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Justification for luxury living



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,777 ✭✭✭✭The Corinthian

    RedPlanet wrote:
    TBH, that's not really my concern.
    Aid distribution is on his(their) conscience, not mine.
    Which returns us to my original point of the motivation being guilt rather than any genuine interest to help, which you’ve just demonstrated rather aptly.

    But your conscience is salved as you’ve done your bit, even though you know none of that aid will get to those who need it. Sleep well.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,691 ✭✭✭RedPlanet

    Which returns us to my original point of the motivation being guilt rather than any genuine interest to help, which you’ve just demonstrated rather aptly.

    But your conscience is salved as you’ve done your bit, even though you know none of that aid will get to those who need it. Sleep well.

    How can i really know that none of my aid gets to those that need it?
    Is it because the media say so?
    A government?
    Why should i trust what they say?

    Would you advocate witholding appeals for aid on set of conditions?
    Conditions to be arbitrarily made by whom?

    It's like the old sanctions regime on Iraq.
    After 12 years they accomplished little more than prolonging the suffering of civilians.
    Maybe they also prevented Saddam from acquiring more military hardware. But sure, by the time he rolled into Kuwait his buying days were behind him were they not?
    The sanctions prevented the people from empowering themselves, in whatever manifestation that would have taken.
    And galvanised Saddam's hold on power.

    Aid should be given freely.
    Once you attach strings it is no longer "aid" but "Leverage".

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,777 ✭✭✭✭The Corinthian

    RedPlanet wrote:
    Aid should be given freely.
    Once you attach strings it is no longer "aid" but "Leverage".
    I’d hardly consider attaching the string that aid should be employed for the purposes it was meant as leverage. If I give to a charity claiming to help the starving in Africa I’d rather it did that and not end up on administration fees or lining the pockets of some African interior minister. I’d also rather it went to solving the problem rather than funding a refugee camp that would become permanent because it makes more sense to get free grain than grow it.

    You appear to be discussing conditions to government aid, and I’ve no doubt that the conditions are often very self-serving, but what’s being discussed is people donating to NGO’s, not them.

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