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I'm a skeptic. I want to know some personal paranormal experiences.

  • 15-06-2009 12:40am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1,359 ✭✭✭

    I'm not here to troll or take the piss. I just want to know what experiences have led you to embrace the whole paranormal scene.

    I "think" I get it. It's fun, isn't it? It's fun to hunt ghosts, believe in alien abductions, spooky goings on and everything else that people speak about in this forum. The mere possibility of these things existing is exciting.

    I have never had a paranormal experience myself. Anything I see on TV is rubbish; "Most Haunted" comes to mind.

    A door creaks...

    "What was that noise?!"

    "It sounded like somebody crying"

    "No it was a distinct utterance of a word"

    "Somebody called out a name, did they?"

    "No it sounded more like a growl, like RAWRGHGRR"

    "It could be a werewolf"

    Conclusion: It was a werewolf.

    I'm sure you can understand why skeptics think the way they do. I don't believe in Ouija Boards ( after trying a few times ) ghosts, mediums, psychics, the Area 51 conspiracy, reincarnation, and many other paranormal phenomena. There is no evidence, and if any "evidence" is put forward, it is as shoddy as a knacker's trap.

    People want to believe in ghosts, so anything that may be evidence in favour of ghosts is seen as solid. A creepy noise in an abandoned hospital. It could have been the wind, but it was more than likely a ghost!!!

    Kind of like my doggies.

    I'm sitting with my dogs right now. Dogs love to protect their territory. They are geared towards that. My dogs bark at any noise outside the house. A car passes, it must be an intruder!!! Some strange bird caws, intruder alert!!! Even if I say the word "woof", they run to the door and ready themselves for action. But are there any intruders? Nope.

    My point is, if there is one, just one experience that makes you believe in other worlds/ ghosts/ aliens/ the other "side" etc etc... what is it? The X-Files slogan was "I want to believe". And if you guys want to believe, you will cherry pick any piece of evidence, no matter how small, and sell it as proof.

    Give me some ground-breaking experiences. Please.:)

    edit: oh yeah and crop circles are made by humans.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭bigeasyeah


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 805 ✭✭✭suey71

    Hi Overblood.
    Most haunted makes me laugh too. When I see a little orb skitting around a dark room in a "haunted castle" oooh. Thats not an orb, I've seen an orb and its bloody bigger than that! How about the size of a basket ball floating across your kitchen table at dinner time with the lights on. I say to my mother did you see that? and she says "dont say a thing" without even looking up, as if it was normal. and this was about 20 years before I even knew what an orb was.
    Or how about when your cousin dies and your 12 year old little brother and 10 year old sister and 2 of their friends see her spirit just after she dies/same time out in the back garden. And all of the electrical appliances in the house turn on by themselves and the TV comes on and changes channels on its own and all the windows and doors open by themselves, What then? what happens when the kids run out on the road and tell one of the neighbours to come into the house and see whats happening, and he comes in and cant turn the TV off because its not turned on. What then?
    There is stuff out there that no one understands.
    If people made films about what really happens out there, no one would believe it. and yeah "the truth is out there" but its bloody spookier than the films make out. Big Time..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,569 ✭✭✭iamhunted

    I "think" I get it. It's fun, isn't it? It's fun to hunt ghosts, believe in alien abductions, spooky goings on and everything else that people speak about in this forum. The mere possibility of these things existing is exciting.

    I think to a degree. some see it that way. Personally I just want to know what the story is .. its not necessarily for the fun. I see there being two types of people interested int he paranormal - one for ****s and giggles/scare factor and others who genuinely wish to understand what causes paranormal experiences.

    Some personal stories (may as well be the first to put my head on the block):

    In one particular place I lived (compeltely detached home):

    TVs and Radios would randomly turn on

    Lights would dim/brighten (with no dimmer) or switch off completely. this would happen in individual rooms (different ones at different times) and not with all the lights at the one time.

    Various voices from moans, whispers and sighs - usually unmistakenly right in the ear. And I mean almost inside the ear - theres just no way the sounds came from across the room etc etc.

    Noises of things falling off walls - very loud distinct and clear. Obviously after checking, nothing would have fallen off the wall.

    Things being moved/missing and then reappearing. One incident with an alarm clock - wasnt there at night (I had looked for it) and in the morning was in a position where it just wasnt before I went to sleep.

