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Twisted Tag Tournament



  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM

    Neither of those 2 lads would even see red robin coming.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,560 ✭✭✭✭Kess73

    Dean goes down under a hail of gunfire from Harry and Burt.

    Red Robin takes down Harry and Burt before they even register that they have hit the ground.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,905 ✭✭✭✭Handsome Bob

    Winchester is taken down by Harry, but before he even finishes asking Robin whether or not he feels lucky, Robin drops him. That's gotta hurt Harry's ego. :p Burt ain't no match for robin either.

    Robin FTW

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,971 ✭✭✭Orim

    Ain't nothing that can even suggest Burt or Harry would stand a chance against Red Robin.

    Red Robin to out-smart, out-think and out-fight the boys.
    Dean to out-quip them.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 47,809 Mod ✭✭✭✭cyberwolf77

    Red Robin drags Dean through to victory.
    BATTLE 7







    John McClane has been assigned to protect a person of interest who claims he is being pursued by a rogue military operative. In reality Taskmaster stole some bits and pieces from the crash site of the Millenium Falcon. As a result Mr. Solo has convinced the USAF to send him along with Major Guile in pursuit of the thief. Upon arriving at the hotel the two of them are in no mood for negotiation as they believe McClane to be one of Taskmaster's criminal associates.


    1. Taskmaster is using his UDON gear: 2 .45 pistols and katana, no projection device to dupe different hero's equipment
    2. Han Solo has his blaster
    3. Guile can use the SONIC BOOM!
    4. McClane is carrying a Sig-Sauer P-226

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  • Registered Users Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    I can see Taskmaster's multitude of fighting styles (and nickinga couple of moves mid fight) being enough to takedown Guile.
    Han Solo isn't tricky enough to take out McClane, while McClane is wiley enough to riddle Han with bullets.

    Victory to Taskmaster and John McClane

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM

    I'd say Tasky would batter the crap out of Guile "just like cap!"...

    Until Guile whips his hands round "Sonniiiica Bloom!"

    Tasky jumps over it, shouting " Mighty swing" as he does.

    Guile jumps up and breaks his back non chalantly and dumps him behind him.

    It's only a matter of time then, 2 versus 1. And guile pretty much is John McClane anyways :d

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,560 ✭✭✭✭Kess73

    Taskmaster has this one shown up.

    Only two fighters have given him trouble in the past.

    Deadpool because he cannot mimic or anticitape Deadpool's fighting style, and Moonknight because Moonknight has no fear of being busted open and Tasky sure as hell ain't gonna miomic that style.

    As it stand, Taskmaster is very highly trained in his own right but brings the fighting styles and abilities of some of the best of the Marvel universe with him.

    Wolverine, Shang Chi, Elektra, Captain America, Bullseye, Daredevil, Hawkeye, Punisher, Red Skull, Sabretooth, Silver Samurai, Spiderman, and Iron Fist are just some of the characters whose fighting abilities and markman abilities he has has added to his own, along with a host of smaller name heroes and villains.

    Plus from watching and fighting Guile he would be able to adapt to his fighting style straight away and also instinctively know which of his other fighting styles was best to counter it.

    Han and John would be a shoot out, but even if Solo won, he would have Taskmaster waiting for him.

    Taskmaster is just too damn good and his ability to mimic styles is too much for Guile and McClane to get past.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,971 ✭✭✭Orim

    Gah lost my response.

    In essence, Han shoots first.

    Guile is too defensive and uses sonic booms to wear down Taskmaster.
    Hits American combo for the win.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,746 ✭✭✭✭FewFew

    Right, I think the only thing Guile has on Taskmaster is the Sonic Boom. If this is an all human tournament and we're somehow suggesting the sonic boom is within human ability, then Taskmaster can replicate it, so goodbye Guile advantage. Plus, if Chun-li et al avoid the sonic boom on a regular basis I'm pretty sure Taskmaster will have no issues.

    Taskmaster will pick Han apart if McClane fails, and I'm pretty sure McClane will be the victor in that meet-up anyways.

