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Useful Websites & Books


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,435 ✭✭✭ixus

    Let's get this on one thread.

    Reminiscences of a Stock Operator.
    Market Wizards (1&2)
    Liar's Poker
    The Great Crash 1929

    Will add more later. Suggestions welcome

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 850 ✭✭✭SoulTrader

    The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham? Only just ordered it myself but Warren Buffett swears by it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 288 ✭✭mono627

    "A Random Walk Down Wall Street" is a solid read.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,528 ✭✭✭foxyboxer

    The Naked Trader by Robbie Burns. A light-hearted yet highly applicable methodology for investing in Shares. An inspirational read for any beginner.

    Trend Following by Michael Covel. A thoroughly complete examination of trend following trading techniques. Includes profiles and performance records for non-household yet incredibly successful traders.
    Cut those losers and let those winners run.

    Big Money, Little Effort by Mark Shipman. Covers a simple yet proven trend following system (weekly moving average cross overs), for investing in Share indices. His points on discipline and investing psychology make this a worthy read for the passive investor. (despite listing every company in each index! ;))

    Trade your way to Financial Freedom by Van Tharp. Though this is very much focused on an American market, his points on Position Sizing make this a worthy read to protect your capital.

    The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason. Financial prudence for the present day, if you have no money you can't invest :D
    This book will teach you how to get your capital.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 288 ✭✭mono627

    I had a flick onto and the following list was recommended by other users. I haven't read a lot of these myself so I can't personally recommend them. As you can tell from most of the titles, they are mostly geared towards the trading side of things. The one's in bold were mentioned more than once. Anyway, enjoy!

    Mastering The Trade (John Carter)

    Evidence Based Technical Analysis (Aronson)

    Way of the Turtle (Curtis M. Faith)

    Wealth of Nations (Adam Smith)

    Technical Analysis (Kirkpatrick & Dahlquist)

    Trading in the Zone (Mark Douglas)

    The Candlestick Course (Steve Nisson)

    Trading for a living (Alexander Elder)

    The Three Skills of Top Trading (Hank Pruden)

    Getting Started in Technical Analysis (Jack Schwager)

    Come into my trading room (Dr Alexander Elder)

    The financial spread betting handbook (Malcom Pryor)

    Trading for wealth (William Robinson)

    High probability trading (Marcel Link)

    Fooled by Randomness (Nassim Nicholas Taleb)

    Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets (John Murphy)

    Tools and Tactics for the Master DayTrader (Greg Capra)

    How I made $2,000,000 (Nicolas Darvas)

    The Essentials of Trading (John Forman)

    The Intuitive Trader (Robert Koppel)

    Trading by the book (Joe Ross)

    Winning Spread Betting Strategies (Michael Pryor)

    Trading for a living (Gary Smith)

    Mastering The Trade (Carter)

    Forex mastery - A Child's Play (Jay Lakhani)

    Feel the fear and do it anyway (Susan Jaffers)

    Stock investing for dummies

    Warrenn Buffett Way

    All About Market Timing

    Confessions of a Street Addict (Jim Crammer)

    Techniques of Tape Reading (Vadym Graifer)

    Trading Chaos (Bill Williams)

    Swing Trading (Marc Rivalland)

    Gorilla Trading Stuff (Joe Ross)

    Day Trader's Bible (Richard Wyckoff )

    The Disciplined Trader (Mark Douglas)

    The Elliott Wave Principle (Frost and Prechter)

    Day Trade Online (Christopher A)

    A Beginner's Guide to Short-Term Trading (Toni Turner)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,535 ✭✭✭joe123

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,005 ✭✭✭willietherock

    Zerohedge gives a link to a pdf of Seth Klarman's "Margin of Safety" which is out of print and sells on Amazon for $1000+

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,528 ✭✭✭foxyboxer

    Zerohedge gives a link to a pdf of Seth Klarman's "Margin of Safety" which is out of print and sells on Amazon for $1000+

    Wow! Thanks for sending the link, great find.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 60 ✭✭bosra

    Maybe check this one out too on Bonds.. Due for release in August

    Book by Tony Crescenzi ( now works with PIMCO) - formerly Miller Tabak bond strategist.

    there is an earlier version of this book on amazon from 2002. I would suggest you get the updated one when it arrives in august which is co written with el-erian

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 267 ✭✭Adrock-aka

    This site offers Free (real time) stock alerts. You can even get them sent free as a text message to your phone! You get up to 100 per month so unless you have an extremely active portfolio, you'd never reach the limit.


