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TNA Victory Road PPV aftermath thread - *Spoilers*

  • 14-03-2011 11:26am
    Registered Users Posts: 8,391 ✭✭✭

    A graphic opening hits welcoming us to the "road to Lockdown" tonight. We go live to the Impact Zone in Orlando, Florida where a series of pyro goes off. Mike Tenay and Taz welcome us to the show.

    Bully Ray is out first to kick off the show. Ray says "thank god" for people like Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff to take TNA Wrestling to the top. Ray goes to speak about Tommy Dreamer when Dreamer's music hits. Ray said he is shocked Dreamer "had the balls to come out here." Ray said he just got the okay from Hogan and Bischoff to make tonight's match between the two No Disqualification. Ray adds, "What do you think about that fat ass?" Dreamer starts punching Ray and here we go.

    No DQ Rules
    Bully Ray vs. Tommy Dreamer

    Dreamer continues big offense on Ray with punches and kicks. Ray fires back with a big clotheslines, but misses an elbow drop. Dreamer dumps Ray over the top rope. Dreamer hit Ray with a stuffed animal that was handed to him from the crowd. Host of "The Velvet Room" Clinton Bowman sent me word that it was Minion from the movie "Despicable Me." Dreamer with a water bottle to the head of Ray as they brawl up into the crowd. Ray crotches Dreamer across the guard railing. Ray grabs a kendo stick and cracks it near SoCal Val to scare her. Dreamer tosses a trash can inside the ring with other street sign weapons. Dreamer off the top rope cracking a kendo stick over the head of Ray. Dreamer has an Inflatable Doll in the ring and slams Ray over it. Taz said the doll was Jeremy Borash's best friend. Ray with a superplex on Dreamer from the top rope and then drops an elbow on the doll for fun. Dreamer responds with a quick DDT for a two count. Dreamer brings a table into the ring and sets up one side. Ray hits Dreamer over the head with a trash can. Ray with shots to the body of Dreamer using the kendo stick. Ray yells for a mic yelling, "How does it feel buddy!?" Ray continues hitting Dreamer with the kendo stick. Ray then yells out, "DEVON! DEVON! THIS IS FOR YOU DEVON!" The Team 3D music hits. Devon's two sons are walking out. Devon hits the ring from behind. When Ray turns around, Devon lifts him up and Dreamer assists as they give Ray a 3D right through the table. Dreamer covers Ray and gets the win.

    Winner: Tommy Dreamer

    After the match, Tommy Dreamer celebrates with Devon and Devon's two sons.

    Backstage, Christy Hemme is with TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions Angelina and Winter along with Velvet Sky. Winter said she doesn't have an issue with Velvet and that velvet has an issue with her. She adds that Angelina is starting to see the same. Velvet asks Angelina what is up and Angelina walks off.

    Before the match, Sarita said they were bringing the Knockouts tag titles to Mexico. During her promo, you could hear referee Earl Hebner tell her she was looking into the wrong camera while talking.

    TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championships
    Angelina Love and Winter (c's) vs. Sarita and Rosita

    We start with Angelina and Rosita. Angelina with quick offense early on. Quick tag to Sarita. Angelina with a big suplex and tag back to Rosita. Winter gets the tag and she drops her over her knee. Quick tag back to Sarita. Winter with a northern lights suplex into a bridge for a two count. Tag to Angelina. Rosita gets the tag as well and misses a body splash off the shoulders of Sarita. Angelina plants Rosita with a front slam. Lots of quick tags by Rosita and Sarita. Rosita misses a body splash off the top rope. Winter gets the tag, puts Rosita on her shoulders and Angelina is in with a big kick to Rosita. Cover and Sarita breaks it up. Sarita bails out and grabs one of the tag titles. Angelina kicks her out of the ring. Rosita has the belt now. She is about to hit Winter when Velvet Sky hits the ring to take the belt away. Winter rolls up Rosita. Sarita turns Winter over so now Rosita has her rolled up. Referee Earl Hebner is still on the outside. A few seconds later, he jumps back in and counts the pinfall.

    Winners and new TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions: Sarita and Rosita

    After the match, Angelina Love and Winter are upset with Velvet Sky. Sarita and Rosita run off with the belts.

