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Paedophile support group.



  • Registered Users Posts: 461 ✭✭iPink

    seamus wrote:
    Well, for a start it's not always effective.

    Sorry but I don't see how it can't be, it's pretty difinitive....
    seamus wrote:
    On top of that, who's to say that it's not possible at the moment for some people to learn to control their urges?

    That may be but i would never take that chance!

    seamus wrote:
    Do you think it's OK then that they would be unable to go and have a family, even if they have their sickness under control?

    A sickness is just that a sickness...& no I don't think they should be allowed to have a family IMO

    seamus wrote:
    That someone has the capacity to learn, to change and to repent is the very cornerstone of our justice system. The death penalty or any other permanent injury for any crime is an affront to this belief. Should we kill all heroine addicts? After all, if there were no more addicts, there would be no more drug dealers, and loads of crime problems solved.

    Yes a justice system that has inherent cracks & has failed many people on many many many occasions...
    No we shouldn't kill all heroine addicts- there will always be crime & criminals but when we are talking about defenceless children I have no mercy in me...sorry...
    seamus wrote:
    Paedophilia is one of those issues that everyone has an answer for, but no-one has a solution for. This is largely because we don't yet understand the full nature of the sickness. Any attempt to delve deeper with objectivity is usually met with hostility (as witnessed in this thread - someone comes up with a novel attempt at a solution, and instantly everyone is trying to find the flaws), and the media are not interested in portraying anything other than the drooling, child-raping monster who'll pick up your kids from school. Fear sells.

    & quite rightly so, we should be teaching our children to fear these monsters that will hurt them, take away their innocence, destroy their lives & possibly kill them!!!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    iPink wrote:
    I'm not saying it's not an extremely complex & emotive subject, just that I would not be happy doing it or hosting it in my house or for any registered sex offender to be within a 50 mile radius of my child...

    I think thats the remarkable thing about this project, these are people, ordinary people, who put the concern for their children over the distaste you would have meeting someone willing to commit these crimes. Unless you set up some escape from new york style scheme (might I be so bold to suggest perhaps, Offaly?) they're going to have to live somewhere.

    I also suspect that the more liberal/supportive people out there to the support group idea aren't parents,

    The group was founded by some parents, after a paedophile moved into their area.
    maybe I'm wrong but I may have thought it was a good idea before I became a parent myself (& a mother at that!) & as such am extremely if not overly protective of my child & believe that an innocent child has more right to have their innocence (& in some cases life) preserved than a registered & convicted sex offender has to their freedom (or balls for that matter!!)..

    They have already proven that they can't control their urges (come on- who amongst us hasn't had an 'anti-social' urge at some stage in their life?) or have something inherent missing from their conscience or whatever.. so nothing you can say to me can make me believe they are going to become trust-worthy in the future!

    Not to be funny, again, but did you actually read the two articles in full? The majority of paedophiles in these schemes don't reoffend. Often they aren't trustworthy thats why the group meet them constantly. This works. And aside from killing or castrating them, no one has come up with a better solution.

    BTW Seamus, bloody good post.

  • Registered Users Posts: 461 ✭✭iPink

    It's not's pure & simple fear & anger towards someone that may rip my childs innocence out & destroy her life forever...& tbh I think I would be failing in my responsibility as a parent if I put my concern for her over anything!

    I did read the two articles in full but don't always belive what I read & they were obviously written by supporters of the idea!
    The stats show that the majority of offenders are repeat offenders (don't always believe stats either tho!!!)

    I wasn't talking about the founders of the support group I was talking about the people on this forum!!!

    Yes, so far it does seem to have worked to a certain degree, it's still in very early days so who knows... the thing about these people they are used to being sneaky & underhand in their procedings so who know just how effective it really has been, obviously these people can't be with/supervise them 24 hours a day...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    iPink wrote:
    Sorry but I don't see how it can't be, it's pretty difinitive....

    Because suprisingly sexual urges aren't just controlled by our balls (yes yes girls, we do think with our dicks, most of the time) The Brain is the biggest erogenous zone we have. Many paedophiles are reacting to complex psychological urges, often as the result of abuse in their early childhood, feeding a circle of abuse. It goes beyond a mere sexual urge.

    Look at holland at the moment theres a political party set up to reduce the age of consent. It's essentially the paedophile party. Someone who goes to the trouble of setting up a political party, and complex arguments justifying their position, is someone I sincerely doubt that you could stop, by snipping off their balls.
    That may be but i would never take that chance!

    Don't you mean you don't want to take that chance? It's a given if you're living in a major population area, that there's at least one paedophile in your 50 mile radius (as mentioned the prefered distance you'd like them to keep away) If having him there is too great a risk, why aren't you campaigning for castration? Or joining a Rebecca Wade sponsored lynch mob?

    A sickness is just that a sickness...& no I don't think they should be allowed to have a family IMO

    Hmmm I guess I'd be loathe to let them adopt. But suppose they had reformed, met a woman strong enough to look past their crime, would you deny her, her right to have a family?