    - Free stock charting tools (and ability to publish your charts and embed them wherever you want - blogs etc, very cool)

    - Portfolio manager

    - Active stock screener

    - Strategy builder

    - Create a watchlist of stocks/forex pairings

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 267 ✭✭Adrock-aka

    mono627 wrote: »
    "A Random Walk Down Wall Street" is a solid read.

    Would you recommend this one over some of the books you mentioned in the trade2win reading list?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 784 ✭✭✭Anonymous1987

    Investopedia is a good resource for quick definitions e.g. Credit Default Swaps

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 288 ✭✭mono627

    Adrock-aka wrote: »
    Would you recommend this one over some of the books you mentioned in the trade2win reading list?

    Sorry, only seen this question now. I would recommend 4 in particular:

    The Market Wizards
    The New Market Wizards
    A Random Walk down Wall Street
    Reminisces of a Stock Operator

    It all depends really on what kind of read you're looking for, if you're looking to learn about trading I would highly recommend the above 4. If you're looking for a leisure read I'd probably recommend Liar's Poker/The Big Short (Basically anything by Michael Lewis), and if you're looking for something on long-term investing I'd probably start with one of the Buffet books or The Intelligent Investor.

    Up to yourself really.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 267 ✭✭Adrock-aka

    Thanks mono627,

    Just picked up technical analysis by J. Murphy. Looking to learn about TA over the next few months. From your recommendations i'm also going to go for Liar's Poker and A Random Walk down Wall St. Should keep me going for a while!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 25 Buzzliteyear

    Lets be clear. There is investing and then there's trading. Two distinctly different fields! If you''re interested in long-term results this guy equalled if not exceeded the best results of any investor ever. His insights are simple. The book I'm recommending isn't overly technical. But it the insights are paramount. Its at the core of value investing. 'Investing the Templeton Way' by Lauren Templeton.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 39 CheckRaiseIRL

    Looking for a book recommendation on short selling strategies.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭LightningBolt

    Here's a nice little paper to read on what has worked on in Value Investing:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,655 ✭✭✭draiochtanois

    This post has been deleted.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 33 waken

    Books I have read about trading and my opinion:

    The Naked Trader by Robbie Burns : Rubbish.
    7 Winning Strategies for Trading Forex by Grace Cheng : OK but not brilliant.
    The Next Big Investment Boom by Mark Shipman: Absolute rubbish
    Currency Trading for Dummies: Not great.
    A bundle of others not even worth mentioning.

    Introduction to Technical Analysis by Martin Pring: By far the best I have read.

    This is only my opinion and Im sure others will disagree

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 24 devianttrader

    A list of some of the books in my collection. I merely use them for reference. I'm a fan of Financial History and my favorite financial book would have to be; The House of Morgan by Ron Chernow. What a Family!

    I also have the Schweser CFA textbooks and Exam Questions. If you look hard enough, you will easily find someone out there that's willing to give them for free.

