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7650 and Bluetooth

  • 04-12-2002 11:39am
    Moderators, Politics Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 24,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭

    I got a 7650 yesterday and so far it's been a bit of a disappointment. The problem is I can't get it to work with any Bluetooth device I have, which makes the phone pretty much useless for me.

    For a start, it doesn't support the headset or handsfree profiles, which means it won't work with any Bluetooth headset.

    However, that's pretty minor compared to the fact that it won't work with my Bluetooth card. It's a Troy WindPort, which is a Motorola design sold under the Troy brand. The card and the phone can detect eachother and even pair. However, every time I try to initiate a connection, it fails.

    Anyone have any ideas on this or come across it before? I can live without the headset, but hooking it up to the card is pretty vital.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,154 ✭✭✭bkehoe

    The lack of Bluetooth audio is a well known problem with the 7650; retailers such as expansys have a note on the product pages for it. :)

    My first suggestion for using bluetooth connections would be to get the latest drivers and applications for your bluetooth card and also use the pc suite from the nokia webpage, not the one on the cd.


  • Moderators, Politics Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 24,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Chips Lovell

    Thanks Brendan. Unfortunately, I've already done both and had no joy. I've a query in with Nokia. They got back to me today confirming the audio issue. As for the PC card, they said they'd have to get back to me. They did ask whether my card was Bluetooth version 1.0 or 1.1 (it's 1.1). The other thing I pointed out to them was that it worked fine with an 8910. I'm not sure if that has any relevance or not.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,027 ✭✭✭flywheel

    hi - the 7650 conects over the serial port profile

    the Troy Wireless BT card makes use of the Digianswer Software - check the user guide here on creating serial ports:

    on holidays at the mo so don't have the info to hand to put a step-by-step together but check the readme / troubleshooting text file installed with the latest Nokia 7650 PC Suite for connections via Digianswer

    Brian G

  • Moderators, Politics Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 24,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Chips Lovell

    Hi BrianG,

    I've already created a serial port and have been using it to connect other mobiles. I couldn't find anything on the Troy site about issues with the Nokia.

    As for the readme/troubleshooting txt, it doesn't have much to say. It only mentioned one issue regarding Digianswer.

    "Bluetooth cards using Digianswer Bluetooth Software Suite: a delay before the Bluetooth equipment is ready after you start your PC (the delay can be up to 5 minutes). Wait until the software is ready. Note that the Bluetooth ports you have
    previously enabled will appear disabled until the Bluetooth Software Suite is ready."

    I don't think this applies. I've tried initiating a serial connection long after my PC's started up.

    Error message I'm getting is "Failed to establish a COM5 service link to Nokia 7650".

    Thanks by the way for replying to this while on holidays.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,263 ✭✭✭Caesar_Bojangle

    what actually is bluetooth, its on my phone but i never checked it out any longer than 30 seconds

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  • Moderators, Politics Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 24,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Chips Lovell

    Caesar, Bluetooth's a wireless technology, primarily designed for wireless communication between devices. Unlike Infra Red, it doesn't need a line of site to work and has an operating distance of around 10 metres. At the moment, it's mainly used as a cable replacement technology. At present, there's PC cards for laptops, phones, headsets on the market in addition to Bluetooth enabled handhelds and laptops. It's pretty nifty (when it works!!!!)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,027 ✭✭✭flywheel

    ok el tonto, settled home again now :) and had a chance to give it a run this evening

    got it connecting over the Digianswer software - i'm using the a Socket Bluetooth Card but it uses the same software you are using with the Troy Bluetooth PC card

    i'll list out the quick steps here and put together a step-by-step with screen shots when i get a chance

    installed the card's software, take it that's already ticked off the list on your side ;)


    in control panel - opened the Bluetooth Configuration Tool , clicked Add

    in the Add new COM port window, choose the COM port I wanted (e.g. COM8 on mine) and selected Serial Port Profile as the Associated Profile and clicked Add

    now COM8 appears as a Digianswer Virtual COM Port (left side of window), and it's in the Associated Profile only Serial Port Profile is ticked (right side of window)

    then clicked OK and the Configuration Tool exited


    double clicked on the Bluetooth Neighborhood icon to launch the Cards's Bluetooth application

    went to the Bluetooth Menu and clicked on Bluetooth Neighborhood Properties

    selecting the Security Tab made sure that Discoverability Mode (bottom option) was set to General Discoverable Mode

    selecting the Settings Tab noted the entry in Bluetooth Device Name, mine was Dell CP (BrianG)

    Now on the 7650 I switched on Bluetooth
    Menu > Connect(ivity) > Bluetooth

    And enabled these settings
    Bluetooth > On
    My Phone's visibility > Shown to All

    Remembered the entry in My Bluetooth Name, mine was 7650 (BrianG)

    Back on the PC in Bluetooth Neighborhood did a Device Discovery and the 7650 (BrianG) appeared as a phone icon

    Then back on the 7650 went to the second Bluetooth tab (joystick right) to display Paired Devices, then pressed Options and selected New Paired Device

