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Best vitamin/multivitamin supplements

  • 21-03-2008 11:34am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 34

    Hi there
    I've done a bit of research into it and I think I may be a little vitamin A deficient - rough dry skin, dry eyes all the time, and also looking at my diet over the past 6 months (REALLY not a lot of fresh fruit and veg, mostly meat + potatoes/carrots/parsnips/celeriac, with a bit of green beans, tomatoes and sometimes salad thrown in), I know it's not balanced.
    I do have to change this, but in the meantime what would y'all recommend as a good multivitamin to get me feeling better again - I read also that I'd probably need to take a zinc supplement to help me absorb vitamin A better.
    I'm also wondering about my boyfriend - his diet is even more limited than mine (no greens whatsoever), and he's constantly run-down.
    Recommendations? I'm aware that a single product each will probably have the best chance of being regularly taken, rather than a whole rack of things that have to be taken in conjunction with each other.
    Thanks in advance :)

