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Tips on applying as a Mature Student



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,280 ✭✭✭paperclip2

    Healium wrote: »
    Hi guys,

    Wondering if anyone can offer any advice re: references

    As the CAO application only allows you to input contact details of your referees, I assumed that was all I submitted and that the university would contact them if they were thinking of offering me a place. Now, I've seen that people often submit a written reference via post to the CAO team. Have I accidentally screwed myself over here by not preparing references in advance?

    No you're fine as long as you have the referees contact info included. Sometimes people send written references to be thorough but its not necessary unless expressly looked for by a college.

    Mr rebel wrote: »
    As far as I'm concerned, they didn't specifically ask for a written reference so I didn't bother giving one either.
    The reference part of the mature student application pretty much baffles me anyway.
    I just fail to see the importance of it when applying for a course. You are already submitting evidence of exam results anyway, I don't see how a job reference is relevant to wanting to study a course, unless obviously the job reference is somehow relevant to the course, but I would wager in most cases this is not the case.

    Referees in this case are usually academic referees. These would be people who can give a positive insight into your ability to learn as an adult and your capacity to successfully complete the course you've applied for.
    A lot of mature students take some form of prior education before going back to college. An academic referee is usually someone like a course tutor or coordinator so their references are very relevant to the college.

    Some people also provide a work related referee. This would be relevant where a mature student is applying for a course in an area that they have some previous work experience in, or if they are applying for courses in a subject similar to previous employments. A work referee can give some insight into an applicants aptitude for a particular field.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,800 ✭✭✭AngryLips

    Anyone applying as a mature student to anything as part of the CAO late applications process? I'll share my experience with this so far for anyone considering it. Most of the universities are not accepting late mature applicants, although NUIM and UL are two that I know of which are continuing to accept late applicants, I suspect it also varies between courses how receptive they are to it. Many of the ITs seem to continue taking late applications from mature students. You're best to engage directly with both the admissions office and the course director of your desired college/course if you're applying for anything. Often they'll advise you about anything further you'll need to do other than just the application itself. maynooth asked me to provide them with my details to include for the call for aptitude tests happening this month. DIT were less helpful and didn't really tell me anything beyond what's already on their website which was something along the lines of "apply anyway and hope for the best". Can't stress this enough but if you want to apply you need to make contact with the colleges ASAP

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3 NYGRL

    Great info in this thread, thanks to all!!

    Is there an entrance exam or aptitude test you have to take when applying to TCD for Occupational Therapy?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 245 ✭✭Foggy.nelson

    Hi guys have an interview later in the week and one of the sample questions is titled communication skills and I'm stuck for answers. Any tips?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 111 ✭✭Alt J

    Had my interview for med science on Tuesday for GMIT. The waiting is killing me already haha. Anyone have any ideas when rejection, acceptance letters are sent out ?. Hoping for a miracle :) Only four places for mature students

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 245 ✭✭Foggy.nelson

    Alt J wrote: »
    Had my interview for med science on Tuesday for GMIT. The waiting is killing me already haha. Anyone have any ideas when rejection, acceptance letters are sent out ?. Hoping for a miracle :) Only four places for mature students

    Sligo told me first week in June. It was one of the questions I asked them. I'm sure every college is different but I think they tend to let mature students know earlier

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 660 ✭✭✭Moomat

    Hi guys have an interview later in the week and one of the sample questions is titled communication skills and I'm stuck for answers. Any tips?

    I did 4 interviews last year and each one was slightly different, however, a common trait was that the discussion in each was much more about me than it was about the course. I had prepared by researching what modules I wanted to pick, built up some knowledge about them etc... I wasted my time, not one of them asked me specific questions about the course. Sure, they wanted to know in general why I had chosen that course but mostly they wanted to see commitment and enthusiasm.

    Just relax, you'll be fine. If they're taking the time to interview you then you are in with a very good chance of getting a place.

    Best of luck!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 245 ✭✭Foggy.nelson

    Moomat wrote: »
    I did 4 interviews last year and each one was slightly different, however, a common trait was that the discussion in each was much more about me than it was about the course. I had prepared by researching what modules I wanted to pick, built up some knowledge about them etc... I wasted my time, not one of them asked me specific questions about the course. Sure, they wanted to know in general why I had chosen that course but mostly they wanted to see commitment and enthusiasm.