    Yes a justice system that has inherent cracks & has failed many people on many many many occasions...
    No we shouldn't kill all heroine addicts- there will always be crime & criminals but when we are talking about defenceless children I have no mercy in me...sorry...

    Hmmm again I see your point I think it's one of the most reprehensible crimes imaginable, however I don't believe in mutilation or killing as a response to crime.


    I'm sorry you're wrong. Plain and simple. It's been proven time and time again that paedophilia is a sexual orientation.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    iPink wrote:
    It's not's pure & simple fear & anger towards someone that may rip my childs innocence out & destroy her life forever...& tbh I think I would be failing in my responsibility as a parent if I put my concern for her over anything!

    I did read the two articles in full but don't always belive what I read & they were obviously written by supporters of the idea!
    The stats show that the majority of offenders are repeat offenders (don't always believe stats either tho!!!)

    If you don't always believe what you read, and the statistics, what are you basing your opinion on? Do you know many paedophiles or victims of paedophilia? Genuine question.
    I wasn't talking about the founders of the support group I was talking about the people on this forum!!!

    I thought I made it clear I don't have kids, no, wait sorry I didn't, I think my feelings about joining a group would be stronger if I had kids, to be honest.
    Yes, so far it does seem to have worked to a certain degree, it's still in very early days so who knows... the thing about these people they are used to being sneaky & underhand in their procedings so who know just how effective it really has been, obviously these people can't be with/supervise them 24 hours a day...

    The Canadian scheme has been going on for years. Secondly these people are exactly in the right place to spot erractic behaviour, changes in patterns. They know their subject far more intimately than any parole officer or policeman.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 68,317 ✭✭✭✭seamus

    iPink wrote:
    Sorry but I don't see how it can't be, it's pretty difinitive....
    So you consider someone devoid of testicles to be unable to perform any sexual acts?
    Yes a justice system that has inherent cracks & has failed many people on many many many occasions...
    No there is no such thing as a system without flaws, cracks, and failures. The only system worth a damn is the system which accepts that they exist. By accepting that flaws exist, a justice system cannot condone the death penalty.
    No we shouldn't kill all heroine addicts- there will always be crime & criminals but when we are talking about defenceless children I have no mercy in me...sorry...
    That's why we can't pander to emotion within a legal system. For you, crime against children is the most heinous of all. For others, injecting heroin may be twice as heinous, and deserving of death (facetious example, before anyone tries to argue it). I have my own opinion on the punishment I'd like to see happen to certain groups, but that doesn't mean that I would like our justice system to adopt those punishments.
    & quite rightly so, we should be teaching our children to fear these monsters that will hurt them, take away their innocence, destroy their lives & possibly kill them!!!
    But that's a bit like saying `All burglars wear black masks and carry around a big bag marked "swag"`. Statistically, your child is most likely to suffer sexual abuse at the hands of a relative - your brother, your son, your aunt. What would you do then? Kill them?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,793 ✭✭✭✭Hagar

    Diogenes wrote:
    Out of curiousity do you support the death penalty for other offenses? Rape? Murder? And are you suggesting that people who look at child porn deserve the death penalty as well?
    As I said they are a different topic. The child porn industry must be stamped out without mercy. How do you suggest we do that? Tea and biscuits at some do-gooders house who wants to believe the best of everyone? I strongly suspect that more money would be spent keeping an offender in jail for one year than would ever be spent on therapy for his/her victims.
    One of the most intelligent UK suggestions for people who look at child porn is an ASBO banning them from owning credit or debit cards.
    Two words - torrent files.
    Because child porn wesbites are invariably hosted in non UK or even not Western countries, shutting them down, is nigh on impossible.
    The Chinese govt have done a mighty fine job of censoring the whole internet in China with the help, possibly unwilling help, of Google and Yahoo. Are you telling me that that if the will existed the same couldn't be done to filter out "undesirable" sites.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 235 ✭✭antSionnach

    Diogenes wrote:
    Because suprisingly sexual urges aren't just controlled by our balls (yes yes girls, we do think with our dicks, most of the time) The Brain is the biggest erogenous zone we have. Many paedophiles are reacting to complex psychological urges, often as the result of abuse in their early childhood, feeding a circle of abuse. It goes beyond a mere sexual urge.

    I dont care if you want to rehabilitate paedophiles, but thats untrue. Do you know what an erogenous zone is? The brain is the highest inetgration centre of the pathway, its not an erogenous zone. Excuse my naivity if you think this is being naive, and Im not asking for any lewd answers, but how on earth can a castrated male sexually abuse a child? Not just rape, but... anything???By eliminating the testes, you are getting rid of the absolute vast of testosterone and therefore sexual drive. Thats not even debatable it's scientific fact.

    Fair play to you for looking at alternatives to current methods, but this seems far from ideal. You say it works - but how long has it been in place?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 235 ✭✭antSionnach

    seamus wrote:
    Statistically, your child is most likely to suffer sexual abuse at the hands of a relative - your brother, your son, your aunt. What would you do then? Kill them?

