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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 310 ✭✭PBC_1966

    Nothing strange about it -- Diamond is a hard substance which will last for several thousand hours of playing.

    In earlier times (e.g. 1920s/1930s) there were steel needles which needed much more frequent replacement -- In fact in some cases the tip would be worn down after just one side of a shellac 78rpm disc! I have an early 1930s comedy record by the duo Clapham & Dwyer, and at the end of side 1 they actually make a reference to this: "We are now going over to the other side -- One new needle please." :)

    Some very early phonographs used sharpened bamboo needles, which again would last for only one side.

    The later cartridges with their light tracking weight and sapphire/diamond stylii were a tremendous advance in both longevity and quality of reproduction.