    Just relax, you'll be fine. If they're taking the time to interview you then you are in with a very good chance of getting a place.

    Best of luck!

    Yes interview went well i think, but yes your right they seemed more interested in why you went for the course, your enthusiasm for the course and going back to college, plans to finance the course rather than what exactly you know about the course. I would research the course but i think if the course is right for you and you can show them that and be enthusiastic the interview will go ok for you. Best of luck to anyone with interviews for next September

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 38 gillymuffins

    I am so thankful for this thread!

    I applied this year as a mature student to DCU for Multimedia as my first choice and today I received an acceptance letter.

    There is so much valuable information here especially regarding the interview process. I'm not sure I would have gotten a place without the confidence and asurity I've received from all the posters on this thread.

    I would like to wish everyone past, present and future the best of luck in their journey back to education.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1 CarolinS

    Hello :)

    next year I want to apply as a (eu) mature student for PPES at Trinity.

    I know I am quite early but I am as a voluntary in Paraguay at the moment so I decided to start early on researching!

    Thanks a lot for all the tips on applying!

    I started writing my personal statement but I am quite unsure what to write:
    the exact question I need to answer is ¨Personal statement: which aspects of the course interest you the most.¨ (700 words)

    Should I only give specific answers about the course or also answer in a rather general way: things I already know about economy(e.g.), why I find the disciplines interesting and I decided to apply for the course?

    The tips for the personal statement seem to be a little to general for this (is it for the CAO?)

    Thanks a lot for your help!

    Larianne wrote: »

    Personal Statement

    This IS the biggy. You need to get this one right. This is where you get a chance to sell yourself properly. This is the hardest part of the application. Is it too long? Is it too short? Have I spent too much time talking about this? Do I need to speak about that? Is it too moany?

    When I was writing mine out I stated:

    • Why I wanted to do the course

    • What influence me to do the course/go back to education

    • What work experience/voluntary work has helped me build up the skills to be successful in the ‘new’ career – be it working in the same/similar sector or taking up work experience/volunteering some way related to the course.

    • Any courses (full/part time) which relate to the course to show how you can cope with workloads.

    • Interests and Hobbies which relate to the course.

    • Your hopes for the future after you graduate.

    I guess the average length would be a page and a half but mine ended up being just over two pages!

    It was recommended by a member of a university admissions office to make your personal statement ‘quite’ soppy. But be careful not to be too over the top. No-one likes a whinge or a lick arse.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 23 HoopStudios

    Just wanted to bump this thread and say thanks for all the amazing info in it. I got my 1st choice course from following the advice here. Cheers :-)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,456 ✭✭✭astonaidan

    So guys, I applying as a mature student and I have been asked for my leaving cert number, I have no idea where to get this.
    Also I have attended college before 6 years ago, where will I get the information for this, it says I need to send it in 7 days at latest after submitting

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,777 ✭✭✭raze_them_all_

    astonaidan wrote: »
    So guys, I applying as a mature student and I have been asked for my leaving cert number, I have no idea where to get this.
    Also I have attended college before 6 years ago, where will I get the information for this, it says I need to send it in 7 days at latest after submitting

    if you have your leaving cert it will be on the result sheet

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 937 ✭✭✭Dair76

    if you have your leaving cert it will be on the result sheet

    And if you don't have it, your secondary school should be able to give you your LC number.

    What was the previous college course you did, aidan?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,921 ✭✭✭✭hdowney

    I am wondering if you guys would know. In 2004-2006 I did a level 5 in childcare. In 2008 I went to ITT to do a course, but dropped out very early (well before Halloween break). Would I be right in thinking I could avail of 2nd Chance where fees/grant are concerned? I am particularly interested re doing a level 5, then progressing to a level 6 and then on to a level 7/8 in an IT.

    I need to work out how the fees thing works when you pay upfront when offered a place in a Further Education centre and then getting it back when grant/fees are confirmed. If anyone has any info on that too I'd appreciate.


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,456 ✭✭✭astonaidan

    Dair76 wrote: »
    And if you don't have it, your secondary school should be able to give you your LC number.

    What was the previous college course you did, aidan?

    The course I did was Arch Tech in Castlebar,
    I think my problem is, when selecting choices at the start I shouldnt have picked anything besides Mature Student. My question now is should I leave all the other sections blank and just do the mature students parts

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 311 ✭✭robjones1981

    Dair76 wrote: »
    And if you don't have it, your secondary school should be able to give you your LC number.