    Honestly? Maybe.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,558 Mod ✭✭✭✭Dades,,2772-2251248,00.html

    See the above article for the "curing" of paedophiliac urges. Perhaps a lobotomy of sorts might be the answer in the future - though that might be a 'few' years off yet scientifically.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    Hagar wrote:
    As I said they are a different topic.

    Hardly. Three words, age of consent. You have to have one, you're suggesting the death penalty for anyone who rapes someone aged 15 and 3/4 and a custodial sentence for someone who rapes a 16yo.
    The child porn industry must be stamped out without mercy.

    Sorry I'm confused are you proposing the death penalty for people who commit child abuse or look at child pornography, or people who make child pornography, or all three?
    How do you suggest we do that? Tea and biscuits at some do-gooders house who wants to believe the best of everyone? I strongly suspect that more money would be spent keeping an offender in jail for one year than would ever be spent on therapy for his/her victims.

    I'm really confused why raise the money issue?

    Of course it'll cost more to keep someone in prison then therapy, prison costs a fecking fortune per prisoner.
    Two words - torrent files.

    I'm not 100% familiar with the way you go about procurring child porn (Okay infact even typing paedophilia into google to get those two articles freaked me out, I was worried somewhere in google HQ a siren started flashing) Take the guy from the who, he was done for using his credit card, but I imagine that actually tracking down paedophilia pornography on the web is quite hard, I'm sure theres a hardcore collective who swap files, but I imagine it starts with going on a pay per view site.
    The Cinese govt have done a mighty fine job of censoring the whole internet in China with the help, possibly unwilling help, of Google and Yahoo.

    Thats the first time I've ever heard anyone condone china's censorship or google n yahoo's role in it :eek:
    Are you telling me that that if the will existed the same couldn't be done to filter out "undesirable" sites.

    Yes. Because it finds a way. If you've not seen it I highly recommend the amazing capturing the freidman's a brilliant documentary about a paedophile case in New Jersey. The father was found out because of mail order paedophile pornography, which is how it was desememated before the interweb existed. Pornographers hackers etc are usually better at adapting and circumnagivating blocks etc than police are at setting them up. The foxs are usually smarter than the hounds. They'd work around it. Besides aren't there several "honey trap" police websites designed to entice people looking for child pornography? Wouldn't your idea mess them up as well?

    Dismissing these groups as "namby pamby do goodiers" blithly inviting paedophiles into their homes for tea and cake does a great deservice to them. They've help send paedophiles who could potentially reoffend back to prison, and helped others onto the straight and narrow. The more I think about it, the more fantastic idea I think it is.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    Do you know what an erogenous zone is? The brain is the highest inetgration centre of the pathway, its not an erogenous zone.

    I was being, whats the word, not facetious, I was speaking metaphorically. The brain cannot be physically licked, tickled etc, but it can be provoked. Sexualy fantasys? etc? Many paedophiles don't feel what they are doing is abuse, but they are in a loving consentual relationship.
    Excuse my naivity if you think this is being naive, and Im not asking for any lewd answers, but how on earth can a castrated male sexually abuse a child? Not just rape, but... anything???By eliminating the testes, you are getting rid of the absolute vast of testosterone and therefore sexual drive. Thats not even debatable it's scientific fact.

    But alot of paedophilia isn't just about sex. For many it's a fantasy. Take Vladimir Nabokov's "Lolita", Humbert Humbert believes he's in love with and loved by, Lolita, what drives some paedophilias goes beyond a mere sexual desire.
    Fair play to you for looking at alternatives to current methods, but this seems far from ideal. You say it works - but how long has it been in place?

    The scheme in Canada? Over a decade.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 955 ✭✭✭LovelyHurling

    Diogenes wrote:
    alot of paedophilia isn't just about sex. For many it's a fantasy. Take Vladimir Nabokov's "Lolita", Humbert Humbert believes he's in love with and loved by, Lolita, what drives some paedophilias goes beyond a mere sexual desire. .

    Rubbish. Come on you dont believe that do you? No balls equals no libido, thats what people are talking about. If the offender wants to carry out some absurd, complex theatrical performance in his head then hes welcome to do so. Better there than in real life or abusing a kid.

    A decade is 10 years. Thats not long enough to say it has worked.

    Yet again, I have no doubt common sense will prevail on this issue. Its not something that will take off to any real extent. "Invite a paedophile to dinner for the good of the community". Please.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 955 ✭✭✭LovelyHurling

    Diogenes wrote:

    Personally I think they're a good idea, there's no way to lock them up forever, its a way of checking up on paedophiles, and its certainly a better step then setting up the pub lynch mob to set upon the local pediatrician.

    Why to the paediatrician?:confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 461 ✭✭iPink

    Diogenes wrote:
    Because suprisingly sexual urges aren't just controlled by our balls (yes yes girls, we do think with our dicks, most of the time) The Brain is the biggest erogenous zone we have. Many paedophiles are reacting to complex psychological urges, often as the result of abuse in their early childhood, feeding a circle of abuse. It goes beyond a mere sexual urge.