    Soudns of people walking up the corridor and going into one particular room. this had me fooled for a few months as I actually thought it was one of the kids, until I realised there never was the sounds of someone going back down the hall. eventually, i eneded up waiting for the sounds of somone coming coming up the hall and would check as soon as I heard it - but there'd be no-one there

    Theres more but you get the jist.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,359 ✭✭✭Overblood

    iamhunted wrote: »

    Some personal stories (may as well be the first to put my head on the block):

    I'm not here to take the piss! There ain't no block. I just want to know what personal experiences caused you to believe.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,433 ✭✭✭MrMojoRisin

    I "think" I get it. It's fun, isn't it? It's fun to hunt ghosts, believe in alien abductions, spooky goings on and everything else that people speak about in this forum. The mere possibility of these things existing is exciting.

    When I think about paranormal things,I never think 'it's fun', tbh w/ you. Ive never hunted ghosts (u wouldnt hunt a living person - unless youre mental - so why would you hunt a dead person's spirit??) and I laugh at alien abductions. I was actually just thinkin about that whole alien thing last night when I was driving home ! I came to the conclusion that the whole aliens lark came about because, one night/day, a police car pulled up to find some dumb Yank goin out of his/her mind, but instead of said dumb Yank explaining truthfully,"Officer,I'm just finishing up on a LSD trip", they waffled, "An alien abducted me, Officer! I'm suffering from PST disorder right now because of the shock of it all!" And so began the alien abduction/aliens exist fables... i know there are people who take the aliens thing REALLY seriously, and good luck to them,but I think its baloney
    I have never had a paranormal experience myself.

    Define what you mean by 'a paranormal experience'? Paranormal can cover a lot of things. Like,have u ever been thinking of a song, a person you know, or a public figure, and then you switched on the TV, radio, opened a newspaper and there they are, or the person you know that you were thinking about then called/texted u? I was emailing a friend n London a few months ago and I was responding 2 him goin on about castles (he wants to live n one someday). I started taking the p!ss out of Enya, who lives n a castle, and talkin about how she seems 2 hide in there and if she ever goes out even to push a shopping trolley around Tesco. 3 days later,who appears on the Late Late show w/ Prat Kenny for a chat, only Enya! :pac: that sh!t happens 2 me all the time but I dont make a big song and dance about it. Look, a paranormal experience can be a lot of different things and most of da time they arent so obvious. Granted,I saw a spirit twice on two separate occasions (Im not going to go into detail to 'explain'/elaborate because various people are no doubt already rollin their eyes),but the majority of my paranormal experiences have been related to sort of precognition (very small scale, in fairness like) and synchronicity,if thats what youd call it
    Anything I see on TV is rubbish; "Most Haunted" comes to mind.

    I dont watch any of that sh!te unless im on the lookout for a fcukin migraine. i chance an odd look at the show 'Medium' but I just think thats good in a detectivey way,if u knw what i mean.

    A door creaks...

    "What was that noise?!"

    "It sounded like somebody crying"

    "No it was a distinct utterance of a word"

    "Somebody called out a name, did they?"

    "No it sounded more like a growl, like RAWRGHGRR"

    "It could be a werewolf"

    Conclusion: It was a werewolf.

    Ive never been that simplistic and impulsive in my estimation of what something is/was. Only a bona fide, livin-in-the-grand-colon of fcukwheresville, sh!t shovelling simpleton would come up with that sort of craic
    I'm sure you can understand why skeptics think the way they do.

    you talk about these skeptics like theyre a separate sub-species of the human race. We all have the ability to discern, analyse, and conclude, etc.
    I don't believe in Ouija Boards ( after trying a few times )

    Did you expect the glass to move by itself or furniture to start flying around the place?
    ghosts, mediums, psychics

    I do, but the latter two are only n the very, very small minority. as in,the ones that are 'developed' to a very significant degree to da point where they can 'read' for people
    the Area 51 conspiracy

    I dont believe n that.
    reincarnation... There is no evidence, and if any "evidence" is put forward, it is as shoddy as a knacker's trap.

    yeah,theres no evidence of reincarnation being the real deal, so Im in two minds about it all. Undecided until I see fit 2 believe it
    People want to believe in ghosts, so anything that may be evidence in favour of ghosts is seen as solid.