    Day Trading the Currency Market - Kathy Lien
    Achelis, Steven - Technical Analysis From A To Z
    Admati And Pfleiderer-A Theory Of Intraday Patterns - Volume And Price Variability
    Aggarwal And Conroy-Price Discovery In Initial Public Offerings And The Role Of The Lead Underwriter
    Ahn And Cheung-The Intraday Patterns Of The Spread And Depth In A Market Without Market Makers - The Stock Exchange Of Hong Kong
    Alan Farley - 3 Swing Trading Examples, With Charts, Instructions, And Definitions To Get You Started
    Alan Farley - Pattern Cycles - Mastering Short-Term Trading With Technical Analysis (Traders' Library).
    Alan Farley - The Master Swing Trader
    Al-Suhaibani And Kryzanowski-An Exploratory Analysis Of The Order Book, And Order Flow And Execution On The Saudi Stock Market
    Algora, Myths Of The Free Market
    Andrew Willis - The Insiders Guide To Trading The World Stock Markets
    Anshumana And Kalay-Can Splits Create Market Liquidity - Theory And Evidence
    Application Of Multi-Agent Games To The Prediction Of Financial Time-Series
    Ari Kiev - 1998 - Trading To Win - The Psychology Of Mastering The Markets
    Bangia, Diebold, Schuermann And Stroughair-Modeling Liquidity Risk, With Implications For Traditional Market Risk Measurement And Management
    Barbara Star - Hidden Divergence
    Barclay And Hendershott-Price Discovery And Trading After Hours
    Ben Branch - The Predictive Power Of Stock Market Indicator
    Ben Gilad - Early Warning Using Competitive Intelligence 2004
    Benjamin Van Vliet - 2004 - Modeling Financial Markets Using Visual Basic Net And Databases To C
    Barry Rudd - Stock Patterns For Day Trading And Swing Trading
    Bessembinder And Venkataraman-Does An Electronic Stock Exchange Need An Upstairs Market
    Big Profit Patterns Using Candlestick Signals And Gaps - Stephen W Bigalow
    Bill Williams - Trading Chaos
    Borsellino Lewis 2001 - Trading Es And Nq Futures Course
    Bradley, Donald - Stock Market Prediction
    Breman And Subrahmanyam-Investment Analysis And Price Formation In Securities Markets
    Brett Steenbarger - Psychology Of Trading
    Brooks And Kim-The Individual Investor And The Weekend Effect - A Reexamination With Intraday Data
    Building Winning Trading Systems With Tradestation - Wiley
    Building Your E-Mini Trading Strategy - Giuciao Atspace Org
    C C Gaither, A E Cavazos-Gaither - Statistically Speaking - A Dictionary Of Quotations
    C R Geisst - Undue Influence - How The Wall Street Elite Puts The Financial System At Risk
    Chande, Tushar - Technical Analysis - How To Develop And Imp
    Cbot - A Six-Part Study Guide To Market Profile
    Chan, Chockalingam And Lai-Overnight Information And Intraday Trading Behavior - Evidence From Nyse Cross
    Chan, Jegadeesh & Lakonishok - Momentum Strategies
    Chordia, Roll And Subrahmanyam -Commonality In Liquidity
    Chordia, Roll And Subrahmanyam -Market Liquidity And Trading Activity
    Chordia, Sarkar And Subrahmanyam -An Empirical Analysis Of Stock And Bond Market Liquidity
    Crash Profits Make Money When Stocks Sink And Soar Martin Weiss
    Dan edelsson And Payne-Measuring And Explaining Liquidity On An Electronic Limit Order Book - Evidence From Reuters
    Daniel A Strachman - Essential Stock Picking Strategies
    Danielsson Saltoglu-Anatomy Of A Market Crash - A Market Microstructure Analysis Of The Turkish Overnight Liquidity Crisis
    David C Stendahl - Money Management Strategies For Serious Traders
    Day Trading Basket Stocks - Underground Trader
    David Dreman - Contrarian Investment Strategies - The Next Generation
    De Jong, Nijman And Roell-A Comparison Of The Cost Of Trading French Shares On The Paris Bourse And On Seaq International
    De Matos And Fernandes-Testing The Markov Property With Ultra-High Frequency Financial Data
    Dean Lebaron's Treasury Of Investment Wisdom 30 Great Investing Minds - Wiley
    Demarchi And Foucault-Equity Trading Systems In Europe - A Survey Of Recent Changes
    Dennis D Peterson - Developing A Trading System Combining Rsi & Bollinger Bands
    Deutsche Bank - Asset Valuation Allocation Models 2001
    Deutsche Bank - Asset Valuation Allocation Models 2002
    Deutsche Borse Group - From Trading Floor To Virtual Marketplace
    Divorcing the Dow - Using Revolutionary Market Indicators to Profit From the Stealth Boom Ahead
    Donald Coxe - The New Reality Of Wall Street
    Doug Henwood - Wall Street - How It Works & For Whom
    Doug Henwood - Wall Street - How It Works
    Eday - Trading In Mind
    Elder Alexander - Come Into My Trading Room - A Complete Guide To Trading
    Elder Alexander - Trading For A Living
