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FireWire 800 Express Card - Where to buy in Dublin?

  • 17-06-2008 6:50pm
    Registered Users Posts: 3,404 ✭✭✭

    Can anyone tell me a good source of computer accessories in Dublin?

    At the moment I'm looking for a Firewire 800 (1394b) Express Card.

    I need one a.s.a.p., so I'd prefer not to use the web to buy it.

    Here are two I like.

    and in particular this one, since the extra width in the slot will mean that the card won't be able to move around (the cables, as you all know, are very stiff).

    Unfortunately, they're like hen's teeth!

    I tried Beyond 2000. No luck.

    I phoned Maplins twice. Each time I got someone who could not speak english and I suspect had no idea what I was asking for. Seriously unimpressive outfit.

    Any ideas?




  • Registered Users Posts: 611 ✭✭✭requiem1

    PC World should have them I think I saw them in there the other day in the blanch one