    We see footage of Jeff and Karen Jarrett's "honeymoon" at Universal Studios today. Karen said he knows what she wants. Jeff is having fun with the kids. Karen wants the kids to go back to the hotel. Jeff said it is pizza time. The kids love it and Karen is upset.

    Backstage, Christy Hemme is with Matt Morgan. Morgan said Hernandez took that one magic moment from his father, mother, his wife, fans and himself from becoming the TNA World Heavyweight Champion. He said Hernandez got a big head spending time in Mexico and that his sights are still on the TNA Championship.

    A video package runs highlighting Hernandez vs. Matt Morgan.

    First Blood Match
    Hernandez vs. Matt Morgan

    Morgan hit the ring right away going after Hernandez. They brawl to the outside and Morgan sends Hernandez face first into the steel steps. Hernandez with a big shoulder block on Morgan back in the ring. Hernandez pulls a stick out from under the ring, breaks it over his knee and starts choking Morgan with it. Hernandez tries putting the sharp end of the stick into the eye of Morgan. The fans chant "WE WANT BLOOD" in Orlando. Hernandez rakes the back and eyes of Morgan. The corner turnbuckle pad comes off when Morgan is sent face first into it. Morgan with a series of clotheslines on Hernandez. Morgan with a body splash and fallaway slam combo. Morgan grabs the broken stick that was used earlier by Hernandez. Hernandez kicks Morgan away, lifts himself up to the top turnbuckle, but Morgan tosses him off to the mat below. Someone from the audience hits the ring. Morgan and the referee push him out of the ring. Hernandez pulls out a chain and puts it around his fist. Morgan counters and hits Hernandez in the face with the chain. The referee is still down on the outside. Hernandez then sprays fake blood on the chest of Morgan. A new referee hits the ring and sees the blood on Morgan's chest and calls for the bell.

    Winner: Hernandez

    After the match, Hernandez laughs and celebrates. Mike Tenay points out that Hernandez was busted open first and you can see some blood above his eyebrow.

    Backstage, Christy Hemme is with Generation Me. Max said it is his birthday and his brother Jeremy will help him win the title tonight. Jeremy shakes his head. He said tonight Generation Me will change to Generation Max.

    Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with the TNA X Division Champion Kazarian. Kazarian wants to reverse roles and ask JB questions. Kazarian brings up he was in the first Ultimate X match and is willing to do things no others have done in that match in TNA history.

    Earlier today, we see footage of Robbie E and Cookie. Cookie doesn't want Robbie to be in the match tonight. Robbie tells "Cooks" to relax since tonight it will be GTX - Gym, Tan, X Division Title.

    A video package runs highlighting the Ultimate X match.

    TNA X Division Championship - Ultimate X Match
    Kazarian (c) vs. Robbie E w/ Cookie vs. Jeremy Buck vs. Max Buck

    Cookie held on to one of Kazarian's leg early on allowing Generation Me to double team Kazarian. Kazarian springboards up to the cables early and is pulled down by Generation Me. Max Buck is the next up on the cables and Robbie pulls him down. Robbie is the next up on the cables. Kazarian jumps up with him and kicks him down. Kazarian jumps off the cables and drops an elbow over Robbie. Jeremy with a kick and face plant combo on Kazarian. Max yells at Jeremy to help him up on the cables. Jeremy walks Max across on his shoulders, but Kazarian breaks it up. Robbie takes a nasty fall to the steel steps outside the ring. Max with a dropkick through the ropes to Kazarian holding on. Jeremy with a springboard moonsault taking out Kazarian and Robbie. Max back up on the cables. Kazarian pulls him down. Generation Me with a double dropkick to the head of Kazarian with a backflip to boot. Max is up on the cables. Jeremy and Kazarian are up on the other side. Kazarian and Jeremy go down. Max stays up and lifts his legs up to lock them around the cable. Kazarian swings Max back, Max lets go and Kazarian hits a cutter/stunner as Max falls down. Robbie is now back up on the cables, gets close to the title, Max pulls him down, hits a big boot and big snap neckbreaker. Kazarian kicks Max's head into the steel truss. Tower of Doom spot with Kazarian, Robbie and Jeremy. Kazarian with his reverse piledriver on Robbie. Kazarian with a kick to the head of Jeremy. Kazarian with a twisting suplex on Jeremy off the top turnbuckle. Kazarian and Robbie are up on the cables. Generation Me pull Robbie down and hit a double superkick. They then swing Kazarian off the cable. Jeremy goes to jump up on the cable. Max asks what he is doing and pulls him down. Jeremy agrees to back off. Max is up. Jeremy ignores him and jumps up. Both are in the middle by the title exchanging slaps. Robbie slides a ladder in the ring. Kazarian is now on the steel truss of the structure above the cables. Robbie knocks Jeremy and Max down using his ladder. Robbie sets up the ladder, climbs, but Kazarian is walking across the cable. Robbie reaches up. Kazarian has the belt and jumps down to get the win.

