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Advice to someone heading into the LC?



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,975 ✭✭✭nkay1985

    It's a great idea to ask for advice on how to tackle the LC because with hindsight and experience people can see what worked for them and where they went wrong.

    My philosophy on the LC is mainly focused on two things.

    1. Do your homework. I can't emphasise the importance of this. It's practical application of what you're being taught. It might seem banal but it's a great way of hammering home what you're doing in class.

    2. Past papers. If I learned anything from the LC and college, it's to study for the paper and not for the subject. The way our system works, it doesn't matter how much you know about a subject; what matters is how well you can do the exam. So from week one of sixth year, work from past papers. If it's Maths and you've all of question 1 in 5th year, do Q1(a) from the last four or five years, then Q1(b), then Q1(c). If you struggle with any of them, ask your teacher to go through the specific question with you. When you've finished all Q1, rip it out and keep them together in a section of a folder. Repeat until you've done all questions.
    Apply this to every subject and you'll it. It can be harder in things like English but do the questions that relate to your syllabus.

    If you're serious about getting 600 points, you'll have to put in a lot of work. But just do the questions and then re-do them! Good luck with it.