    What was the previous college course you did, aidan?

    And if your school does not have it, you can order it online a statement of results from the State Examinations site

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 53 ✭✭RebeccaChick

    Hi all, I hope someone here can help me with my question regarding the CAO application! I have paid for the early application date which is next Wednesday the 20th... I have all my online application completed and ready to submit and my documents have been sent by registered post today so they should be with the CAO on Monday or Tuesday.

    My question is how do I complete and submit my online application? Is it a case of waiting for Wednesday to come and the closing time to pass for it then to be retrieved or do I have to press some submit/send button which I cannot seem to find?

    I would greatly appreciate any help!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,777 ✭✭✭raze_them_all_

    Hi all, I hope someone here can help me with my question regarding the CAO application! I have paid for the early application date which is next Wednesday the 20th... I have all my online application completed and ready to submit and my documents have been sent by registered post today so they should be with the CAO on Monday or Tuesday.

    My question is how do I complete and submit my online application? Is it a case of waiting for Wednesday to come and the closing time to pass for it then to be retrieved or do I have to press some submit/send button which I cannot seem to find?

    I would greatly appreciate any help!

    iirc when you finish it and save it with all details in it that is it submitted

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 53 ✭✭RebeccaChick

    iirc when you finish it and save it with all details in it that is it submitted

    Excellent, thank you raze_them_all_ for the reply!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 22 Elai147

    Hi all, I am hoping I could get some advice here. If I got an option to study Engineering at Level 7 and Level 8 in IT Tallaght, which would you advise me to do as a mature student? Apart from Level 8 being Honours and Level 7, an Ordinary degree, is there actually any difference between these two in terms of workload? I heard that Level 8 is a bit faster than Level 7. Does this mean it is more difficult than a Level 7 degree? I am curious as I would be going to college as a mature student, so I'm a little bit nervous. Here is a little info about my educational background... I completed a 2-year diploma programme in Computer Engineering (foreign qualification- more like a Level 6 in the NFQ) in 2001, and since then I have been out of third level education.

    My goal is to get an Honours degree, but would you advise me to go through the Level 7 route (doing a Level 7 plus 1 or 2 add-on year(s) to get the Level 8) or should I go for the Level 8? Should I be worried about the level of difficulty, if any, as a mature student who left higher education since 2001?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 24 Sir Arsalot

    Hello all, hoping for some enlightenment - some of the info on here has made me a little confused about how many course choices you get as a mature student.
    Do you really only get to put down three level 8 choices?

    ( I've had a look at the sample form - even filled in a bunch of info just so I could get to the course choices section - but am none the wiser because the demo form wouldn't change the leaving cert year from 2017, so I fear it may be possible that on the real application, if you tick mature student, you get less choices - as in, only three ?! )

    I've been trying to pick 3 , but would like to be able to put more than that.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 75 ✭✭leesadin

    Last year you could put down 10 choices same as a leaving cert person.. so I'd imagine it should be the same this year... unless something has changed...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 24 Sir Arsalot

    That would be brilliant , 10 choices ( so disgusted at America - I almost said "awesome" - then I decided I use that word too much - sounds a bit Americanized lol ).
    Its posts #18, #19, #20 in this thread that is making me think there are only 3 choices as a mature student ( all the other info given here is very helpful ).

    Originally Posted by Sean/Telnor viewpost.gif
    Hi Larianne, Thanks so much for the advice. really helps.

    I was wondering how the application process works. When I enter my 3 mature choices on my CAO App, does that mean I will get an Interview for all 3? or is it live the leaving cert where ill just get my 1st choice interview and not the others.

    Maybe some1 will knoww this too :
    Im also doing a FETAC course that allows for direct entry by FETAC to Nursing colleges. Can I apply using both or do i have to pick FETAC or just Mature entry or can i pick both.

    Thanks a mill for the answers smile.pngbiggrin.pngsmile.png

    Yes, You could be called for interview for all 3 choices. (The Unis don't have which order you have them in.) If the college deems you a strong candidate they will call you for an interview. So just make sure you have your 1st choice 1st, no matter how little chance you think you may have. Put it down!

