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graphics card detector

  • 24-11-2000 3:13pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,747 ✭✭✭

    Any one know of a prog that will detect what kind of card you have in the machine cos im not sure if i have the right driver installed.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,636 ✭✭✭Canaboid

    Get to an MS-DOS Prompt: If you are running a version of Windows, you need to either open an MS-DOS prompt or shut Windows down to MS-DOS mode.
    Enter the "DEBUG" Program: From the DOS prompt, type "debug" and then {Enter}. The system will display a single dash ("-").
    Display the Video Card BIOS Area: Type the following, exactly (and nothing else, or you risk doing something to your system that you really don't want to): "dc000:0010". This will display the contents of the beginning part of the video BIOS ROM. The system will display a bunch of hexadecimal digits across most of the screen. On the left-hand side you will see text letters that correspond to these codes. For most video cards, you will see the name of the manufacturer and information about the video chipset type and version number.
    Scroll Down If Necessary: On some systems you may need to scroll down further to find the information. Do this by typing just "d" and then {Enter}, one or more times. More information will display on the screen.
    Exit "DEBUG": Press "q" and then {Enter} to quit the debug program.