    Eleswarapu And Venkataraman-The Impact Of Legal And Political Institutions On Equity Trading Costs A Cross-Country Analysis
    Eleswarapu, Thompson And Venkataraman-The Impact Of Regulation Fair Disclosure Trading Costs And Information Asymmetry
    Encyclopedia Of Chart Patterns, 2nd Edition
    Engle And Lange-Predicting Vnet - A Model Of The Dynamics Of Market Depth
    Engle-The Econometric Of High-Frequency Data
    F E James Jr - Monthly Moving Averages An Effective Investment Tool
    Fernando-Commonality In Liquidity-Transmission Of Liquidity Shocks Across Investors And Securities
    Fishea And Robeb-The Impact Of Illegal Insider Trading In Dealer And Specialist Markets - Evidence From A Natural Experiment
    For Dummies Investing Online For Dummies 5th Edition
    Foucault And Kadan-Limit Order Book As A Market For Liquidity
    Foucault And Lescourret-Information Sharing, Liquidity And Transaction Costs In Floor-Based Trading Systems
    Foucault, Kadan And Kandel-Limit Order Book As A Market For Liquidity
    Frino, Mcinish And Toner-The Liquidity Of Automated Exchanges - New Evidence From German Bund Futures
    Futures Magazine - The Art Of Day-Trading
    Gann - How To Trade
    Gann, W D - New Stock Trend Detector
    Getting An Investing Game Plan - Creating It Working It Winning It (Wiley - 2003)
    Giot And Grammig-How Large Is Liquidity Risk In An Automated Auction Market
    Gann, W D - Unpublished Stock Market Forecasting Courses
    George Angell - Sniper Trading Workbook
    George Fontanills - The Options Course - High Profit Low Stress Trading Methods
    Goodhart And O'hara-High Frequency Data In Financial Markets Issues And Applications
    Griffiths, Turnbullb And White-Re-Examining The Small-Cap Myth Problems In Portfolio Formation And Liquidation
    Guide To Effective Daytrading-Wizetrade
    Hamao And Hasbrouck-Securities Trading In The Absence Of Dealers - Trades, And Quotes On The Tokyo Stock Exchange
    Handbook For Investment Committee Members How To Make Prudent Investments For Your Organization Wiley Finance Series Ebook
    Harris, Sofianos And Shapiro-Program Trading And Intraday Volatility
    Harry D Schultz - Bear Market Investing Strategies
    Hartmann, Manna And Manzanares-The Microstructure Of The Euro Money Market
    Hedges On Hedge Funds How To Successfully Analyze (2005)
    Hollifield, Miller, Sandas And Slive-Liquidity Supply And Demand In Limit Order Markets
    Gerald Appel - Technical Analysis
    Greg Morris - Candlestick Charting Explained
    Houweling, Mentink And Vorst-How To Measure Corporate Bond Liquidity
    Hrishikesh D Vinod - Preparing For The Worst
    Huang And Stoll-The Components Of The Bid-Ask Spread - A General Approach
    Hw Brands - Masters Of Enterprise
    Inside The Guru Mind Warren Buffet [R Heller]
    Investment Psychology Explained Classic Strategies To Beat The Markets - Wiley
    Ito And Hashimoto-High-Frequency Contagion Of Currency Crises In Asia
    J K Lasser - Pick Stocks Like Warren Buffett
    J R Hedges Iv - Hedges On Hedge Funds - How To Successfully Analyze And Select An Investment
    Jack Schwager - Guide To Winning With Automated Trading Systems (Course Manual)
    Jack Schwager - Stock Market Wizards
    Jack Schwager - The New Market Wizards
    Jake Bernstein - Dearborn Trade Publishing - No Bull Investing
    Jake Bernstein - How To Trade The New Single Stock Futures
    Investment Valuation - Damodaran
    J R Hill G Pruitt And L Hill - The Ultimate Trading Guide
    Jake Bernstein - Market Masters
    Jake Bernstein - Stock Market Strategies That Work
    Jake Bernstein - The Compleat Day Trader Vol I
    Jake Bernstein - The Compleat Day Trader Vol I
    Jake Bernstein - Trade Your Way To Riches
    Jan L Arps - Surfing The Market Waves - The Swing Trader's
    Jay Kaeppel - The Four Biggest Mistakes In Futures Trading
    Jeff Cooper - Intra-Day Trading Strategies, Proven Steps
    Jeff Cooper - The 5 Day Momentum Method
    Jens Clever - Master Trader
    Jesse Livermore - Reminiscences Of A Stock Operator
    Joe Ross - How To Spot A Trend
    Joe Ross - Trading Spreads And Seasonals
    John Allen Paulos - Mathematician Plays The Stock Market
    Joe Ross - Trading Futures By The Book
    John Bollinger - Bollinger On Bollinger Bands
    John Grisham - The Broker
    John Hayden - How To Use The Rsi
    John J Murphy - Charting Made Easy
    John J Murphy - Intermarket Technical Analysis - Trading Strategies For The Global Stock, Bond, Commodity, And Currency Markets
    Joe Ross - Trading The Ross Hook
    John J Murphy - Intermarket Technical Analysis - Trading Strategies
    John J Murphy - Technical Analysis Of The Financial Markets
    John L Person - Swing Trading Using Candlestick Charting With Pivot Point
    John Piper - The Way To Trade