    Yes but without the certain equipment the act cannot be performed... as someone else said if it's a fantasty played out in someone's mind then what harm (who hasn't ever fantasied about something distasteful?)

    Diogenes wrote:
    Don't you mean you don't want to take that chance? It's a given if you're living in a major population area, that there's at least one paedophile in your 50 mile radius (as mentioned the prefered distance you'd like them to keep away) If having him there is too great a risk, why aren't you campaigning for castration? Or joining a Rebecca Wade sponsored lynch mob?

    Don't/won't/don't want to...whatever! I think I made my point fairly clear..
    How do you know I'm not???

    Diogenes wrote:
    Hmmm I guess I'd be loathe to let them adopt. But suppose they had reformed, met a woman strong enough to look past their crime, would you deny her, her right to have a family?

    Yes if it were her choice to be with such a man, that would be a sacrifice she would have to make imo

    Diogenes wrote:
    I'm sorry you're wrong. Plain and simple. It's been proven time and time again that paedophilia is a sexual orientation.

    By whom? When? Where? & my point is that even if it is a sexual orientation it's not sex with a consenting adult, even if a child 'consents' thay cannot possible understand what they are really consenting to...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    Rubbish. Come on you dont believe that do you? No balls equals no libido, thats what people are talking about. If the offender wants to carry out some absurd, complex theatrical performance in his head then hes welcome to do so. Better there than in real life or abusing a kid.

    The wiki article about it says it reduces but does not elimate libido, so some have sexual desires after it. It does not completely wipe out the sex drive in everyone. I'm not saying it doesn't work at all, I'm just saying its not as cut and dry as a 100% proof remedy.
    A decade is 10 years.

    Possibly the most redundant sentence I've ever heard.
    Thats not long enough to say it has worked.

    I think thats plenty of time. It means they've worked with hundreds of paedophiles and studied their behaviour and reoffend rates for in this case 12 years. If you think how quickly governments roll out social experiments after testing them in one area for 6 months or maybe a year, I think this scheme has had plenty of time to prove it's worth.
    Yet again, I have no doubt common sense will prevail on this issue. Its not something that will take off to any real extent. "Invite a paedophile to dinner for the good of the community". Please.

    It's taken off in a real extent in Canada. Sneering sarcastically and being dismissive isn't really debating the issue. Mouthing off about common sense isn't an argument.
    Why to the paediatrician?

    Around 2001 Sarah Payne an eight year old girl was found murdered. The news of the world editor Rebecca Wade set up a campaign to "NAME AND SHAME" where they "out'd" paedophiles in communities across england. Mobs rose up to attack this paedophiles, and er, some people who had the same name as a paedophile, or a similiar name, or lived in the house were the paedophile used to live, or lived in a house with a similiar address, or looked like a paedophile, and in one memoriable case a mob attacked a paediatrician's office.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,317 ✭✭✭✭seamus

    Why to the paediatrician?
    Paediatrician's offices have been firebombed in the past (and afaik, one has been killed) by genetic retards who didn't know the difference.
    iPink wrote:
    Yes but without the certain equipment the act cannot be performed... as someone else said if it's a fantasty played out in someone's mind then what harm (who hasn't ever fantasied about something distasteful?)
    My question wasn't answered before. What makes you think that paedophiles require a pair of balls (or even a penis) to carry out sexual acts? I can personally get sexual gratification without the use of my sexual organs, just like everyone else, so why couldn't a paedophile?

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Education Moderators Posts: 27,160 CMod ✭✭✭✭spurious

    I don't know how many of you have seen a documentary called 'Chickenhawk', but if you ever come across it, please watch it - it is an eye opener into the minds of paedophiles. User comments on Chickenhawk on IMDB

    I do not believe paedophilia is like heterosexuality/homosexuality, I think it is a disordered way of thinking, and perhaps, possibly, able to be 'cured'.

    I think the Canadian scheme is great food for thought. We've tried excluding them from society, it's interesting to see the results drawing them into a community seems to have had.

    As others have said though, it's not the scruffy guy fiddling with himself in the bushes in the park you need to look out for, the danger usually comes much closer to home.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    iPink wrote:
    Yes but without the certain equipment the act cannot be performed... as someone else said if it's a fantasty played out in someone's mind then what harm (who hasn't ever fantasied about something distasteful?)

    They can touch, they can make a child, do things. I really don't want to get into the details as its such a vile subject. But it's basically the same argument the sex is only sex when pentration occurs. It's not.

    Don't/won't/don't want to...whatever! I think I made my point fairly clear..
    How do you know I'm not???

    Okay can I ask an honest question, are you? Is there an Irish campaign to get paedophiles castrated I've never heard of one.

    Yes if it were her choice to be with such a man, that would be a sacrifice she would have to make imo

    Fair enough, thats your opinion.

    By whom? When? Where?

    Here's a selection of quotes
    If "sexual orientation" is not specifically defined so as to exclude certain sexual practices, will the following be the future interpretations of the phrase?