    With your second question, I'm not so sure. I looked up and it has FETAC and Mature Student Entry as separate things. You should contact the relative unis for advice on that. But applying as a Mature Student with FETAC level 5 is no harm at all!! smile.png But contact the colleges so you have an idea of what to do when sorting out your CAO.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5 Anewbegining

    Just wanted to confirm that codes are the same for traditional entry as well as mature entry to nursing thus year. (As in no seperate codes)

    Applied for mature nursing to dcu

    I've been told it's all down to how well you do in the exam in april.
    Anyone with any experience.
    Have all my hopes pinned on getting a place sept 2017

  • Site Banned Posts: 32 Streppy

    Hi, I'm currently filling out the CAO form online (Christ, it's tough going). It asks for a stamped copy of exam results. I have my original JC and LC results but the problem is the school I went to closed about 5 years ago so I've no idea how I'll get them stamped. Also, I have a FETAC qualification from 2010 but again I have no idea where to get this stamped.

    Any idea?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 647 ✭✭✭corcaigh1

    Streppy wrote: »
    Hi, I'm currently filling out the CAO form online (Christ, it's tough going). It asks for a stamped copy of exam results. I have my original JC and LC results but the problem is the school I went to closed about 5 years ago so I've no idea how I'll get them stamped. Also, I have a FETAC qualification from 2010 but again I have no idea where to get this stamped.

    Any idea?

    If ya think that's tough going god hep you in college lol!!!

  • Site Banned Posts: 32 Streppy

    Can someone help me please? I'm filling out my CAO but I cannot find course codes for 2017/18, all I'm seeing is 2016/17 on college websites and Qualifax.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 937 ✭✭✭Dair76

    Does the CAO website itself not have them?

  • Site Banned Posts: 32 Streppy

    Dair76 wrote: »
    Does the CAO website itself not have them?
    Yes, but I'm looking to do Accounting as a part-time (evening) student, but there's only one code for Carlow IT which I presume is for the full-time day course. Or am I wrong and it's all under this code?

    First time doing this so I'm a little clueless. :o

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 647 ✭✭✭corcaigh1

    Streppy wrote: »
    Can someone help me please? I'm filling out my CAO but I cannot find course codes for 2017/18, all I'm seeing is 2016/17 on college websites and Qualifax.

    If your applying for college next year you will be entering year one in 2017 wont you?

  • Site Banned Posts: 32 Streppy

    corcaigh1 wrote: »
    If your applying for college next year you will be entering year one in 2017 wont you?
    Yes, September 2017.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 647 ✭✭✭corcaigh1

    Streppy wrote: »
    Yes, September 2017.

    Doubt the codes are available for 2018 then as 2017 only applies...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 647 ✭✭✭corcaigh1

    Streppy wrote: »
    Yes, but I'm looking to do Accounting as a part-time (evening) student, but there's only one code for Carlow IT which I presume is for the full-time day course. Or am I wrong and it's all under this code?

    First time doing this so I'm a little clueless. :o

    Accounting by night in IT Carlow is CW-BRLAC-B

  • Site Banned Posts: 32 Streppy

    Found out you don't apply through the CAO for part time courses, Carlow not taking applications for this until June. Waste of €25 on the CAO. Might send it off anyway just to see would I get accepted for the full time course.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 647 ✭✭✭corcaigh1

    Streppy wrote: »
    Found out you don't apply through the CAO for part time courses, Carlow not taking applications for this until June. Waste of €25 on the CAO. Might send it off anyway just to see would I get accepted for the full time course.

    No harm sur, proves to them that your interested!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1 paulamalves

    Hi i am applying to nursing as mature student this year 2017.
    Does anyone knows a teacher that can help me with the aopitute exam???

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 22 celestialteapot

    HI guys

    How strict do people think the CAO will be about sending supporting documents within 7 seven days?

    I assume they say seven just to put the frighteners on people if they get the documents in and around seven days that will be fine..??

    Also, slightly confused about when those seven start... If you're allowed to change your application as much as you want until the 31st January then surely this has to be start date? I got a "thank you for your application " email though when I first applied and Im worried this may not be the case. ..

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 42 sderref

    According to the CAO handbook page12( in the pdf format it is the p16),
    When you apply online, instructions about the submission of any additional documentation (if required) will
    appear on screen.
    Such documents must arrive in CAO within ten days of the submission of the online

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