    Ive never wanted to believe in ghosts. I just remember from my earliest years as far back as Im able to remember that i believed there was something else there.Im talkin since the age of 4 like. that was well before I was old enough to be 'entertained' w/ ghost stories and the like. the only thing I was told about early on was The Boogieman/Bogeyman,but that was only 2 prevent me from goin outside in the dark alone
    A creepy noise in an abandoned hospital. It could have been the wind, but it was more than likely a ghost!!!

    An already nervous person would probably think/say that 2 begin with,but if they had any grain of sense,they'd say soon afterwards,"Ah sure,it was only the wind comin through that partially boarded set of windows over there,or whatever".
    I'm sitting with my dogs right now. Dogs love to protect their territory. They are geared towards that.

    Sure God love us! What breed are they? Did u give them names? Pookie 1 and Pookie 2?! Joking..
    My dogs bark at any noise outside the house. A car passes, it must be an intruder!!! Some strange bird caws, intruder alert!!! Even if I say the word "woof", they run to the door and ready themselves for action. But are there any intruders? Nope.

    Dogs are far less developed in the brain dept than humans,so thats hardly a fair comparison. But yeah, all dogs (and even cats) do that.
    The X-Files slogan was "I want to believe".

    I always thought the X Files was sh!te. Even at the height of its popularity,I couldnt bring myself 2 sit through a full episode. Dozey boll1x Mulder/Mouldy mumbling gobbledegook and his carrot head colleague hovering along by his side. Sh!te. The movie of that last year was sh!te as well,but Billy Connolly made me laugh. Good old Big Yin. :D
    And if you guys want to believe, you will cherry pick any piece of evidence, no matter how small, and sell it as proof.

    I havent been a paranormal salesman to date.Ive just been ramblin on about my experiences and such on this forum because it seemed like the right place for it. Im not tryin to prove anythin to anybody. The Jehovahs Witnesses are runnin around tryin to peddle their gospel to people and theyre nice lads/ladies,but I stick wit my own faith and let them go on their merry way. At the end of the day,we all (Jehovahs, myself, et al) share a basic belief that theres a higher power somewhere and all that. Its just the finer details of their religion that exterminate my interest. My 'piece of evidence' about paranormal stuff can be as small or as big as it likes - its my own personal 'evidence' and im not tryin to force it down anyone elses oesphagus. And again, Im not n the business of sellin proof of the paranormal. Im just interested n talkin about it wit people wit open/open-ish minds. That is all.

    edit: oh yeah and crop circles are made by humans.

    I don't believe in crop circles. A creative farmer wit landscaping experience got jumped up on a very powerful 'stimulant' one night, then jumped on his tractor, drove all around a big field, and the result da next morning was a 'crop circle'.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 513 ✭✭✭Cormac2791

    hard to know what to think

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,182 ✭✭✭Genghiz Cohen

    Was reading in bed last night. Everything was really quiet.
    Then suddenly it was like something punched the bed right beside me, like a proper thump.
    I've never had anything like that happen to me before, it was really spooky.

    Until I though about it and it was probably a bed spring that was slightly out of place. That or a poltergeist...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,359 ✭✭✭Overblood

    Define what you mean by 'a paranormal experience'?

    This is the definition I'd most agree with:
    An event or perception is said to be paranormal if it involves forces or agencies that are beyond scientific explanation. Many paranormal events are said to be experienced only by those with psychic powers, such as extrasensory perception or psychokinesis.

    So I'm looking for personal experiences that can not be explained by science.

    Paranormal can cover a lot of things. Like,have u ever been thinking of a song, a person you know, or a public figure, and then you switched on the TV, radio, opened a newspaper and there they are,

    Do you think it's possible that the above is pure coincidence? What about all the times when that doesn't happen? I'm sure it doesn't happen much more often than it does. If that sort of thing happened every single time you turned on a tv or radio, or opened a newspaper, then something strange is going on. But if that happens rarely... why invoke mystery and magic when it does?

    If you won the lotto, would you describe that as a paranormal experience?
    or the person you know that you were thinking about then called/texted u?

