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Stupid things you have done...



  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    One summer my brothers and I got bored. We also had a bonfire on. And thought, "what could we do with a bonfire". After some brainstorming we went inside, got a can of beans and placed said can on the bonfire.

    5 minutes passed, nothing happened.
    10 minutes passed, nothing happened.
    15 minutes passed, nothing happened.

    At this point we were getting bored so I thought it would be a good idea to walk up the garden when boom the can explodes scattering beans everywhere and hitting me in the back (I was wearing a jumper so it didn't burn). It was like WW2, only with beans instead of bombs.

    Now, any normal person would have left it at that. But no, we thought it was jolly good fun. So on the bonfire went a can of tomato puree and after that another can of beans. The back of our house stank of burnt beans and tomatoes for weeks afterwards.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,027 ✭✭✭cazzy

    A lot of the stupit things I did was under the influence of alcohol and couldnt be repeated.

    But when I lived in London I went to pub after work one night and got last train home. Fell asleep on it, missed my stop and ended up at the last stop hours away from London. Luckily one of my colleagues was with me (she feel asleep too) and when we got off we were in the middle of the country and in the middle of nowhere but the station had a pay phone (this was before mobile phones) so she rang the only person she knew would be up - her housemate and he drove for hours in the middle of the night to pick us up and drop us home. She didnt even like him which made it worse ! Drive back to London was sobering.

    Another time in London (drunk again) I was arrested by underground police for trying to jump the underground gate without a ticket. Total innocent mistake - I had a ticket but it was for the wrong zone. (Drink - its a curse). Underground guards wouldnt believe me and made me pay the fine.

    Once while totally sober I was getting the train (whats it with trains and me) from drogheda to Dublin and i got on the wrong side of the track (the signage there is bad) and i only realised when i was at the stop before belfast. good job there was one train left coming back to dublin !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,263 ✭✭✭Varkov

    Had to take a bus to do shopping when i got sudden urge to 'dump a load'.

    I was alone on the top deck so I unloaded into the plastic bag rapid fire,tied the top in a knot and left it at my feet.

    Next stop,guess what!

    Chick who knew me got on and sat beside me.I got off at the next stop and was just leaving the bus when she dashed down the stairs with 'the bag'

    "You forgot your sausages" says she!!



    That would be hilarious if someone did that!

    Cause quite obviously you didn't.
