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Banking & Insurance & Pensions

Discuss banks, insurance and pension schemes. Not to be used for giving financial advice.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
90+ Day Travel Insurance
29-04-11 15:14
1 833
Problems with Meteor credit card charge
22-03-11 11:35
5 1K
[Closing a] Student Credit Card
06-05-11 16:41
4 620
will i ever get a mortgage
05-05-11 15:23
5 1.3K
Just a warning on health insurance - re excess
06-05-11 15:48
3 650
permanent tsb letter
05-05-11 12:25
2 1.7K
Advice On Insurance
05-05-11 10:25
3 587
Prevent someone lodging money to my account?
28-04-11 1:37
22 3.2K
Ulster Bank IBAN payment not received
04-05-11 21:57
3 1.3K
Car Insurance claim - How will it affect my premium?
01-05-11 19:58
10 7.6K
Laser card abroad
04-05-11 21:41
3 1.1K
advice on Credit Union Loan
02-05-11 20:08
3 996
Joint Bank Account
04-05-11 19:53
2 502
Bank card stolen and money taken from account.
04-05-11 16:07
9 1.3K
Transfer of DC pension abroad
04-05-11 17:59
1 779
random laser card use
04-05-11 17:26
10 965
Mortgage- Is it worth paying extra monthly?
03-05-11 16:53
3 1K
UK National Savings
04-05-11 17:45
0 332
Insurance for glasses
04-05-11 11:54
2 418
New bank account no utility bill ?
02-05-11 19:37
10 5.2K
Banks writing down Unsecured Debt ie Visa debt
03-05-11 7:05
4 859
payment due tomorrow?
03-05-11 20:22
2 410
Illegal Money lending ?
03-05-11 12:41
5 837
Mortgages in Ireland
27-04-11 23:37
2 762
Settling Mortgage
30-04-11 12:49
8 1.3K
Change money online
01-05-11 19:36
3 556
Bank account with other currencys
02-05-11 11:22
3 577
Bank Statements
25-04-11 17:02
6 904
Bank made an error and are now trying to rectify it. Where do i stand?
02-05-11 0:07
2 1.1K
Mortgage problems
26-04-11 21:41
10 2.6K