    Winner and still TNA X Division Champion: Kazarian

    After the match, we see highlights from the match leading to the finish. Back live, Kazarian celebrates his win with the crowd in the Impact Zone.

    We see more footage of Jeff and Karen Jarrett's honeymoon at Universal Studios. Jeff has pizza for the kids!

    Backstage, Christy Hemme is with the TNA Tag Team Champions Beer Money. They have some fun with Christy trying to get her to do the "BEER...MONEY" pose. Roode said Shannon Moore doesn't know anything about respect. Storm asked who Moore thought he was to call them out on national television.

    A video package runs highlighting Beer Money vs. Ink Inc.

    TNA Tag Team Championships
    Beer Money (c's) vs. Ink Inc

    We start with James Storm and Jessie Neal. A few arm drags from both early on. Neal with a crossbody out of the corner for a two count. Tags to Robert Roode and Shannon Moore. Roode with a quick takedown. Moore goes to work on Roode's left arm. Moore with a quick dropkick that drops Roode. Roode responds with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Tag to Neal. Neal with a few shots to Storm who gets the tag. Tag to Moore. Moore with big punches to Storm and drops a leg. Tag to Neal who hits a swinging neckbreaker on Storm. Tag to Moore who kicks Storm in the corner. Quick tag to Neal who drops Storm with an elbow. Another quick tag to Moore who launches Storm into the corner. Tag to Roode who exchanges right hands with Neal (now the legal man). Roode with a series of clotheslines to Neal. Neal with a kick to the face. Storm tags himself in. Beer Money double teams Neal. Moore jumps in attacking both. Moore with two head scissors takedowns on Beer Money. Moore with an inverted DDT on Roode. Moore with a big moonsault on Storm. Roode with a spinebuster on Moore. Beer Money with a double suplex on Moore. We get the "BEER...MONEY!" spot. Neal with a spear on Storm. Moore with a stunner on Roode for a close two count. Moore grabs his book of DILLIGAF and yells at Neal to hold up Roode. Storm breaks it up knocking down Neal and hitting the DWI on Moore to get the pinfall.

    Winners and still TNA Tag Team Champions: Beer Money

    After the match, Beer Money extend their hands to Ink Inc. Neal shakes their hands. Moore grabs a sip of Storm's beer and spits it in his face. Moore yells at Neal that he has to be tougher.

    Backstage, Christy Hemme is with Ric Flair and Matt Hardy. Flair said he likes Matt's new "Cold Blooded" nickname because he has a vision. Hardy said AJ Styles is young and nieve.

