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Audio problem in flash

  • 09-06-2008 11:20pm
    Registered Users Posts: 5,560 ✭✭✭

    In the great tradition of "no idea where to ask this so it's going here", here's an interesting problem for anyone that might have any good ideas.

    I found recently that flash was picking up my sound card as a microphone, or at least as an audio source, which meant that I could stream audio from whatever I was playing instead of using a mic (which I don't have) to talk to someone. Anyway, I foolishly installed Live messenger (I give you free reign to put the boot in here, I allowed myself to be worn down by one of those people who thinks msn = Teh intarwebs), which seems to have buggered up my ability to stream audio in flash.
    After much head scratching and unsinstalling of stuff, I have sort of got it up and running again by changing the recording source in Volume control to stereo mix, but the quality is appaling and there's a shedload of static. Anybody got any ideas on what's going wrong here?
