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Feel like crap

  • 16-06-2010 11:11pm
    Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, don't know why i'm posting here, I just have nowhere else to turn at the moment,
    my partner is accusing me of cheating on him when i didn't, long story short I was talking to someone who used to be a very good friend of ours on facebook, anyway we fell out and hadn't talked in years, he started talking to me on facebook and i had a legitimate reason for wanting to talk to him but I didn't tell my partner I had been so when he found out he went ballistic, he said it's proof that we had been cheating on him years ago. He basically said that he had always suspected something had went on and now that I was talking to him secretly it just confirmed it.

    There are kids involved and basically everything is pretty crap at the moment. When he's here I can't say anything without him accusing me of things, if i'm nice he's saying i'm fake and that I don't love him , when I get angry he goes mad and walks out, he spent a couple of nights with a friend but when he's here I have to tread on eggshells or risk him walking out of the house again.

    I'm feeling pretty low at the moment, he's been out spending lots of time with friends and I have noone to talk to, I was feeling pretty depressed anyway in the few weeks leading up to this, I have a young baby and there had been other relationship problems shortly after baby was born and now that I feel like 95% of the time I'm speaking to someone that hates me and is just shouting venom at me when he feels like it it's really getting to me.

    I feel really worthless at the moment, really alone and just sad. There's nothing I can do to make him listen to me, no way I can prove I wasn't doing anything wrong but yet he's so quick to jump to conclusions about it.


  • Registered Users Posts: 78,350 ✭✭✭✭Victor

    Sounds like he has self esteem issues and between you, work need to go into the relationship.

    Would relationship counselling be an option?