    Matt Hardy w/ Ric Flair vs. AJ Styles

    Styles with some big right hands early on to Hardy. Styles with a shoulder block and front face lock. Styles levels Hardy with a huge dropkick. Styles tosses Hardy out of the ring. Styles hits the ropes and Flair trips him up. Hardy then drops Styles with a big clothesline. Hardy with big forearms to the head of Styles. Styles again dumps Hardy to the outside. Styles with moonsault off the ring apron on Hardy. Hardy responds sending Styles head first into the side of the ring. Hardy sends Styles towards the ring barricade, but Styles slides underneath it, jumps up on the barricade and hits a flying forearm to the head of Hardy. Hardy looks to hit a german suplex, but instead launches Styles into the corner. Hardy tosses Styles out, distracts the referee and Flair gets in a few cheap shots including a series of chops. Hardy catapults Styles into the second rope. Hardy with a double underhook full body submission. Styles drops Hardy down on his shoulders starting a pinfall and Hardy breaks up the submission. Hardy puts Styles up against the ropes, distracts the referee and Flair reaches in applying a "crotch claw" as Tenay put it. Styles with a series of chops. Both attempt a clothesline, stay on their feet and Styles kicks Hardy in the head. Styles with a clothesline, forearm, swinging kick and a neckbreaker/backbreaker combo. Styles with another neckbreaker for a two count. Hardy with a Side Effect, cover and Styles gets a shoulder up. Hardy with an elbow to the back of Styles' neck. Styles counters a Twist of Hate into a backslide for a close two count. Styles then levels Hardy with a huge clothesline. Styles kicks Flair off the ring apron. Hardy with a big DDT. Hardy with a moonsault off the top and Styles gets a shoulder up. Hardy is back up top and Styles connects with a Pele Kick. Styles with the Spiral Tap off the top rope, covers and gets the pinfall just before Flair can break it up.

    Winner: AJ Styles

    After the match, Ric Flair rolls in the ring and is going nuts. AJ Styles leaves the ring, then suddenly runs over to where Flair is and gives him a big low blow. We then see highlights of the match leading to the finish.

    We are back to the Jarrett's honeymoon. Karen complains this is more like a family vacation. The whole family ends up getting water dumped all over them and Karen goes crazy.

    Backstage, Christy Hemme is with Mr. Anderson bringing up that things haven't been so easy for Rob Van Dam. Anderson said everyone in TNA is getting screwed, not just RVD.

    A video package runs highlighting Mr. Anderson vs. RVD.

    #1 Contenders Match for the TNA Championship
    Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam

    Anderson with a shoulder block and the two exchange holds early on. More back and forth action between the two. Anderson botches RVD's leap over his head. Anderson yells to the crowd, "I meant to do that!" Anderson with right hands to RVD in the corner and then chokes him with his boot. RVD with a springboard kick to the face and follows that with a Rolling Thunder. RVD drops Anderson over the steel ring barricade. RVD jumps up on the ring apron, jumps to drop his leg and Anderson moves causing RVD's leg to bounce right off the steel ring barricade. Anderson then throws the legs of RVD off the steel ring post. Anderson with a big dropkick to the leg of RVD and then trips him up as well. RVD counters a Mic Check. The two start exchanging right hands. They brawl to the outside and Anderson hits RVD with a Mic Check on the entrance ramp. The referee starts the count. The referee gets to 10 and calls for the bell.

    Match Result: Double Countout

    After the match, Mr. Anderson and Rob Van Dam argue with the referee to give them more time. Taz said to tune in this Thursday on Impact to find out the status of the #1 contendership.

    A video plays of Jeff Hardy talking about losing his TNA Championship to Sting. Hardy said he is prepared and will bring everyone back to reality tonight.

    A video package runs highlighting Sting's career.

    TNA Championship
    Sting (c) vs. Jeff Hardy

    Jeremy Borash did ring introductions for the challenger Jeff Hardy and champion Sting. Following the introductions, Eric Bischoff's music hits and he walks out to the ring. Bischoff said we have a slight change in plans. He said "the network" got involved in their business on March 3rd and because Jeff Hardy was "taken advantage of" in a blatant way, he will be fair. Bischoff extends his hand to Sting. Sting said he'd rather know what Bischoff has to say. Bischoff said in order to make this fair, after speaking with Hulk Hogan, since Hardy was unable to prepare for Sting on March 3rd, it will now be a No DQ match. Sting decks Bischoff with a right hand. Sting stomps on Bischoff's arm/hand and Bischoff rolls out.

    Jeff Hardy stalls looking at the crowd and where he wants to toss his t-shirt. Sting pulls Hardy out by his hair and hits a Scorpion Deathdrop. Sting covers Hardy and gets the pinfall.

    Winner and still TNA Champion: Sting

    After the match, Jeff Hardy gets in the referee's face and stares down Sting. Sting holds up the TNA Championship. We see a replay of the finish, with Tazz adding that this replay was probably longer than the entire match. Back live, Sting is heading up the ramp. The crowd is chanting something at him. Sting replies, "I agree. I agree." Sting's music was too loud to hear the crowd.