    John Wiley & Sons, Getting Started In Bonds, 2nd Edition
    John Wiley & Sons, The Vital Few Vs The Trivial Many - Invest With The Insiders, Not The Masses, Revised Edition
    John Wiley Sons - Valuation - Maximizing Corporate Value
    John Wiley Sons Stock Trader Almanac 2005 38th Ed
    Jorda And Marcellino-Modeling High-Frequency Fx Data Dynamics
    K R Murphy, B Myors - Statistical Power Analysis
    Ken Wolff - 2002 - Trading On Momentum Advanced Techniques For High Percentage Day Trading
    Kevin Hagerty - Day Trading Course
    L Williams - The Right Stock At The Right Time - Prospering In The Coming Good Years
    Larry Lewin - The Secrets Of Emotion Free Trading
    Larry Swing - Practical Guide To Swingtrading
    Larry Williams - How To Trade Better
    Larry Williams - Long-Term Secrets To Short-Term Trading
    Larry Williams - The Secret Of Selecting Stocks For Immediate And Substantial Gains
    Latest Developments At The Fwb - Xetra Best Slide 13
    Le Beau, Charles & Lucas, David W - Day Trading Systems & Methods
    Lee, Fok And Liu - Explaining Intraday Pattern Of Trading Volume From The Order Flow Data
    Lee, Mucklow And Ready-Spreads, Depths, And The Impact Of Earnings Information - An Intraday Analysis
    Leigh Stevens - Essential Technical Analysis
    Leslie N Masonson - All About Market Timing
    Louis B Mendelsohn - Trend Forecasting With Technical Analysis
    M Wolfinger - Create Your Own Hedge Fund - Increase Profits And Reduce Risk With Etfs And Options
    Madhavan-Market Microstructure-A Survey
    Mann, Venkataraman And Waisburd-Stock Liquidity And The Value Of A Designated Liquidity Provider Evidence From Paris EuronextMarc Boucher - Short-Term Trading Course
    Marcel Petro - Market Timing
    Mark Crisp - 123 Trading Signal
    Mark Crisp - 7 Habits Of A Higly Sucsessfull Trader.pdf 62.4 KB Stock books 033 /
    Mark Douglas - The Disciplined Trader
    Mark Douglas - The Disciplined Trader.pdf 88.7 MB Stock books 034 / Mark Douglas - Trading In The Zone.pdf 2.6 MB Stock books 035 /
    Mark R Conway & Behle, Aaron N - Professional Stock Trading
    Markus Heitkoetter - How To Make Money With Trading Systems
    Marshall J Jones - Learn Day Trading
    Martin J Pring - Investment Psychology - Part 1
    Mcgraw Hill Understanding Stocks
    Mcgraw-Hill - Brealey & Myers - Finance - Investment Valuation, 2nd Edition
    Mcgraw-Hill, Buy The Rumor, Sell The Fact - 85 Maxims Of Wall Street And What They Really Mean
    Mcgraw-Hill, Investments, 5th Edition - Vol I
    Mcgraw-Hill, Investments, 5th Edition - Vol I
    Mcgraw-Hill, The Triumph Of Contrarian Investing - Crowds, Manias, And Beating The Market By Going Against The Grain
    Mcmillan And Speight-Nonlinear Dynamics In High Frequency Intra-Day Financial Data
    Micheal Mcdonald - Predict Market Swings With Technical Analysis
    Mike Sincere - Understanding Stocksreduced
    Morris And Song Shin-Liquidity Black Holes
    Michael Covel - Trend Following
    Murphy - Tech Analysis Of The Financial Markets
    N Tengler - New Era Value Investing - A Disciplined Approach To Buying Value And Growth Stocks
    New Trading Dimensions - How To Profit From Chaos In Stocks, Bonds, And Commodities - Bill Williams
    O'reilly - Online Investing Hacks
    Oliver Velez - Swing Trading Tactics
    Online Trading Academy - Electronic Trading Guide For Nasdaq L2
    Pagano And Schwartz-A Closing Call’s Impact On Market Quality At Euronext Paris
    Wiley - Currency Strategy A Practitioner's Guide To Currency Trading, Hedging And Forecasting
    Option Trading Secrets - Kenneth.R.Trester
    DeMark,Tom - DeMark on day-trading options
    Fontanills - The Options Course - High Profit And Low Stress Trading Methods, 2nd Ed
    John Wiley & Sons - 2005 - The Options Course High Profit & Low Stress Trading Methods, 2nd Editi
    Mcgraw-Hill,.Stock options and the new rules
    Options Essential Concepts and Trading Strategies, 2nd Edition
    Options Trading Primer By Marketwise Trading School
    Profit With Options Essential Methods For Investing Success - Wiley
    The Option Trader Handbook - Strategies And Trade Adjustments
    The Options Edge Winning The Volatility Game With Options On Futures - Mcgraw Hill
    Wayne A. Thorp - Analyzing Supply & Demand Using Point & Figure Charts
    Wayne A. Thorp - Measuring Internal Strength - Wilders RSI Indicator
    Wayne A. Thorp - Point & Figure Charts Revisited
    Wayne A. Thorp - Screening For Momentum Stocks
    Wayne A. Thorp - Technical Analysis
    Wayne A. Thorp - Testing Trading Success
    Wayne A. Thorp - The MACD A Combo of Indicators for the Best of Both Worlds.
    Wayne A. Thorp - When to Buy & Sell Using the Stochastic Oscillator