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  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 47,809 Mod ✭✭✭✭cyberwolf77

    Taskmaster-McClane advance.
    BATTLE 8





    Following a lead on a new drug pipeline Frank Castle has come south alongside his new partner who sees nothing wrong with putting down rabid dogs as he puts it. Upon arrival they discover they are being tracked by the drug lord's newest security contractor. Crossbones has recruited an amnesiac Question to assist him in dealing with these interlopers.

    1. Punisher is carrying a Glock 17, Ka-Bar knife, and a 12 gauge shotgun. he has plentiful ammo for each weapon
    2. Two Gun is carrying his revolvers, lariat, and a bowie knife
    3. Crossbones has his wrist blades, mini-crossbow, and a . 357 revolver
    4. Montoya is carrying her laser pistol and police service weapon(SIG P-226)

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    Crossbones is essentially a poor man's Punisher. Nothing please Frank Castle more than killing off another Punisher wanabee. While on paper they are quite similar, Crossbones cannot match Castle in terms of forward planning and in-figh tactical shifts. Case in point, Castle brought a shotgun to this fight. crossbones took a bow.
    The Question would most likely loose out to two gun's quick draw style shooting. She's probably too mentally volatile to partake in such off the cusp bshootouts, preferring drawn out meodrama style fights.

    PunGun to win

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,560 ✭✭✭✭Kess73

    Gotta be Punisher and Two gun for this one.

    Punisher has beaten Crossbones a number of times in the past. Crossbones is tough, highly trained and deadly, but Frank Castle is on a level above that.

    Two Gun will be Frank's sacrificial lamb in this. Frank lets Two Gun engane the enemy and it is a noise filled affair with Two Gun blasting away.

    Frank hangs back and works out his positioning based on what is happening. If Two Gun gets lucky and takes down one of the other two then that's a bonus in Frank's eyes, if not it will allow Frank the time and cover to get in close enough to blast the other two, and no amount of nervous system control by Montoya will be able to stop the amount of bleeding she will be doing after the Punisher strikes.

    P&T for the win.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,971 ✭✭✭Orim

    Punisher and Two Guns are heading into this fight at a disadvantage. They don't know the city and they don't know their adversaries. Frank decides that they should head down town and use the convenient square system to get some idea of the location and check for any tails.

    After a short while Frank confirms that they are being followed by a woman. She's decent but Punisher has spent years cautiously watching for tails and could spot one in his sleep. He figures there must be more and continues walking. However Two Gun does deal in deception and spins to put a bullet through the eye of their beguiling stalker. As he turns back to Punisher, a crossbow bolt is protruding from his throat. Wasting no time with a shocked reaction Punisher ducks down a nearby alley to prepare himself for the onslaught.

    Crossbones smiles to himself as he reloads his crossbow. "Run Castle Run" he whispers. He regrets that he had to give himself away but he is confident in his skills for the upcoming fight. He gets to the alley and looks down. He doesn't see anything but he's taking no chances. He blasts a couple of likely looking trash heaps before making his way down the wall. Half way down he hears a shotgun go off just before he feels a soft rain of pulverised brick and feels his rope go slack.

    Despite the disadvantage of a fall and Punisher instantly being on top of him, Crossbones is more then able to hold his own in the ensuing fight. He starts getting the upper hand and uses counters to really start laying into Punisher. He plants Castle with a chokeslam and uses the moment to unleash his wrist blades. Standing over his spluttering victim, he prepares for the kill when he hears a derisive snort from Castle. "Last words?" Castle says nothing as he explodes from the ground and uses his shoulder to lift Crossbones onto a conveniently placed ka-bar that had been driven into the wall.

    Now the real work can begin. Punisher wins.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 47,809 Mod ✭✭✭✭cyberwolf77

    The next round starts midnight GMT Friday

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 47,809 Mod ✭✭✭✭cyberwolf77

    ROUND 3

    BATTLE 1





    Jason Todd has convinced Ronin that he is really Tim Drake. Together the two are actively hunting the "impostor". Unkniown to them Drake has convinced Rorschach as to the truth of his identity and has established a hideout in an abandoned junkyard. While they are planning how to expose the Hood's lies they realize their perimeter has been breached.

