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Software and Web Development questions and answers. Formerly the Programming forum.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Shell Script question
02-02-04 3:56
7 525
Make Tetris with C++ and paint?
31-01-04 15:54
2 1.2K
Getting Into the "Big Bad Industry" 123
31-01-04 3:17
71 2.8K
debugging JSPs
29-01-04 23:33
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SQL and dynamic table names.
29-01-04 23:12
3 365
Jar files not working on mobile devices?
29-01-04 15:59
0 348
29-01-04 13:15
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PocketPC Emulator connecting to a Microsoft SQL Server
29-01-04 10:23
6 464
JSP <fmt:formatNumber> problem
28-01-04 17:57
1 959
Recommended C# Book?
27-01-04 16:37
2 402
Method call question!!!!
27-01-04 1:37
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Ejbdoclet, Enterprise Javabeans
25-01-04 19:50
0 322
Resize/Crop a bitmap image in C++
24-01-04 18:26
2 2.8K
Java Method call help!!!
23-01-04 18:37
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Opening multiple files
23-01-04 0:12
1 328
desktop database
21-01-04 23:35
12 472
JSP Question
21-01-04 16:37
1 398
Another Apache/Tomcat Question
21-01-04 15:44
7 432
Apache question
21-01-04 2:25
3 340
re: uml pointers.?
20-01-04 22:52
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Generating Dynamic Graphs (for web)
20-01-04 17:31
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SQL Question
19-01-04 16:32
6 376
another SQL prob(subqueries)
19-01-04 15:39
7 389
print margins in Word
18-01-04 19:41
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Java txt box valadation?
17-01-04 2:12
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Help for coding a media player
16-01-04 18:10
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Java - Printing arguments in reverse order
16-01-04 15:40
4 1.3K
Violating the GPL
16-01-04 14:59
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A good generic IDE, for Gnome and Windows
16-01-04 10:18
6 532
flash sony dru-510a back to dw-u14a?
15-01-04 18:53
5 328