    "Heterosexuality, homosexuality, scopophilia, pedophilia—they’re all just different orientations and an individual may have a number of them."

    Dr. David Greenberg—psychiatrist with the Sexual Behaviour Clinic Hospital at the Royal Ottawa Hospital
    —Ottawa Sun, July 17, 1994

    "There are treatments for paedophiles. There is a common perception that there’s no cure. Well, I suppose that’s true to the extent that paedophilia is not a disease, it’s sexual orientation. People are heterosexual, they’re gay, they’re lesbian and they’re also paedophilic."

    Robert Wakefield, Criminal Lawyer
    Member of the Board of the Criminal Lawyers’ Association and Director of its Ottawa Region
    CBC Prime Time Magazine, October 27, 1994

    "...while pedophilia is a disorder, it is also ‘a value judgement’...some may view it only as a ‘different kind of sexual orientation.’"

    Dr. Fred Berlin, Professor of Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins University, as quoted in Focus on the Family Citizen.
    November, 1992 p 1

    “’Sexual Orientation’ is as ambiguous as ‘political orientation.’ If a law were to protect all ‘Political Orientations’ then Nazi’s, White Supremacists, violent anarchists and who knows who else is protected. Likewise, if sexual orientation is protected by law, since some people sincerely like to do almost anything imaginable sexually—child molesters, homosexuals, animal lovers [bestiality], you name it, would be equally protected.”

    Dr. Paul Cameron
    —Family Research Institute, Inc.

    "Pedophilia, according to Money [retired professor of medical psychology and paediatrics; Johns Hopkins University], should be viewed as a sexual orientation, not a disease or disorder."

    Michael Ebert, Focus on the Family Citizen, November, 1992
    —referring to statements by Dr. John Money; retired: Johns Hopkins University
    & my point is that even if it is a sexual orientation it's not sex with a consenting adult, even if a child 'consents' thay cannot possible understand what they are really consenting to...

    Well yeah, but it is a sexual orientation for the adult.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,777 ✭✭✭✭The Corinthian

    seamus wrote:
    Paediatrician's offices have been firebombed in the past (and afaik, one has been killed) by genetic retards who didn't know the difference.

    TBH, reading through this thread leads me to believe that it might benifit Society, or at least the gene pool, if people other than paedophiles were castarated.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,698 ✭✭✭InFront

    Diogenes wrote:
    The wiki article about it says it reduces but does not elimate libido, so some have sexual desires after it.


    Yes some have sexual desires, but it is usually absent and always, invariably diminished, and so paedophiles are able to control their urges with less temptation.

    Whether you agree with it or not, chemical and surgical castration both work very well and its quite annoying to hear the point being made that it isnt effective, when its obvious that the only one whose effectiveness is not certain is that of the buddy programme, which despite your protestations, has not in fact, won very much support despite being around for about 12 years.

    Dutch Institute for Endocrinology
    Scandanavian Psychiatry Supplement
    Journal Of urology
    Journal of Andrology
    American Academy of Psychiatry/ John Hopkins School of Medicine
    The literature review conducted by the authors of the accompanying article appears to establish firmly that lowering testosterone by means of surgical castration is generally associated with a marked decline in sexually motivated behavior, including that of a criminal nature...
    reported that only 3 percent of those castrated had engaged in recidivistic criminal sexual misconduct following surgery.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,793 ✭✭✭✭Hagar

    Diogenes the world is a much harsher place than you know.
    I hope your kids grow up safe.
    Sadly it may take someone more worldly wise than you to protect them.

    I'm not going to get into a whole word for word battle, you quote me I quote you. I won't achieve anything.

    Child porn is so widespread that it is easily found by kids looking for MP3 music files to download. I have found it. I have reported it to the authorities and the only response I got was grief because I had not followed some reporting procedure that is not known to Joe Public. Do you know that if you forward the link to the Gardaí you can be charged with disseminating the material? What a sick joke.

    I could publish that one single word ( I won't, don't worry ) that would open a whole dark galaxy of free child porn to you. I don't think you have any idea what you are talking about. No offence.

    Bottom line IMO child porn is the ultimate evil of our time, worse than drugs in my opinion. It destroys children completely. It should be stamped out by any means possible. If is necessary to execute the sub-human scum who trade in our children's innocence so be it.

    I will say no more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 461 ✭✭iPink

    Hagar- well said!!! Couldn't have put it better, bottom line is it will never be socially acceptable to rip a child's innocence in my world...wrap it up however you want.

    Diogenes- you can quote me whomever you wish, it means absolutely nothing to me, for all I know (& you!) they were all paedophiles themselves...

    ps the word paedophile is not even a correct word for the 'condition' imo, paedophile actually means someone who has a strong love for or affinity to children...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    InFront wrote:

    Yes some have sexual desires, but it is usually absent and always, invariably diminished, and so paedophiles are able to control their urges with less temptation.

