. I don't know why this has started happening and conversely I was actually feeling better than ever a few weeks back excited and happy at the prospect of watching the World Cup.

    I feel so helpless and miserable at the thought that if I go out for something I'll be subjected to this panic and react in a cowardly fashion. Is there anything I can do? I had another hang up a year or two ago where I was afraid my track pants would fall down in the centre of town!! It's silly, inexplicable and irrational I know. I bought myself a pair of football shorts and wore them underneath which solved the problem and removed my anxiety. I'm trying to think is there something similar I can do?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,986 ✭✭✭✭mikemac

    I think we have all our own little fears which may seem silly. Me, I tour the flat several times every night checking every window and door is locked and the immersion and oven are off. Once isn't enough as it has to be checked again. But it doesn't affect me negatively at all but your situation is different

    Go back to your GP asap.
    If the treatment they prescribed is no longer working it may be time to see a consultant so get a referral

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    that is more ocd feelingstressed. Op go back to your doctor. mild psychosis could cause a bit of panic, some antipsychotics are used for anxiety even in non psychotics so maybe a chane of meds.

  • Registered Users Posts: 78,349 ✭✭✭✭Victor

    seedoc wrote: »
    Op go back to your doctor.
    Agreed. Can people be wary of reading things into what the OP said?

    OP, lots of people have episodes of one kind or another. Some people if nervous would run away. You've stayed your ground. Being brave can sometimes be scary. :)

  • Posts: 0 ✭✭✭ Rhea Squeaking Band-aid

    Does anybody know how expensive counsellors in Limerick can be? I know the advice given was to see my GP but he hasn't impressed me down the years.

    I'm still feeling strange. Crying a lot and anxious even at home and safe. My family are on holiday so I'm at home alone and a little scared to be honest. The only thing I can think of is I had a few beers during the first week of the World Cup but surely they still can't be having a depressant effect? I've been on my current medication happily for years until just recently. What the **** is the matter? :mad:

    I'm worried about the week ahead as well. I have to sign on Tuesday and feeling incredibly anxious about being in such a public place with so many people. Really adding to my worries. Thanks for any help! :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 250 ✭✭Delicate_Dlite

    Hi, so sorry to hear about your problems, I know how terrible it can feel and sometimes how useless someone telling you it'll be alright can be.

    Maybe try another gp?, I did this when I first started dealing with my issues, I hadn't much faith in my then current gp. And I couldn't be happier with my current gp.Councellors prices vary, I've heard 55-75e, per hour, but I'm in Dublin. When you ring to make an app. they'll inform you of the fee.

    Try not to spend hours looking for a reason, sometimes these things can drop out of the sky, and it is best to explore potential triggers with ur therapist. I know how hard it can be, but try not to worry ahead, take it day by day or hour by hour.

    As for you're planned trips out, maybe have a back up plan, like if you were to become nervous* you could got to a certain cafe, sit down relax have a (non-alcoholic) drink? and then carry on? Arrange to meet a friend after?

    Feel free to pm me, just try and remember, from here it's only going to get better, you're tackling your issues, Well Done, it's a huge step!

    *You probably won't!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Hey Rhea Squeaking Band-aid

    About 5 years or so i was just like you. Everything I did, And I mean everything, an escape route was planned. Whether it was doing the grocery shopping or going to work even walking to the local shop.

    I had to know that I could get out of a situation if I needed to. Flying was the worst, maybe it was because I wasn't in control. Even putting the seat belt on I would pray for the seat belt light to go off "in case I needed to get out of my seat". Why i would need to or where i would go was beyond me. Just had to know that I could leave the situation if I had too.

    Irrational behaviour, but it was normal for me.
    It would start as like a small burst of adrenalin, then that would cause my hands and feet to feel cold. heart pounding, dry throat, feel sick and terrified.... of nothing.
    I felt no one understood what it was like, the only place i felt safe was in my bed, and every day after work (mornings only) i would go to bed, not to sleep, just to feel safe. An hour later I would have to collect my daughter from school, and pretend nothing was wrong.
    Went to the doc and was prescribed the usual anti-dep and sedative.

    Looking back i don't know how i got through it, Partner wasn't very understanding either which didn't help matters. I found a psychotherapist who also did hypnotherapy. To be honest I didn't really belive in the hypno part, but deep relaxation was enough for me.
    He was great €50 a pop mind you but i would have sold my soul to get better.
    He did CBT and I really needed to go every week, until one day I thought, actually I don't need to go but I want to go. About 5 months later.

    Until I started cancelling appointments cause I didn't really want to go anymore, but still to this day have his number in my phone. (just in case)
    I also still keep a couple of xanax in my bag (just in case).
    A safety net i suppose.
    I actually had to go back to the doc feb 2009 to get more xanax cause the ones i had-had expired!

    So there is people out there that can make you feel better, and if they don't work for you, try someone else and keep trying until, your life improves.
    And it will improve.
    I'm living proof.

    Best of luck
