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passive ventilation options
07-12-09 14:45
3 1.1K
Prefab Home - pros and cons
30-09-09 21:29
5 4.9K
Architect west cork
13-01-10 15:06
6 2.8K
Instant hot water - solutions?
24-01-10 19:56
9 2.1K
new entrance to site. advise on application process
10-01-10 22:15
12 7.4K
Preventing thermal bridging around window reveals and doors
23-01-10 12:45
4 5.4K
Dampness to window / door reveals caused by breakdown of DPC joint
27-01-10 10:31
3 1.5K
john gormley and no planning apps.
25-01-10 21:09
24 1.9K
Floor Insulation
26-01-10 15:01
9 3.3K
Telephone Lines
20-01-10 20:30
6 883
Dog handles.
26-01-10 17:56
0 392
Looking for rough guides on the price of housing rewire
26-01-10 14:56
0 96
What to do? (Suspended Ceilings)
24-01-10 23:35
7 1.2K
5 week deadline for objections, or is it?
25-01-10 19:09
3 484
Roof tiles.
25-01-10 16:29
2 498
Glass Tiles in Roof
24-01-10 20:00
1 456
Well/pump house quote gobsmacking!!
25-01-10 2:50
2 1.4K
Scratchcoat before drylining
14-07-09 10:04
24 3.7K
Does insulated plaster board reduce noise levels too?
23-01-10 0:08
3 841
Guideline pricing for renovations
24-01-10 21:45
0 468
Recommend Elect & Plumb MAYO area
24-01-10 19:14
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Future proofing my TV inputs
18-01-10 14:41
13 1.6K
Question about gadget to measure land
17-01-10 20:48
8 2K
tarmac depth for driveway
23-01-10 13:32
3 1.2K
Water around fireplace
15-01-10 17:58
5 807
Roof (leak) repair questions
05-01-10 15:54
20 8.8K
Cavity wall insulation
29-10-09 13:39
4 1.6K
trades people online?
20-01-10 22:20
1 484
Building plan and structure change
19-01-10 23:30
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3D plans - walkthrough of house
20-01-10 20:04
13 1.7K