    Okay but then I ask you, are you suggesting chemical castration in all cases? In people who look at child porn? Relevatively mild abuse? Grooming? I mean, are you suggesting that any who has any sort of urges towards children gets a quick chemical snip snip?

    Whether you agree with it or not, chemical and surgical castration both work very well and its quite annoying to hear the point being made that it isnt effective, when its obvious that the only one whose effectiveness is not certain is that of the buddy programme, which despite your protestations, has not in fact, won very much support despite being around for about 12 years.

    It's won alot of support, it's only just been introduced to the UK, which is how I became aware of it. It's a very contraversal scheme, and a scheme many of us could not phathom to be a part of, because of the fact you are exposing yourself to something so perverse.

    For example there's no country thats had widespread castration, they've maybe done a few hundred cases. Incidently this organisation has had a few thousand examples and a refreshingly high success rate.

    Dr Robin Wilson of the Correctional Service of Canada. He has demonstrated that circles - overwhelmingly made up of everyday, working Canadians with little, or no, knowledge of criminology, policing, psychology or social work - have reduced the predicted rates of reoffending for this
    extraordinarily difficult type of offender by some 60%. He also found that if these "core members" do reoffend, it is for a less serious category of crime than they had originally been sentenced for.

    Truthfully, I'm not saying I'd rule out castration as a last resort, I'm just surprised that so many people are willing to use it as a first resort. The majority of objectionable responses of has suggested that castration and death penalty for.....frankly I don't know. You've not explained what, you've just ranted and said they need to be dealt with, you've not quantified specificialy what crimes justify the death penalty/castration. So I have a little bit of trouble debating this with you. Furthermore you've ignored the potential for a miscarriage of justice, and the consequences of such an event.

    Hagar you don't want to address the facts I point out fair enough. I'm frankly boggled by someone who finds anything praiseworthy about chinese censorship. However to respond with some attempt at world weary "looky sonny when you've seen the things that I've seen" is the most tedious form of rebuttal imaginable. You cannot/won't address my position fair enough, but don't try and claim your real life (tm) experience makes you better equipped than me to speak on this issue, when you don't know the first thing about who I am.

    You've not even said whether you feel the death penalty is justified for the people who consume child porn or for the people who make it. It's difficult to expound or discuss the issue with someone who just says "kill em all and let God sort em out" (without defining who "all" are). I mean is the possession of a single piece of child pornography a death penalty offense? Or perhaps the possession of a thousand pieces? The making of it? Sexual relations with a child? What exactly are the crimes you suggest your punishment be meated out to.

    You've also failed to address the point about the death penalty for sexual assault of a minor, compared to a custodial sentence for someone who attacks someone a few weeks past the age of consent. I think thats cowardice on your part to fail to rebutt a fundamental flaw in your argument.

    You can say "that is all I will say on the matter" I submit that you've said very little and ranted mostly, and this discussion could do with some more discussion and less talk of "they're all vermin wipe em off the planet" That kind of thinking led to the attacks on pedatricians.
    iPink wrote:
    Diogenes- you can quote me whomever you wish, it means absolutely nothing to me, for all I know (& you!) they were all paedophiles themselves...

    Firstly may I remind you iPink you said
    iPink wrote:
    By whom? When? Where? & my point is that even if it is a sexual orientation it's not sex with a consenting adult, even if a child 'consents' thay cannot possible understand what they are really consenting to...

    You asked who, when and where, I proved a list of of dates, people, and what they said, to support my case that paedophilia is a seperate sexual orientation. Legal, Psychological, and Medical experts. Your response is to potentially libel them all by suggesting they are all possible paedophiles. I think there's little point in discussing this further with someone who states their assertions, while refusing to believe facts and statistics and then; when confronted with further proof resorts to the most base of accusations about the character of the people who refute her.

    Senator Mc Carthy has a heir.......

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,698 ✭✭✭InFront

    Diogenes wrote:
    Okay but then I ask you, are you suggesting chemical castration in all cases? ...suggested that castration and death penalty for.....frankly I don't know. You've not explained what, you've just ranted and said they need to be dealt with, you've not quantified specificialy what crimes justify the death penalty/castration. So I have a little bit of trouble debating this with you. Furthermore you've ignored the potential for a miscarriage of justice, and the consequences of such an event.

    Are you actually reading what others say? Ive already stated this twice - castration or death for an offender who has been proven to have had raped or gravely sexually assaulted a child or infant. There is far, far less scope for a miscarriage of justic e because of the lack of a motive for accusation, secondly the fact that medical confirmation is easier than it is with adults, and thirdly, because there is no blurry line of 'legal consesnt'.

    Courts dont doubt themselves in their judgements, and so the consequences of a miscarriage of justice should not be something they concern themselves with while handing down a sentance - for any crime!

  • Registered Users Posts: 461 ✭✭iPink

    I'm not going to discuss this further, you can twist whatever you want & quote blah to me as long as you want but NOTHING you can or will ever say (or write) will make me believe that convicted sex offenders & more specifically child sex offenders can ever be valued members of society or even that they should be a member of it...whatever circles they have around them!