    1. Red hood has his modified batarangs and kris knife
    2. Ronin is using his melee weaponry only for this match
    3.Red Robin has his throwing disks and collapsible bo staff
    4. Rorschach has his grappling gun.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,560 ✭✭✭✭Kess73

    Nice pairings. Would make for a right nasty up close and personal set of fights.

    But I cannot see past Red Hood and Ronin for this win.

    I would fancy Red Hood to beat Red Robin or Rorschach in a fight.

    Red Hood is a Batman (Bruce Wayne version) level, and Red Robin is a bit below that level even when he assumed the name of Batman.

    I would fancy Ronin to beat Red Robin or Rorschach in a fight.

    I am assuming that Cyber has Clint Barton as Ronin so that the Lopez or Shostakov versions are not in play, although Ronin is the only character that does not have "he" or "his" used in the weapons carried bit at the end. ;).

    Regardless of which Ronin is used I think the outcomes are the same.

    Red Hood and Ronin for the win.

    EDIT: Just clicked on the Ronin link and it brought me straight to Hawkeye rather than the Ronin wiki page, so I think that answers what version Cyber meant.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,746 ✭✭✭✭FewFew

    Think Kess has cleared up my Bat issues, so I agree.

    Ronin & Redser for the winno

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 47,809 Mod ✭✭✭✭cyberwolf77

    Hooded Ronin advance.

    BATTLE 2





    A series of military supply depots have been recently robbed by a pair of unidentified individuals. Hoping to capture them the U.S. government has borrowed an agent from MI-6. They have also brought in a former Green Beret who is familiar with the area and tactics being used by the intruders. Rambo and Shang-Chi have finally managed to get one step ahead of their targets and are waiting at an armory on the outskirts of Phoenix.

    1. Connor is carrying a Glock 17 with two spare mags and a Ka-bar knife
    2. Rambo is carrying hjis knife, and a .45 with two spare mags.
    3. bear in mind they are fighting in a building packed with miltary ordnance as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,560 ✭✭✭✭Kess73

    Shang Chi would destroy John Connor or Dean at close quarters inside a building.

    And good as Connor and Winchester are with weapons, we are talking about John Rambo in a building full of weapons and ammo.

    ShangBo for a very very quick win.

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  • Moderators Posts: 51,753 ✭✭✭✭Delirium

    Agree with Kess for the reasons given.

    Shang and Rambo are way more battle hardened than Dean, plus they've also have faced tougher foes than Connors.

    Shang+Rambo to win this battle.

    If you can read this, you're too close!

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    John Rambo is the master of picking up weapons he finds and using them to cause mayhem and destruction. Shang-Chi would also be able to use speed/steath inside the building to get close to his enemies, where their superior firepower would count for nothing and he could easily take them down in hand to hand combat. Let's not forget Rambo is a master of stealth too. They will divide and conquer, outflanking their opponents and annihilating them before they knew what was happening.
    Connor and Winchester might have stood a chance in a more open environment, but their inability to see their opponents before it was too late has cost them dearly.

    Ram-Chi FTW

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 47,809 Mod ✭✭✭✭cyberwolf77

    Ram-Chi win with ease


    A failed experiment has landed Joseph Dredd in the past. Teaming up with a masked lunatic who claims to also be temporally displaced they have traveled to Hoover Dam in hopes of harnessing it's power to help them return to their respective time periods. Their strange garb and appearance has drawn attention from the U.S. government who have dispatched a skilled operative to intercept them. They have also assigned a newly appointed marshall to assist in the capture of these two strangely dressed terrorists.
    1. Taskmaster is carrying a .45 with spare magazine, his sword, shield, and lariat.
    2. Dredd has a riot baton, and loaded Lawgiver carrying armor piercing rounds as well as his standard Judge uniform
    3. Snake Eyes= Ninja with guns
    4. McClane is carrying a Beretta 92 with spare mag, and an MP5 with two spare magazines.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,560 ✭✭✭✭Kess73

    Tasky challenges Snake Eyes to a one on one fight with swords.

