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Surveys and non-media research

College researchers, surveys and polls all to be found in here.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Online gambling industry and view of this industry
01-12-15 9:30
0 630
Rugby World Cup Survey
28-11-15 14:20
0 679
National Museum of Ireland SURVEY
25-11-15 19:42
3 879
28-10-15 16:04
1 887
Survey on Irish people's attitudes to the Irish language
12-10-15 13:37
0 959
Dublinbikes User Survey
24-09-15 8:14
3 1.1K
Sandwich Toaster survey
05-10-15 19:17
0 689
Electrical Apprentice wages
02-10-15 22:38
0 836
Is there anyone aged 70+ on Boards?
30-09-15 18:53
1 1.1K
15-09-15 22:23
0 864
How do you book Holidays and Hotels
02-09-15 18:57
1 684
How do you book Holidays and Hotels
02-09-15 18:59
0 575
Road User Interaction with Luas
28-08-15 14:06
0 667
Financial Services survey
24-07-15 23:54
0 705
How many different ethnic groups have their own supermarkets in Dublin?
15-07-15 9:58
4 1.1K
Research Survey
19-06-15 9:29
1 1.4K
Matrix Recuitment
21-05-15 21:27
0 927
Post-natal depression in Mothers and Fathers survey
21-05-15 19:05
0 536
Mobile app research survey. How do you find out about concerts?
13-05-15 21:48
0 923
Class Research on Beauty perceptions due to social media influence and cultural norms
11-05-15 11:05
1 914
Gambling Survey (for a college thesis)
04-05-15 12:57
13 1.1K
Food and drink survey
26-04-15 20:25
0 693
Nutrition Research - 10 Dublin Based Subjects Needed
05-03-15 13:26
1 847
Statistical project on terrible movies that are so terrible they're… good.
21-03-15 2:01
2 833
Survey on Leaving Cert Students
15-04-15 22:21
0 813
Survey on Facebook usage
15-04-15 16:18
0 512
College Survey on Gambling Habits
09-04-15 22:44
0 766
Issues that businesses face
02-04-15 18:49
0 712
Wanted: Foster Care service users for short, informal chat for research project
27-03-15 12:26
0 687
PhD Research: Quick Survey for People Aged 50 - 75
24-03-15 10:19
0 590