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Limerick City and County [Merged]
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
02-08-23 14:01
0 101
Garden Centres
01-08-23 6:06
8 441
Electric gates
01-08-23 2:39
14 1.5K
A Limerick I can't recognise
27-07-23 21:40
16 2.4K
Remote working communities & spaces in Limerick
25-07-23 11:33
4 301
Where to find a Venus Fly trap house plant?
25-07-23 9:37
24 931
Savoy Hotel restaurant Limerick
17-07-23 10:14
13 951
Thomond Park
10-07-23 15:23
7 661
Pet minders
08-07-23 12:42
0 101
Advice on short break to Limerick
30-06-23 19:36
4 281
Hot Honey
30-06-23 14:45
3 221
Booking mini bus taxi from Limerick City to Bunratty
30-06-23 14:29
2 111
Any Available Plumber in Limerick?
28-06-23 6:53
3 566
Computer repair shop
23-06-23 7:14
5 291
Limerick Dump?
20-06-23 19:58
11 1.1K
20-06-23 12:42
3 459
Missing Cat
13-06-23 21:44
1 161
Where to buy wood pellets for pizza oven in Limerick?
10-06-23 16:16
5 281
New electric shower installation
07-06-23 10:06
2 271
a car parking spot for the day.
06-06-23 8:22
3 411
Plumber in Limerick
04-06-23 22:45
10 791
TV Aerial installation and ethernet wiring service
02-06-23 20:38
2 121
Security doorbell camera installation
02-06-23 18:43
2 391
Late bar for stag
01-06-23 11:45
16 1.2K
Electric Lawnmower Repair
15-05-23 18:20
4 171
Car window tint recommendation
15-05-23 14:15
2 161
Property purchase on Sli na Manach, Mugret
11-05-23 10:29
50 5K
Any shop accepting second-hand books?
09-05-23 12:40
7 847
Limerick City Library
07-05-23 8:42
5 1K
Burritos !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 12...2728
02-05-23 7:48
1.4K 124.9K