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 33 waken

    That's some collection !
    Would you recommend any that have helped you in your trading specifically


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 24 devianttrader

    That list is huge and believe it or not, I have every single one and more. Out of all of them, I only read one and continue to use the same book to compliment my trading. The book is 'Bollinger on Bollinger Bands'. Bollinger Bands are the indicator I prefer, so what book could beat the one written by the inventor?

    I downloaded the entire collection free so now it sits on a Hard Drive unused. As far as i'm concerned, I feel that indicators are what they say they are; indicators or a relative guide, but they are by no means an exact system that demand you buy or sell when a price hits a certain line. Thinking that way is just lazy and dangerous.

    J. Bollinger is an ordinary person like you or I, who started his career as one thing and found himself in finance purely by chance. I didn't buy books or waste money at the start. I fed my interest with newspapers and magazines. There used to be a finance Irish Times on Fridays, an Irish indo on Thursday, Irish examiner on Friday, Business&Finance Magazine and Business Plus.

    Before I built the courage to even buy a computer, I used do my own Moving Average calculations with a calculator and draw my charts manually with graph paper. It was labor intensive but it made the understanding of Moving Averages a lot more clear. When I finally got a computer I progressed onto Excel and manually inputted eod prices and created charts. Pure luxury. The Excel was especially handy for its standard deviation function and drawing Bollinger Bands.

    I guess what I would say to anybody is; you're better off not going out and spending thousands on a quad processor, liquid cooled with six trading screens and thinking its as easy as turning it on and pressing buy. There's so much going on behind the scenes of trading. The best teacher is time. My hardest lesson was the Trade Centre. I was frozen out mid way in trade and when the market opened 5 days later; I lost pretty much the lot. I have to say though; it prepared me well for the Sub Prime crisis. I was armed and ready for the fall of Lehman. I won nice on e trade shares, Citigroup and BAC. I also won nice on Irish banks when the IMF came to Ireland. Financial shares have been and continue to skate at the bottom ever since.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 24 devianttrader

    I also have a number of TV documentaries that ease you into the feel of wall Street. If you can't find it in yourself to download them through devious channels, you should get a taste from YouTube.

