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Information Security

Computer security issues.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
decent stream cipher of some kind needed..
26-02-03 15:31
5 530
Formalising a group
26-02-03 11:11
16 2.6K
Info/Education Paths
26-02-03 0:55
3 360
Today's Dept. of Justice Information Forum
26-02-03 0:05
11 2.2K
[Article] Restricted FOI rights likely as Act is reviewed
25-02-03 19:16
1 400
Message to Electronic Frontier Foundation
24-02-03 9:02
4 703
Security gap found in SSL
21-02-03 20:24
0 455
Hacker gains access to 5.6 million Visa, MasterCard numbers
21-02-03 13:44
14 814
Justice Department hearings on data retiention
20-02-03 2:15
2 550
Facts about
19-02-03 19:38
1 316
Privacy - Bigger Monster, Weaker Chains
19-02-03 9:04
0 407
SecurityExpoIreland Dublin 6-7 March
18-02-03 20:41
9 446
Who is the biggest enemy of on-line privacy in Ireland
18-02-03 19:02
25 1.6K
EFFI: Finland rewrote the Internet censorship law
17-02-03 21:43
0 500
just wondering
17-02-03 0:48
5 305
Books to read on computer security
14-02-03 15:44
6 435 meet this friday!! 12
14-02-03 14:58
60 2.9K
CCTV and work
10-02-03 23:48
1 353
xPdf integer overflow
08-02-03 19:24
2 366
New Virus Alert! W32/ELKERN.C
08-02-03 17:59
2 480
[Article] Slammer virus - Web magazine retracts virus-attack story
08-02-03 12:30
2 734
New Irish chapter of the ISSA
06-02-03 18:00
0 421
UK MPs mail filter filters too much
05-02-03 2:45
1 394
Survey gives thumbs-up to ID cards
03-02-03 12:47
1 564
Don't Sever a High-Tech Lifeline for Musicians
03-02-03 12:42
0 534
FW: Canada's privacy czar gives dire warning about anti-terrorism laws
03-02-03 0:04
2 334
DeCSS, your right to view & the DMCA.
01-02-03 1:38
9 697
Supreme Court Upholds Copyright Law Extension
01-02-03 0:39
3 340
"Don't play Big Brother" is business plea to governments on Internet traffic
31-01-03 23:39
1 618
Microsoft bows to EU privacy concerns
31-01-03 10:12
0 261