    We then get a highlight video of all the matches taking place tonight. Back live, they close the show after the highlight package.

    A promo for TNA Lockdown on Sunday, April 17 in Cincinnati, Ohio airs.

    Rate Victory Road 2011 26 votes

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,234 ✭✭✭ayatollah

    apparently the crowd were roaring BULLSH1T very loudly and the music was played loud to drown them out and it could be heard over the closing credits too.

    apparently hardy was in "no fit state" to wrestle.:rolleyes:

    good jesus more of the same bullsh1t.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,491 ✭✭✭thebostoncrab

    I posted in the other thread that the main event was pure bull**** and I would demand my money back instantly.

    Hardy should be offered rehab and if he turns it down then fire his ass straight away. That kind of behaviour is an insult to every fan that has stood by him and damages TNAs name even more. In fact I wouldn't even give him the rehab, I'd send him packing.

    This was posted on the UKFF, it's a timeline of what happens in the Youtube video of the "match"

    F4W board:

    1:33-1:38 Hardy stumbles when he he climbs the steps to enter the ring

    2:45- Hardy Says something to ref and leaves ring

    3:00- Ref gives the "X" signal to the hard cam

    3:08- Ref waves someone to come towards ring

    3:12- ref talks to So Cal Val

    3:25-3:35- Ref tells Sting something, Sting says "You kidding me?", then mutters stuff under his breath as he throws coat out of ring.

    5:57- Bischoff tells off Hardy

    6:21- Bischoff tells Sting something.

    9:02 - Sting physically holds Jeff Hardy down so he doesn't kick out

    9:13-9:18 Sting channeling the Tenryu death glare

    10:15-10:20 Sting says "I agree" to the BS chantsSee more

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,289 ✭✭✭parker kent

    I just don't understand how they let it get that far. Surely somebody somewhere should have stopped it? They had an easy get out of jail card by saying they were having Hardy taken out backstage and saying Sting would take on Anderson and RVD. Anything would be better than what they did. Sting seems shocked in the ring with what is happening and that is ridiculous. Unless Hardy got off his títs on the way to the ring, I don't see how somebody couldn't have known at least 10 minutes beforehand? Obviously we don't know the exact details yet, but it just seems like the first people noticed was when he was making his entrance.

    Hardy should be fired or at least suspended and sent to rehab.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,774 ✭✭✭Big Daddy Cool

    Never mind suspending him. If this was any other sport or job Hardy would be fired on the spot.

    I was sympatheic towards Hardy and the problems he has had with drugs in the past, and always said that he needs support and was glad that he could still put on great matches and looked like he was slowly making a turn for the better.

    But after that display, it'll take a long time for TNA to recover from that. There are alot of wrestlers outside the company that would give their right arm to be in his position and would show some respect for it. Last night just let the world know that he is an ungreatfull piece of **** and doesn't give a flying **** about the fans. Fire his ass and give someone who wants the spot a chance to shine.

    maybe i'm wrong but the the problem as i see it is, they've overlooked their own stars who deserve or deserved the spotlight for making the company, the likes of Styles, Joe, Daniels even Petey Williams, but they've forgot them or sacked them, and giving the spotlight to the likes of RVD, Sting, Anderson, Hardy and they dont care about TNA, and if it was'nt for the big contracts they would'nt be there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 85,887 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    I wish TNA would give Matt Morgan a shot at the world title or better still a title reign

    This PPV is on Challenge at 10pm on Wednesday night

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,289 ✭✭✭parker kent


    maybe i'm wrong but the the problem as i see it is, they've overlooked their own stars who deserve or deserved the spotlight for making the company, the likes of Styles, Joe, Daniels even Petey Williams, but they've forgot them or sacked them, and giving the spotlight to the likes of RVD, Sting, Anderson, Hardy and they dont care about TNA, and if it was'nt for the big contracts they would'nt be there.

    This is basically TNA's biggest mistake. Joe, Daniels, AJ etc should have been built as the top guys instead of anybody who has even eaten backstage in WCW or the WWE.