    Wall Street Warriors
    BBC-The Love of Money
    I want your money
    BBC- The Last Days of Lehman Bros
    Million Dollar Traders
    BBC- 1929- The Great Crash
    PBS Frontline - The Warning
    PBS Frontline - Breaking the Bank
    PBS Frontline - Ten Trillion and Counting
    PBS Frontline - Inside the Meltdown
    PBS Frontline - Black Money
    The Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control of America
    PBS Frontline - Sick Around the World
    Money Banking and the Federal Reserve (1996)

    and sooo many more!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 33 waken

    Thanks DT
    When I started trading I use loads and loads of indicators and I ended up trading the indicators instead of the price. Eventually I had to go back to naked trading and learn how to do that first, now I only use MACD now and only for divergence.
    Having said that, last week I started looking at a strategy using Bollinger bands and I am going to start testing that this week.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 24 devianttrader

    waken wrote: »
    Thanks DT
    When I started trading I use loads and loads of indicators and I ended up trading the indicators instead of the price. Eventually I had to go back to naked trading and learn how to do that first, now I only use MACD now and only for divergence.
    Having said that, last week I started looking at a strategy using Bollinger bands and I am going to start testing that this week.

    You just need to be mindful that there is a default setting (20:2) for Bollinger Bands. That is; 20day Simple Moving Average and 2 deviations. According to his book, he says that the bands were tested on thousands of stocks over a very long back years period and this setting seemed to give the most accurate reaction common to all the stocks tested. He also said that Bollinger Bands were not an absoloute science, so in a lot of cases it is recomended that the user play with the adjustment until it suits them. His book is short and simple and would give you a better idea. I like the fact that the man himself wrote the book.

    I have it in electronic format so if you want; I could possibly e-mail it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 24 devianttrader

    waken wrote: »
    Thanks DT
    When I started trading I use loads and loads of indicators and I ended up trading the indicators instead of the price. Eventually I had to go back to naked trading and learn how to do that first, now I only use MACD now and only for divergence.
    Having said that, last week I started looking at a strategy using Bollinger bands and I am going to start testing that this week.

    I'm sorry Waken,

    I forgot to mention that Bollinger Bands are designed to be used with other indicators; like MACD, Volume, RSI, etc. You mentioned that you use MACD. You can still use MACD.;range=6m;indicator=bollinger+sma(20)+volume+macd;charttype=candlestick;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=on;source=undefined

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 33 waken

    Thanks DT

    Thanks for the offer, I downloaded it last night from IsoHunt. There is a mine of info out there on some of the torrent sites the problem is deciding which is worthwhile.
    The strategy I am testing with BB includes the RSI indicator for filtering trades.
    The testing started last night when I set up my charts and I will run paper trades for a month or so before I make any decision on it. I have "Forex Tester 2" which I can use for back testing but to be honest I prefer the paper test with the results logged in excel.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 24 devianttrader

    Excellent Waken.

    Not the Bollinger Bands but the fact that you mention iso hunt. That is how I got that crazy long book list. To be honest, I landed on that list while searching for more info on Bollinger Bands. You should look at his website also. They're worth a try anyway. Have to agree though; Internet is awash with info. Information overload!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 33 waken

    I got a good way through the Bollinger book yesterday and its facinating. Its surprising that the way BB's are so often traded (as recommended by the guru's) is not at all like what Bollinger himself recommends.
    I have just read the chapter on the Squeeze method and I want to try to demo this method as well.


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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 52 ✭✭hashey

    hi guys just wondering dt what broker(s) do you use? seems there are very few that can be trusted

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 goodmand88

    Hi, would any one have any info on decent books to aid with financial modelling and specifically equity valuation models? DCF models and the like. If any one has any advice when it comes to building models using Excel it would be much appreciated! I have started building some simple models some are better than others just want to hone the skills! Thanks!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 33 waken

    Hi Hashey
    Have you had trouble with a broker, if so can you share that info so the rest of us can be aware.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,090 ✭✭✭✭neris

    Daily commodities, index and metals videos on you tube from the brokerage firm MF Global in Chicago.

    The videos from their analyst Jim Comiskey who does the metals are worth a watch at time. Amusing and the guy has a bit of personality

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 952 ✭✭✭shangri la

    Recommend a good book on technical analysis and charting. Thanks.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 284 ✭✭soddy1979

    Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets by John J. Murphy

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 237 ✭✭Man of Aran

    The 3 books by Peter Lynch ex Fidelity , like Templeton just timeless.
    Beating the Street, One Up On Wall St and Learn to Earn.