    Yes that has happened to me before, and I say to myself: "What a coincidence!" When this happens to you, what do you say to yourself?
    I was emailing a friend n London a few months ago and I was responding 2 him goin on about castles (he wants to live n one someday). I started taking the p!ss out of Enya, who lives n a castle, and talkin about how she seems 2 hide in there and if she ever goes out even to push a shopping trolley around Tesco. 3 days later,who appears on the Late Late show w/ Prat Kenny for a chat, only Enya! :pac:

    What does that mean to you? Does that mean that you are psychic in some way?
    Granted,I saw a spirit twice on two separate occasions (Im not going to go into detail to 'explain'/elaborate because various people are no doubt already rollin their eyes)

    Can you PM me the story so?
    the majority of my paranormal experiences have been related to sort of precognition (very small scale, in fairness like) and synchronicity,if thats what youd call it

    Can those paranormal experience be explained by common sense and science?

    Ive never been that simplistic and impulsive in my estimation of what something is/was. Only a bona fide, livin-in-the-grand-colon of fcukwheresville, sh!t shovelling simpleton would come up with that sort of craic

    Haha! Good.

    you talk about these skeptics like theyre a separate sub-species of the human race. We all have the ability to discern, analyze, and conclude, etc.

    We are actually a separate Super-species.... JOKING!

    With your abilities to discern etc... can you truthfully say that when you think of enya, then three days later you see her on TV, you have had a paranormal experience that cannot be explained by science?
    Did you expect the [oiija board] glass to move by itself or furniture to start flying around the place?

    Well isn't the glass supposed to move by itself? Or isn't something spooky supposed to happen?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,359 ✭✭✭Overblood

    suey71 wrote: »
    How about an orb the size of a basket ball floating across your kitchen table at dinner time with the lights on.

    If you've seen this with your own two eyes then fair enough.

    By the way, I'm not here to actively disprove anything anyone says, I just want the experiences that most strengthen your paranormal beliefs.

    suey71 wrote: »
    Or how about when your cousin dies and your 12 year old little brother and 10 year old sister and 2 of their friends see her spirit just after she dies/same time out in the back garden. And all of the electrical appliances in the house turn on by themselves and the TV comes on and changes channels on its own and all the windows and doors open by themselves,

    Sure if I saw this myself I'd be quite spooked as well. Did you see the doors and windows opening by themselves?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,359 ✭✭✭Overblood

    iamhunted wrote: »

    In one particular place I lived (compeltely detached home):

    TVs and Radios would randomly turn on

    Lights would dim/brighten (with no dimmer) or switch off completely. this would happen in individual rooms (different ones at different times) and not with all the lights at the one time.

    Various voices from moans, whispers and sighs - usually unmistakenly right in the ear. And I mean almost inside the ear - theres just no way the sounds came from across the room etc etc.

    Noises of things falling off walls - very loud distinct and clear. Obviously after checking, nothing would have fallen off the wall.

    Things being moved/missing and then reappearing. One incident with an alarm clock - wasnt there at night (I had looked for it) and in the morning was in a position where it just wasnt before I went to sleep.

    Soudns of people walking up the corridor and going into one particular room. this had me fooled for a few months as I actually thought it was one of the kids, until I realised there never was the sounds of someone going back down the hall. eventually, i eneded up waiting for the sounds of somone coming coming up the hall and would check as soon as I heard it - but there'd be no-one there

    Theres more but you get the jist.

    That's the classic poltergeist scenario isn't it? If that was happening right now in my house I'd be checking the electrics. But the groans and moans in my ear would freak me out.

    Could you make out what the whispers were saying?

    And when the lights switched off, were the actual light switches turned to the off position?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,359 ✭✭✭Overblood

    Actually I think I may have had a paranormal experience last week. My clothesdryer is in the shed. I put some runners in and turned it on then went back inside. I returned to check on it like 30mins later and the dryer was turned off and the door was open... spooky eh?

    The funny thing about ghosts trying to "tell you" something: If they have the power to open doors and windows, couldn't they just grab a pen and jot the "something" down?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 457 ✭✭hiorta

    Here's a site where some very experienced people have been pursuing this quest for a long time.

    Make of it what you will, but is there any reason why our two worlds cannot overlap a little at times when the conditions are right?

  • Registered Users Posts: 782 ✭✭✭DANNY22XX

    Overblood wrote: »
    Actually I think I may have had a paranormal experience last week. My clothesdryer is in the shed. I put some runners in and turned it on then went back inside. I returned to check on it like 30mins later and the dryer was turned off and the door was open... spooky eh?