    As Tasky is starting the fight already having had for years the martial arts knowledge of, amongst others, Shang Chi and the sword play ability of the Swordsman, he is easily able to counter Snake Eyes.

    But as their duel goes on, he is also perfecting Snake Eyes style and very quickly he can stalemate Snake Eyes by being able to do everything Snake Eyes can do, and to the same level, but can also go on the offensive with the dozens and dozens of other fighting styles and techniques that he has taken from other superheroes and villains.

    Snake Eyes soon gets to experience a very unfamilair feeling, that of being outclassed in terms of skill and fighting style. Seconds after that he gets another feeling to experience. Tasky's sword through his heart.

    Meanwhile John McClane has holed himself up behind a turbine, and is laying down a hail of fire to keep Dredd back.

    "Yippee Kaya Mother fcuker" screams McClane with a laugh, as he prepares to launch into a tirade of sarky comments.

    "Use of profanities, 20 years in an iso cube" growls Dredd, "Firing on a Judge, sentence is death"

    McClane is about to shout back when an armour piercing round leaves the lawgiver and comes through the metal of the turbine and straight into McClanes head.

    "Not so chatty now Creep" Dredd says, before heading off once again to try and find where that damn music is coming from.

    Dredd Master for the win.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,971 ✭✭✭Orim

    I imagine that the Hoover Dam is a rather noisy place. In this case the added noise and Snake Eyes skill would allow him to get the drop on Dredd and Tasky. The two of them would be dead before a sarcastic comment could leave anyones mouth.

    John Eyes ftw.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    Dredd is an uber version of Mcclaine.
    Taskmaster an uber version of Snakeyes.

    Judgemaster FTW

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 47,809 Mod ✭✭✭✭cyberwolf77

    DreddTask claim victory.

    BATTLE 4





    Frank Castle has recruited a new ally in his war on crime. His new partner informs of a secret stash of gold coins hidden near Albuquerque which can be used to fund Frank's crusade. Upon arrival at the site they find the wreckage of what looks like a spacecraft. Realizing they may not be alone theytake cover and wait to see who shows themsleves. Unbeknownst to them they have been placed under observation by the first agent on scene along with the sole survivor of the crash.

    1. Punisher is carrying a scoped CAR-15 with two spare magazines, and a Colt .357 with two speedloaders, and a Ka-Bar.
    2. Two -Gun has his pistols and lariat.
    3. Fisher is carrying his standard pistol and combat knife
    4. Ripley is carrying a M41A rifle with a single magazine

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM

    I think Castle's got this one sewn up on his own.

    I don't know what Fishers got but he sounds like someone Frank eats for Breakfast. Ripley's good but it isn't trained good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,560 ✭✭✭✭Kess73

    I think Castle's got this one sewn up on his own.

    I don't know what Fishers got but he sounds like someone Frank eats for Breakfast. Ripley's good but it isn't trained good.

    Cannot disagree with you. Fisher is the threat on the other team, but he has nothing that Frank Castle has not bested in the past.

    Castle can mix it with the best that human training can produce as well as mixing it with meta humans.

    Even if Fisher had all the weapons that Castle has in this fight, and Castle only had the handgun and knife, I would be going with Castle.

    Fisher may be watching Frank and Two Gun while they are checking out Ripley's spacecraft, but he does not have any long range weapons, so he has to get close to Castle who is not going to be anything other than on guard.

    Too good, too fast, too strong, too well trained, too lethal.

    Two Gun Punisher FTW

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  • Registered Users Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    Castle would probably be a match for sam (fully loaded) and Ripley combined. Having a cowboy to distract them just makes things that little bit easier.
    A relatively easy win for The Punisher with Two-Gun getting sacrificed along the way.
