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Ethernet vs. Wireless: connection priority?

  • 01-03-2008 11:01pm
    Registered Users Posts: 82,083 ✭✭✭✭

    Ok annoyed now from silly housemates...

    The setup is Irish Broadband; 3 PCs directly linked via Ethernet by generic router; 3 laptops linked wirelessly by the same generic router.

    Occassionaly the laptops will have trouble accessing the internet/router.

    Through trial and error I've been able to consistently fix the issue by resetting the router.

    However whiney housemates keep preaching it has nothing to do with the router; its the broadband connection quality (?)

    They also argue that the router gives priority to the Ethernet over the wireless. This much I may be able to argue is true: If I leave my machine shut down overnight, there is a much higher chance that I will wake up the next day having connection problems - as though the other machines are hoarding the bandwidth/router priorities.

    a) How much of this is actually plausible/true because none of us is really an expert at networking

    b) reccomend me a wireless router that I can rely on and noob their ****ty router out of existence.
