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dimming laptop screen and fix (helpful info for other windows users)

  • 11-02-2010 9:39am
    Registered Users Posts: 1,138 ✭✭✭

    hey everyone,

    this may have already been mentioned, but in case it hasn't, here ye go.

    my laptop screen recently starting dimming just after the desktop appeared on screen (windows 7 ultimate). i searched for similar problems and found info on different types of hardware that might be at fault, and thought i was gonna have to open up the display to fix whatever was wrong.

    however, since it kept happening at the exact same time, i kept digging and eventually found this

    so i decided to stop WMI running just like the guy said, and what do ye think happened? screen brightness is fine now, it was the january update to WMI causing the problem all along! now i'm getting security warnings instead, so i think knocking off the WMI is causing some other issues, so i'm gonna do some more digging to see if i can find what i need to edit to sort this problem.

    anyways, just thought this might save someone a bit of time googling, or maybe even a parts change they don't need at all!