    The funny thing about ghosts trying to "tell you" something: If they have the power to open doors and windows, couldn't they just grab a pen and jot the "something" down?

    they are trying to tell you not to dry your runners in the dryer it will dint the drum,and the lock on the door

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,359 ✭✭✭Overblood

    DANNY22XX wrote: »
    they are trying to tell you not to dry your runners in the dryer it will dint the drum,and the lock on the door

    Oh. How nice of them.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 805 ✭✭✭suey71

    Hi Overblood, jeeeez you where busy today:rolleyes:.

    No I didnt see the doors fly open but 4 children did, and they all saw the same thing. The strange thing was the ghost of my cousin was of when she was about 12 and not her true age which was 29:confused:. She was standing in the middle of the garden looking at them while all the electrics and windows and doors where going crazy. My brother and sisters' 2 friends where not allowed to visit our house again or hang around my brother and sister. My brother met one of them a while ago and the first thing she mentioned was the ghost in the back garden. the ghost was sighted at 2pm and my parents where later told that the coronors report also said around 2pm. She died on her own so it was a few hours before her body was found. My bro and sis told my parents what they had seen before her body was found.

    But I myself have seen a ghost.
    I was working by myself one night in one of my old jobs when something caught my eye, I looked and saw a gray haired middle aged man wearing navy full lenght overalls walking towards me, looked at me then turned into a partition wall and was gone. I nearly shat myself, I grabbed the keys to lock up then went to throw them on a table about 2 feet away while I turned off the machine but before I threw them, I heard them landing:confused:. I still had the keys in my hand, I threw them anyway and they made the exact same sound:confused:.

    I Bloody Legged it. Next day the boss told me that a canal worker was crushed to death against the side of the building by a canal barge before the canal was filled in in the 1970's.

    I have experianced other stuff but my 2 fingers can only take so much:D bye.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,359 ✭✭✭Overblood

    suey71 wrote: »
    Hi Overblood, jeeeez you where busy today:rolleyes:.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,569 ✭✭✭iamhunted

    logic says it couldnt really have been the electrics as an electrical problem would have had wider effects plus would happen maybe sporadically over time, not suddenly begin and then a certain amount of time later suddenly stop altogether.

    The hall lights used to phsycially turn themselves off - switches and all. The whispers were normally sighs, except for the time my wifes name was called (why is it always 3 times?).

    Long story, but it all sorted itself out in the end.
    Overblood wrote: »
    That's the classic poltergeist scenario isn't it? If that was happening right now in my house I'd be checking the electrics. But the groans and moans in my ear would freak me out.

    Could you make out what the whispers were saying?

    And when the lights switched off, were the actual light switches turned to the off position?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 805 ✭✭✭suey71

    Hi Overblood. I meant busy writing. ie. lots of posts. sorry if you took it up the wrong way.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,556 ✭✭✭Micky 32

    Was reading in bed last night. Everything was really quiet.
    Then suddenly it was like something punched the bed right beside me, like a proper thump.
    I've never had anything like that happen to me before, it was really spooky.

    Until I though about it and it was probably a bed spring that was slightly out of place. That or a poltergeist...

    A friend of mine used to rent a house while his new one was getting built. he swears most nights he felt someone sit on the end of the bed!

    However, i'm a skeptic. One of the things that make me sceptical is when someone says they saw a ghost or whatever it's not the only time they have seen them, they seem to see them a lot over their lifetime which i think it's odd over the 38 years alive i haven't seen even one.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,569 ✭✭✭iamhunted

    its good to be skeptical - as in the true sense of the word.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 53 ✭✭jick the rapper

    Was reading in bed last night. Everything was really quiet.
    Then suddenly it was like something punched the bed right beside me, like a proper thump.
    I've never had anything like that happen to me before, it was really spooky.

    Until I though about it and it was probably a bed spring that was slightly out of place. That or a poltergeist...

    a spring popping in the mattress can make some wallop!

    caught me out a few times :pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 53 ✭✭jick the rapper

    iamhunted wrote: »
    its good to be skeptical - as in the true sense of the word.

    as in skeptical regarding the existance of ghosts in general, or skeptical when it comes to reviewing "evidence of ghosts?

    or both?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,569 ✭✭✭iamhunted

    I's day both.

    skeptical as in not believing everything you're told but yet not cynical enough to not have at least some level of open mindedness.

    In my book, if you only believe something when you definitely see it then you're cynical - for example, I have never seen a woolly mammoth but I'd be a cynic to say they never existed as I hadnt seen one.