    By the way, the fact that Senator Mcarthy has an heir proves nothing!!!
    And no, I don't believe random quotes posted on an internet forum, I am a lot more choosey about the information I process as truth!!

    Have you been directly affected by paedophilia or someone you love or are close to?? I could be wrong but I would guess not.
    I have seen & felt the damage it does & the emptiness it leaves many crimes do, but this in particular disgusts me in a terribly horrific way due to the very nature of the crime & it's prey...

    Peace & happiness, over & out!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    iPink wrote:
    I'm not going to discuss this further, you can twist whatever you want & quote blah to me as long as you want but NOTHING you can or will ever say (or write) will make me believe that convicted sex offenders & more specifically child sex offenders can ever be valued members of society or even that they should be a member of it...whatever circles they have around them!

    No offense or anything but the articles posted and evidence of the groups, clearly and defintively prove that some paedophiles benefit from and become if not valued members of society, at least less of a risk of society. Sticking your fingers in your ears and denying that fact with a "LA LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU" approach, may work in the playground but in any discussion with anyone with a passing amount of maturity that will be met with scorn and derision.
    By the way, the fact that Senator Mcarthy has an heir proves nothing!!!
    And no, I don't believe random quotes posted on an internet forum, I am a lot more choosey about the information I process as truth!!

    This is the second time you've announced you cherry pick were you pick your facts from. Could you answer my question about are you involved in an irish paedophilia castration campaign? Or any form of anti paedophilia campaign like one in four? Or what sources of information you do use?
    Have you been directly affected by paedophilia or someone you love or are close to?? I could be wrong but I would guess not.

    The principal of my primary school, a christian brother, is on remand ater serving five years of a seven year sentence over 53 sample charges of paedophilia, in mine and other schools.

    You guessed very wrong.
    I have seen & felt the damage it does & the emptiness it leaves many crimes do, but this in particular disgusts me in a terribly horrific way due to the very nature of the crime & it's prey...

    Peace & happiness, over & out!

    Yet you offer nothing but mutilation and violence as a solution. Hmmm peace and happiness indeed.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    InFront wrote:
    Are you actually reading what others say? Ive already stated this twice - castration or death for an offender who has been proven to have had raped or gravely sexually assaulted a child or infant. There is far, far less scope for a miscarriage of justic e because of the lack of a motive for accusation,

    For starts InFront I was not specifically to you but refering the vast majority of rebuttals posted on this thread. Hagar and a few others have just suggested the death penalty but have failed to elaborate about what offense justifies the death sentence. Child porn etc.

    I would strongly recommend you watch "capturing the freidmans" a disturbing and harrowing documentary about a father and son accused of raping a group of children in New Jersey in the early 80s. The most horribly memoriable moment for me is when a child therapist who deals with abuse victims states "when dealing with a child who may have been sexualy assaulted you must not ask leading questions, as a child responding to a authority figure like a social worker or policeman, will always respond in the affirmative, in a desire to please" Directly afterwards it shows the police officers who interogated the children involved and they stated "the best tactic in interviewing children over alledged rape or abuse is to ask leading questions and to draw an answer out"
    secondly the fact that medical confirmation is easier than it is with adults, and thirdly, because there is no blurry line of 'legal consesnt'.

    But are you in favour of death for someone who rapes a 15 and 3/4 yo and not a 16 yo? And what difference does a few weeks make? You, among others, have setfastily avoided the question. I mean a guy just turned 17 having sex with a 15yo should be killed?

    Furthermore if the rape happened six months ago? a year ago? is medical confirmation still as easy after innumerable baths and showers by the victim? It becomes the "victim" verus the "accused" word. In such a situation do you adovacate the death penalty?
    Courts dont doubt themselves in their judgements, and so the consequences of a miscarriage of justice should not be something they concern themselves with while handing down a sentance - for any crime!

    Whut seriously? Courts doubt themselves all the time, judges direct jurors, sentences are overturned. A court is the exact place to worry about a misscarriage of justice, where else do you propose someone worries about a misscarriage of justice???? :confused::confused::confused:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,698 ✭✭✭InFront

    Diogenes wrote:
    But are you in favour of death for someone who rapes a 15 and 3/4 yo and not a 16 yo? And what difference does a few weeks make? You, among others, have setfastily avoided the question. I mean a guy just turned 17 having sex with a 15yo should be killed?

    Have I avoided this? I dont remember being asked. I am talking about child rape, not a 16 year old having sex with a 17 year old.
    Any person having sexual intercourse with an individual whom the judiciary judge not to have been in a position to consent to sexual relations due to conditions of age and mental development, and not understanding the meaning of consentual intercourse, is what I would personally describe as a a paedophile. I dont think that it can be bounded up in a question of legal age.

    Furthermore if the rape happened six months ago? a year ago? is medical confirmation still as easy after innumerable baths and showers by the victim? It becomes the "victim" verus the "accused" word. In such a situation do you adovacate the death penalty?

