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Neocron again

  • 17-12-2002 8:52am
    Registered Users Posts: 2,997 ✭✭✭

    some notes on how to play neocron for you new players

    if you want to build up a hacker character or any kind of high level spy class then heres the fast route to success

    when you start off, character creation

    in your intelligence skill pay all points into willpower (should be 68)
    and put your dex into remote control

    then when your in game for the first time do a few low level missions, earn cash and level as much xp as possible.

    dont spend any money for now dont bother buying better weapons. spend any intelligence points on research till it gets to 30, and any dex points on remote control till you get to 60

    then when your dex reaches level 8 heres what you do
    go to taylor biochem or medicare and buy 4 willpower LOM pills, this will give you a total of 36 spendable points (18 free points if you did what i told you at character creation, add it up :) )
    spend these on construction, keep raising cosntruction till you get to about 60
    go buy the lowest level attack drone (dex 8) its pretty pathetic but its a spring board.
    also go buy a TL30 research and construct tool
    approx cost of all that is about 14k but if you saved till then you should have it

    now once you have all this go to the zone called plaza 2, in the archer and wesson store is a very dangerous dungeon.

    Aggressor captains, Aggressors, Enlightened Acolytes and preachers.
    as you go through the first door on your right you will see a pipe, go behind the pipe and stand on the barrel, you can now not be shot at by the monsters.

    Launch your dron and keep it on the top of the pipe, attack all monsters you see.

    after a few minutes you will notice your dex and int raise real fast.

    now the next part is the bets bit, when you have enough dexfor the next drone.

    go buy 1

    research it (intel xp)
    build more (intel, dex and str xp)

    in 2 days you will be pretty high leveled.
    then when you are sufficiently leveled you can use LOM pills to re-assign your skillpoints to be a hacker or whatever you want to be.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,997 ✭✭✭jaggeh

    How to raise constitution.......

    go to a low level sewer, look below the floor grate, try and find a cankerous plant or poison plant, along the sides of the floor grate there are small gaps that allow you to attack the plants.

    hit the plant once and it will poison you, this will raise your constitution pretty quickly at low level.

    after you get about level 10-12 put all your stuff in your backpack and go into the dungeon that i mentioned in my last post.

    stand there and take it till you die

    respawn at the genrep outside

    go back in


    this will raise your constitution really fast.
