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Internet explorer questions

  • 18-01-2008 11:31pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,497 ✭✭✭

    I would like to return to using IE. However there
    are a few issues that I'd like to sort out to make it meet the ease of use of firefox.

    1. Tabs. If i want to close a tab in FF i just need to click the 'x'. However in IE i need to actually click the tab to make it active first and then click the x. This is kind of annoying, is there a workaround?

    2. Bookmarks. In FF i had a bar at the top that had my bookmarks. It seems in IE i can only get them along the side. Any way to have a toolbar at the top where i can click them easily?

    3. Clicking bookmarks. When i click on a bookmark it opens in a new tab instead of the current one. Any way to make it open in the current (active) tab?