    I have already said I only advocate the death penalty or castration in cases where clear medical proof exists that sexual relations occured and there is preferably a victim account to back this up. The latter of course is not possible with very young or murdered children. If there is no forensic proof or a pathology report confirming sexual relations, then I dont see how the death penalty or castration could be defended. DNA is a long term forensic resource that could be made use of for years after the alleged abuse.
    Whut seriously? Courts doubt themselves all the time, judges direct jurors, sentences are overturned. A court is the exact place to worry about a misscarriage of justice, where else do you propose someone worries about a misscarriage of justice???? :confused::confused::confused:

    I presume you have misunderstood my comment. Courts do not doubt themselves at any single moment in time. Retrospectively, a judge may doubt another member of the judiciary or court which has previously sat, but there is no room for doubting a current judgement that one is passing down.

    That is to say, if a judge convicts you of assault and battery on your wife, he cannot give you a leniant sentance because although he has convicted you he feels that he *may* be wrong. That simply doesnt happen, nor should it. If there is a conviction, then the consequences must be upheld. If that consequence were castration, for example, the judge could not say "well we convicted him, but we might not be right, so dont castrate".
    He could only decide this in a court of appeal where further information on the case would have to be provided.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    InFront wrote:
    Have I avoided this? I dont remember being asked. I am talking about child rape, not a 16 year old having sex with a 17 year old.
    Any person having sexual intercourse with an individual whom the judiciary judge not to have been in a position to consent to sexual relations due to conditions of age and mental development, and not understanding the meaning of consentual intercourse, is what I would personally describe as a a paedophile. I dont think that it can be bounded up in a question of legal age.

    In front truthfully I think we're in broader agreement that you think. I don't think either one of us would be unopposed to chemical castration of a consistent unrepedant serial sex offender. My disappointment has been with those who have just ranted about "kill em all and let god sort em out", on this debate, because simply put they'll not even define who they think deserves to die, or for what crime, which makes it possible to discern levels. I mean you seem to have clearly defined acts which you consider justify the act.

    But I ask are you in favour of a one strike you're out policy?

    How about in the case of the mentaly retarded? The paedophile at the center of the Uk circle mentioned clearly had mental problems, he was ill equiped to understand the terms of his parole, he couldn't understand and needed constant re explaining to make him grasp the terms

    Are you in favour of death penalty in such cases?

    And from this could you not see how the value of such groups as mentioned in the start of this thread could be? I mean the success rate is such that offenders rarly commit a greater offense than the one they were original convicted of. Sex offenders rarly start off as serial child rapists, surely you see the value of these groups , perhaps after a first or second minor offence to potentially stop them escalting.

    I'm sorry if I'm sounding patronising but seeing as just the ignorance displayed by some posters on this thread who don't understand that there are variable levels to crime, and you cannot just say "kill all paedophiles" without defining what you consider what is the offence of paedophilia.
    I have already said I only advocate the death penalty or castration in cases where clear medical proof exists that sexual relations occured and there is preferably a victim account to back this up. The latter of course is not possible with very young or murdered children. If there is no forensic proof or a pathology report confirming sexual relations, then I dont see how the death penalty or castration could be defended. DNA is a long term forensic resource that could be made use of for years after the alleged abuse.

    Firstly to deal with your last sentence. Often DNA cannot survive, sometimes on clothes perhaps, but there are no 100%s in forensic evidence. I'm mortally opposed to the death penalty, mistakes get made all the time. Now you're entering into a burden of proof model which fundamentally changes the whole dynamic of our law system. A jury is instructed that the budern of prove is with the prosceution (unless the defendant claims a guilt plea). If the prosecution cannot "beyond reasonable doubt" prove that the accused is guilty, then the jury is directed to find the defendent not guilty. Theres no middle ground. Innocent or guilty. You cannot claim someone is more innocent or less guilty because of DNA or forenisc evidence is submitted or not submitted. It skews the entire principle of our legal system, you're saying certain kinds of evidence are better or more important than other kinds.
    I presume you have misunderstood my comment. Courts do not doubt themselves at any single moment in time. Retrospectively, a judge may doubt another member of the judiciary or court which has previously sat, but there is no room for doubting a current judgement that one is passing down.

    That is to say, if a judge convicts you of assault and battery on your wife, he cannot give you a leniant sentance because although he has convicted you he feels that he *may* be wrong. That simply doesnt happen, nor should it. If there is a conviction, then the consequences must be upheld. If that consequence were castration, for example, the judge could not say "well we convicted him, but we might not be right, so dont castrate".
    He could only decide this in a court of appeal where further information on the case would have to be provided.

    I'm sorry but by the same rationality a judge cannot order a more harsh sentence on the basis of the evidence on either case. Our justice system cannot give a death or mutlitation penalty because one criminal was convicted of raping a child via DNA evidence, while another criminal who commited a equally henious act was convicted via testimony alone, recieves a custodial sentence . In our system The punishment must fit the crime. But in your system the evidence presented to prove the crime, defines the punishment.

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