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Psoriasis and my flakey skin



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,218 ✭✭✭black & white

    I've had Psoriasis, along with Ankylosing Spondilitis and Psoriatic Arthritis ( excuse spelling, drinking Erdinger at moment) since 1987. Tried loads of creams etc and nothing made much of a difference. I always knew a few things that made the skin worse, hot spicy food ( Vindaloos) and too much booze over the weekend. I explored that further and came across a book by a guy called Jan de Vries. Can't remember exact name but has Arthritis and Psoriasis in the title, bought it in Easons Limerick for about a tenner.

    It was all about the effect of diet and lifestyle on the Psoriasis. I followed it for a year and it made a big difference. I also drank a couple of bottles of Willow Water a week. All in all the P reduced greatly, enough to start wearing shorts and T shirts in the better weather.

    My Spondilitis was getting worse so I went to a new Rheumy who introduced me to Enbrel. It's a new drug developed for Rheumatoid Arthritis but also given to people who have A.S. for a number of years. It greatly eases the Psoriatic Arthritis and the A.S. and has the brilliant side effect of virtually clearing up all signs of Psoriasis.

    I went on Enbrel on 25th January 2005 and since that I wear short sleeves all the time except for work. I could wear short sleeves to work if I wanted but don't like short sleeves with a tie. I even wear short sleeves in the depth of winter. People think I'm mad but it's still a novelty to wear short sleeves without being self concious about it.

    My Rheumy told me that Enbrel was being considered for people who had bad P. Not sure if this has happened yet but if it is, get in quick. The cost of Enbrel is in the region of Euro1,200 a month though the Drug refund scheme you only pay Euro 85. With the way the government is cutting back on Health they won't authorise everyone. Your best chance is if your older, have tried several meds that have either not worked or used to work but no longer.

    Best of luck and if anyone want more info, feel free to PM me. Only check messages once or twice a week but I promise I will get back to everyone.

    If anyone is in the Mid West area, there's a info evening on P in the Southcourt Hotel, Limerick next Thursday at 7.30. Won't be there myself cuz I've tickets for Hazel O'Connor but might be well worth attending. It's sponsored by one of the drug companies and so there might be some new products available.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 126 ✭✭Crimson...

    I sufer from psoriasis too, stupid question but can u get it on a medical card?

  • Registered Users Posts: 781 ✭✭✭Rogueish

    I have to say that no two people I've met with Psorasis have been the same nor has the exact same treatment worked for them either.

    I developed psorasis coming up to, during and after my leaving cert. It was mainly confined to the back of my head and hidden by my hair.

    My doc prescribed dovonex and another medication but they didn't work either because the scales were so thick that the medication couldn't reach the skin to have an effect. Eventually the college doctor came up with a solution.

    It was a .2% or 2% (not quite sure of the w/v I think it was .2%) of salycilic acid (ground asprin e.g. disprin) in 50:50 solution of peanut oil and oilve oil. It was applied to the scalp at night every second night over a week or so (under a swimming cap) to soften and dissolve the scales. Washing your hair in the morning with whatever shampoo the doc as recommemded and apply any medication then. It did the job. All the coal tar and tea tree shampoos on their own didn't do a thing for it. It eventually took a couple of asprin tablets (literally) and the dovonex to clear it up.

    I am now 99% psorasis free. I've only two small patches inside my ears. My scalp has cleared up 100%. In my case it was all triggered by stress so long as that is controlled all is dinky.

    Give the oil and asprin solution a go. Unless you have an allergy to any of the ingredients or nuts in general. It on the whole is harmless and will soften the scales so that the medication/shampoos can work can work.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,433 ✭✭✭kittenkiller

    There's a dematologist in Donnybrook that's quite expensice but REALLY really good.
    A friend of mine had been suffering for years & tried everything every other doctor had suggested but nothing worked.
    He went to this woman & withing a matter of days the problem had almost dissappeared!
    I don't have her details, but I can get hold of themif you want. Pm me if you do.

    Best of luck.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,797 ✭✭✭Paddy20

    I really suffered from this condition, which was raging, and effected my scalp, face etc.

    After trying a number of 'dermatologist' prescribed medications. I was if anything !, in a much worse condition than ever, very flaky, very red patches, and very sore, particularly 'behind my ears'. It was driving me mad !.

    Then I watched a TV documentary on the subject, they came to the conclusion that ' Washing powders ' and the soap we use can trigger this condition and if we stop using the usual ' Household name's brands ' that are full of chemicals including 'Bleach' the condition may well clear up, as even our towels are left with a residue of irritant chemicals after washing in a washing machine as normal rinse cycles simply do not do the job properly, and when you dry your hair or face the chemicals again irritate the skin.

    So, I stopped using normal washing powders, and started using 'Oxi-Clean' powder along with 'Wash-it balls' for my laundry, after about 3 washes my towels etc, were softer and had a fresh 'like new' colour. I also changed my soap to Nivea cream soap, which also helped.

    Now, my condition has practically vanished. It is unbelievable but true. I have now also discovered 'Micro-Fibre' towels, which dry your skin without rubbing, has also proven to be a great help.

    Anyone, who has a problem obtaining these products, are welcome to PM me and I will let you know where I got mine.

    Good luck.

    P. :cool:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,218 ✭✭✭black & white

    Crimson... wrote:
    I sufer from psoriasis too, stupid question but can u get it on a medical card?

    I'd say so, you need to go and see a Consultant in order to get prescribed. What part of Waterford are you in ? I spent 5 years there as a boarder in De La Salle in the late 70's.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 83 ✭✭arthur_dent

    Kittykiller - tried to PM you about the dermathologist in Donnybrook but yhour mailbox was full. Could you PM me the details if you still have them??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 153 ✭✭darkflower

    Treatments that work for others might not work for you so i suggest visit a dermatologist. I found this site and it might help you to understand more about psoriasis.
