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Neighbour operating plant in front garden on a Sunday



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,290 ✭✭✭KaneToad

    Neighbour making the noise should call in beforehand, apologise in advance and give an indication of how long job will take. It's reasonable behaviour and would alleviate any tension.

    Work still gets done at the time of choosing. Cordial relations are maintained. But too many people are mé féiners and don't consider others.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,541 ✭✭✭Dudda

    Ok to clarify the rules in Ireland:

    Back in the boom times the green party when in government with FF tried to bring in construction noise and time regulations. This failed as the construction industry was so strong and employed so many. In addition the argument you need to carry out roadworks outside certain hours was used. We therefore have no time limits on construction noise.

    Noise after 11pm falls under a different category and the police can deal with it like for example a house party. For construction noise after 11 they'll tell you to deal with the Environment Protection Agency in your local council. The problem is they work 9-5 Monday to Friday so won't deal with complaints outside this time unless arranged in advance.

    Due to the lack of laws some local authorities, particularly in the larger cities, impose construction related hours conditions on planning applications. This doesn't always happen (way less than half) and obviously only applies if the project requires planning and even then you can't really complain as they planning enforcer works 9-5 Monday to Friday. If you complain about people working late they'll come out the following night. We complained about a shop in Dublin City Council carrying out renovations overnight during our exams in college. The following day the contractor applied for a night construction permit (which anyone can get) and when the enforcer turned up presented it.

    In short you can do pretty much nothing and in general I'm happy with this. People need to do work at certain times for a number of reasons.

  • Posts: 7,499 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Neighbour operating plant and excavating driveway and front concreted garden on a Sunday - is this allowed? Is it not deemed a construction site with no activity/noise permissible on a Sunday?

    I hope you did the decent thing and gave him a hand!