    Just to comment on my statement earlier, I obviously think he should be fired. But TNA being TNA, I think a suspension is about the most we could hope for. Obviously it is the most blatant sackable offence you can ever see. Well other than Russo's booking of the rest of the clusterfúck PPV :pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,774 ✭✭✭Big Daddy Cool

    i read kurt angle wants to negotiate a new deal with TNA when it expires in august, and retire there, not sure that would be a good idea for him, by the way things are going the company could be retired before that :D, he really should go back to the wwe for 1 last run where people would see how good he still is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 54,036 ✭✭✭✭Headshot

    Angle is an idiot to do that. He needs to come back to WWE for his last hurrah. At least headline WM one more time

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,943 ✭✭✭Machismo Fan

    What I don't understand is why they put it on last. If they knew they were going to do a one minute title match then why not just throw it in the midcard and put Ultimate X or something in the main event. It would've done a lot to soften the blow.

    Anywho, the matches featuring Fortune saved this show from being a complete disaster. Styles/Hardy, Ink Inc./Beer Money and the Ultimate X were all very good - don't bother going near the rest of the show.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,169 ✭✭✭jmolloy

    for those who want to see the debacle TNA usually drag these straight down but Iguess as Hardy ruined their rep they are happy to let is sit

    What was the point in Bischoff?Was he just out to relay instructions to Jeff surely the ref coulda done. Looked like a prearranged spot but hard to tell

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,774 ✭✭✭Big Daddy Cool

    Headshot wrote: »
    Angle is an idiot to that. He needs to come back to WWE for his last hurrah. At least headline WM one more time

    yeah, Angle v Undertaker :) wrestlemania 28, now back to TNA comments.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,774 ✭✭✭Big Daddy Cool

    jmolloy wrote: »
    for those who want to see the debacle TNA usually drag these straight down but Iguess as Hardy ruined their rep they are happy to let is sit

    What was the point in Bischoff?Was he just out to relay instructions to Jeff surely the ref coulda done. Looked like a prearranged spot but hard to tell

    haha stingers punch to bischoff looked like it might have hurt a little

  • Registered Users Posts: 919 ✭✭✭TheTosh

    Man I'd hate to be the guy that put big money on Jeff to win

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,234 ✭✭✭ayatollah

    the look of disguist on stings face straight after it!

    i'd say he was restraining himself from giving him a hiding

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Arts Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,279 CMod ✭✭✭✭Nody

    ayatollah wrote: »
    the look of disguist on stings face straight after it!

    i'd say he was restraining himself from giving him a hiding
    And that is why I'd lean on it not being an angle honestly; TNA is not exactly known for their interest in wrestling health (chair shots anyone?) in general and I could see a certain booker having him go up there as a "great swerve no one expected"!!1.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,651 ✭✭✭stiffler123

    I just watched it there, what a mess. I feel bad most of all for Stinger, who looked like he wanted to beat the living s*** out of Hardy and rightfully so. Hardy needs instant rehab, I am usually the first to defend TNA but this is just undefendable, absolute disgrace. A way they could of saved it was take Hardy out with a chair backstage and make the title match triple threat. I can't believe they let Hardy in the ring like that.
    In saying all that though, I absolutely cannot wait to see what happens on Impact after this.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,684 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    That clip of the "Main Event" belongs in the epic fail thread.

    If it isnt the most elaborate work ever in which TNA actually publically fire Jeff for being off his face on drugs on Impact as part of some sort of mad storyline then this is just revisiting the very worst of whats happened in PW's past. Jaysus this actually reminds me of my Junkyard Dog angle in the draft (wonder why I said that took place in TNA :pac: ).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,469 ✭✭✭✭GTR63

    I wonder would they use this video as evidence in court for his drug charges offences.Having read the interviews in the Investigation to drug use in wrestling I won't hold my breath.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,888 ✭✭✭Charisteas

    Just after watching this PPV, really disappointed and a bit PO'ed with the ending.

    I don't wanna pass any judgment on Jeff Hardy until we get the full facts and details, for all we know he may have accidentally taken too many pain-killer medicine or something which was making him groggy and out of his head.

    But we all know what it looked like and we know about his problems, and if our suspicious are accurate then he's let a lot of people down, myself included. He obviously has a problem and he needs help and support.

    I agree with the person who said they should have changed the main event into a triple thread with Anderson and RVD, but overall there was some other decent matches on the card. The honeymoon segments were worse than the main event, but I voted 5 out of 10.