    Another great read for every Irish teenager would be the Wealthy Barber by David Chilton, the original one. Should be mandatory in schools, then the next generation may not repeat the mistakes of the Tiger Years.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 212 ✭✭HobbyMan

    I have recently started a new website based on value investing.

    There's a blog on the home page in which I detail my own investments, those of Warren Buffett in his early days etc etc. I try to update it daily.

    There is also a newsletter and the January edition covers, amongst other things, 4 Japanese stocks trading at less than net cash. These could take a while to come good so this site is about investing not speculating.

    The newsletter also has a portfolio etc. There's more information on the About Me page.

    Feel free to comment on the blogs. :)

    Also please feel free to give your opinion ( comments/suggestions etc ) on the site via PM on Boards.

    I have been investing full time since 2005 so have learned a few lessons. My site mainly works on fundamental analysis with a tiny bit of TA and it's for investing not speculating.

    I'll be changing some of the text soon and there's a great new feature coming soon.

    The aim of the site is to help beginner/intermediate investors invest with less risk.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 419 ✭✭TJ Mackie

    Can anybody recommend some good non-fiction books that are more story-like and entertaining rather than educational? i.e. books I've really enjoyed are Wolf of Wall Street, Smartest Guys in the Room, Liar's Poker etc. Thanks.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 927 ✭✭✭turbobaby

    How an Economy Grows and Why it Crashes by Peter Schiff is an excellent read. Nice and simple and there are very good things to take from it. If you dont know Schiff, search youtube for the Peter Schiff was Right video!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15 RevenueLand

    Does anyone have an opinion on Billion Dollar Whale book?
    Life is too short to read boring books.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 235 ✭✭Mach 3

    Zerohedge gives a link to a pdf of Seth Klarman's "Margin of Safety" which is out of print and sells on Amazon for $1000+

    The link for "Margin of Safety" no longer works, but you can get it from this one.

    Speculators and Unsuccessful Investors
    Investing Versus Speculation
    Mark Twain said that there are two times in a man's life when he should not speculate: when he
    can't afford it and when he can. Because this is so, understanding the difference between
    investment and speculation is the first step in achieving investment success.
    To investors stocks represent fractional ownership of underlying businesses and bonds are
    loans to those businesses. Investors make buy and sell decisions on the basis of the current prices
    of securities compared with the perceived values of those securities. They transact when they think
    they know something that others don't know, don't care about, or prefer to ignore. They buy
    securities that appear to offer attractive return for the risk incurred and sell when the return no
    longer justifies the risk.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,968 ✭✭✭growleaves

    My recommendations:

    The Alchemy of Finance by George Soros - though he is a controversial figure politically (not endorsed by me), this is the best book on markets I've read. He analyses the dynamics of a bubble. He also explains the methods he used to avoid haemorrhaging money when starting out as a hedge fund manager.

    Liar's Poker by Michael Lewis - essential if you intend to trade fixed income.

    The Mayfair Set - documentary series directed by Adam Curtis. All the episodes are on Youtube. My favourite part is the on-screen testimony by Christopher Fildes: "I began to realise that I and other people in the financial press were willing dupes."

    I also have a negative list of anti-recommendations (AVOID AVOID AVOID!):

    Zerohedge - they've now taken to deleting old blog posts which contain embarrassingly wrong predictions. Have they ever been right about anything? Pure propaganda.

    Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. Charlatan. I couldn't finish this screed to the end. Do you believe Warren Buffet made his money purely by chance and everything that happens is 100% random? Then you might enjoy this muck.

    Most of the mainstream financial press - Bloomberg, the WSJ, CNBC, CNN all the usual rubbish basically. I don't dismiss them totally since sometimes they will have useful articles, especially the Financial Times, but overall use your discernment and filter everything you read if you must read this stuff.

    Irish Times Business Opinion - advising you that buying the dip after the last correction in March 2020 was too risky. How did that work out? The Nasdaq doubled between March 2020 and January 2021.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,240 ✭✭✭Wottle

    The Education of a value investor by Guy Spier and The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel are both super reads with lots of takeaway points. Highly recommend both.