    On the other hand, I could legitimately be skeptical about it as long as I am open to change my mind by either seeing physical remains (as in a personal experience) or collecting enough supporting evidence to make me consider that mammoths existed.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 53 ✭✭jick the rapper

    Good point.

    But, while something like a mammoth has a good deal of evidence to imply its actual existence, ghosts don’t, it’s an innately intangible field, which in turn is reflected in all the “evidence” presented as proof!

    That’s why I’m an actual cynic when it comes to paranormal evidence.

    Yet open minded in the sense that you can never really discount anything.

    Not enough people are truly sceptical, although they would label themselves as such!

    Too many are open minded though!

    Such an enormous volume of crud presented as evidence these days.

    Makes it hard to maintain the old open mind, dont ya think?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,569 ✭✭✭iamhunted

    i totally agree which is why you'll find most of those who 'believe' in the paranormal in some way either have had an experience of their own or have recorded some form of audio/video information for themselves that intrigues them.

    I think at this stage of the game, its a bit mad to either wholly rely on someone elses information or just 'believe' because you like the idea of it. Ive said this many times on here - if the paranormal is something that you really want to know more about, join or start a research group of some kind, give yourself some strict guidelines, use your common sense and see if you come up with anything that confounds yourself (and thats where you use the common sense). It doesnt really matter what anyone else thinks.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 53 ✭✭jick the rapper

    iamhunted wrote: »
    i totally agree which is why you'll find most of those who 'believe' in the paranormal in some way either have had an experience of their own or have recorded some form of audio/video information for themselves that intrigues them.

    I think at this stage of the game, its a bit mad to either wholly rely on someone elses information or just 'believe' because you like the idea of it. Ive said this many times on here - if the paranormal is something that you really want to know more about, join or start a research group of some kind, give yourself some strict guidelines, use your common sense and see if you come up with anything that confounds yourself (and thats where you use the common sense). It doesnt really matter what anyone else thinks.

    Ye, I’m slightly envious of those who have had paranormal experiences.

    I think it provides more impetus to keep on slogging away, looking for hard evidence!

    If indeed it exists!

    Having been involved in a well established group, I feel I’ve investigated within the boundaries of “scientific” paranormal investigation, all the time employing logic and facts to the situation at hand.

    And having not yielded anything significant myself, you start to question if there is anything to investigate!

    That’s where personal experiences I’d imagine give you an aul boosht!

    Like fishing for hours without any luck, and then you catch something and you feel you could fish for hours again!

    But anyway, the interest is still there, just more sceptical then your average sceptic!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 53 ✭✭jick the rapper

    (excuse the font, im typing on a Word page and pasting, trying to look like im working, boss is around :D)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,569 ✭✭✭iamhunted

    again i agree. in our group we've found two or three EVPs that we cant work out. even if I hadnt lived in a house that gave me quite enough to think about paranormal wise, those EVPs keep me wondering.

    If we hadnt found those or if I hadnt had the experiences I had, then I'd be a hellofa lot more cynical. at this stage it gets a bit frustrating as its clear to me that these things happen quite rarely and though we may seek, we just might never find. at the same time, if you arent looking you wont find anything so its a bit circular.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,569 ✭✭✭iamhunted

    the one thing I do like about this 'research' is it lets us check out places we would have been told is haunted, or rumoured to be haunted and you;d be able to come back from such places with some rational explainations.

    recently we were at a place where the gates apparrently wouldnt close and had to be cemented shut.

    ends up the council cemented them for safety reasons after building a busy roadway. we wouldnt have found out that little nugget if we hadnt checked it out. its quite amazing how people can create, buildup and spread local 'folklore'.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,556 ✭✭✭Micky 32

    iamhunted wrote: »
    again i agree. in our group we've found two or three EVPs that we cant work out. even if I hadnt lived in a house that gave me quite enough to think about paranormal wise, those EVPs keep me wondering.

    If we hadnt found those or if I hadnt had the experiences I had, then I'd be a hellofa lot more cynical. at this stage it gets a bit frustrating as its clear to me that these things happen quite rarely and though we may seek, we just might never find. at the same time, if you arent looking you wont find anything so its a bit circular.

    EVP's? That's the voice thing? To me EVP's are what you want to hear when you listen for ages you hear things. It's a bit like looking at cloud formations. If you look long enough you can make shapes out etc.

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