    It performed a search and found the Laptop, Dell CP (BrianG), then selected it and the 7650 asked to enter a Passkey. typed in a number and pressed OK, the PC then displayed a Window called Bluetooth Passkey, so entered the same number on the PC that was just entered on the 7650 and pressed OK

    A pairing/bond was created between the 7650 and PC. You can manually accept a connection from the paired PC or if you find it more convenient you can set it as automatic by following this step:

    On the 7650 the Paired devices screen should still be displayed, highlighting the PC Dell CP (BrianG) what was just paired/bonded and then pressing options selected the Set as Authorised option (to save authorising every time a connection made from the PC to the 7650)


    In the Bluetooth Neighborhood on the right hand side I clicked the Local Services Title/Button and the COM Port set up at the beginning is displayed (i.e. COM8 for me) we'll call it COMx as it will be the COM port you set as your Virtual Digianswer COM Port you associated with the Serial Port Profile

    I then launched the Nokia 7650 PC Suite Application. In the System Tray on the Task Bar I double clicked the mRouter icon (looks like two disconnected cables) and its Connection Properties opened displaying the Connections Available, I ticked Bluetooth COMx and Closed the window.

    Back the Bluetooth Neighborhood, I clicked the Local Services COMx icon, held the mouse button down and dragged it over to the phone icon 7650 (BrianG) and dropped it there.

    The PC popped up a window saying it was Preparing a Serial Port Link and then Establishing a Link between COMx and the 7650 (if you set the 7650 to automatically accept a connection from the PC it will connect, otherwise you must manually accept the connection on the 7650)

    Now in the background the phone disconnects the link and immediately connects back to the PC on COMx. You will see the mRouter icon flash and a connection being made. The PC Suite app pops up a window saying you are about to go online. You can dismiss this and you are now connected.

    Hope it goes smoothly for you, let me know if you have any problems. Will try and get a version with screen shots up as soon as I get a chance.

    Brian G

  • Moderators, Politics Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 24,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Chips Lovell

    BrianG, Many thanks for getting back on this. Sorry if I've been a bit remiss in updating.

    What you've laid out there is what I've been doing to the letter. The problem arises when I attempt to open a serial port connection. I get as far as the 'Establishing Link' message and then I get an error telling me it failed.

    I had a two hour conversation with someone in Nokia about this the other day. The guy was completely baffled by it. We pretty much ran through everything he could think of. In the end he told me to uninstall all software for any mobile I'd been using, run a Nokia reg cleaning app and reinstall the card. It seemed to be his last resort. I did that and bingo, same problem. That night I even went as far as reformatting my hard drive and reinstalling everything in the hope of the problem magically disappearing. It didn't.

    At this stage I'm beginning to think I just have a dud phone. What had me and the guy from Nokia baffled was that apparently the phone was designed with the Digianswer interface in mind and secondly that that pairing worked fine.

    The phone's now back in the box and I'm back using my trusty T39. I know a few people with 7650s, so I might grab one of them to see if it works.

    Thanks again for your suggestions.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,027 ✭✭✭flywheel

    reformatting the HD and still no joy :(

    3 quickies - doing a *#0000# on the 7650 brings back what version - which OS are you running on the Laptop - and shot in the dark - had you a firewall running?

    if your in the dublin area i'll take a quick look if you want with my 7650 and bring out an alternative adapter to test it with your 7650


  • Moderators, Politics Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 24,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Chips Lovell


    1. It's v 3.16

    2. I'm running XP Home Edition

    3. And I do have a firewall. Norton Personal Firewall. I've just disabled it and tried again. Still no joy.

    Will try it with a friend's 7650 the next time I get a chance and probably take it from there.


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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,959 ✭✭✭✭Villain

    Hi this is probably of no use to you but maybe you should update your phone software. I got a new 7650 handset two days ago and it has version 4.36 on it.

    Probably of no help just said I'd point it out.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,027 ✭✭✭flywheel

    Originally posted by irish1
    Hi this is probably of no use to you but maybe you should update your phone software. I got a new 7650 handset two days ago and it has version 4.36 on it.

    very much worth a shot as he's tried everythgin else - i'm on V3.12 though and been Bluetoothing to all the adapters/cards i've worked with - it's a strange one alright - but it has been know to break some things in a version update that worked in a previous version!

    irish1, did the 4.36 version come with a Vodafone or O2 supplied 7650?

    Brian G

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,154 ✭✭✭bkehoe

    I'm using 3.16 and have had no bluetooth problems, though the new ones are coming with 4.36. Out of interest, where would the nearest place to get the phone updated be to me (Co.Wexford), or do you have to get it sent away? If its just a matter of walking into a place, waiting 15mins, then going away with an updated phone, then I may do it sometime if I happen to be near a place that does it. :) Only problem I've had is with IR Syncing; the time and date go crazy on the phone when its synced with IR; not important as I hardly every use IR, but I'd be interested to know if 4.36 fixes this.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭_sheep

    bkehoe most phone shops i know of will update the software for free (within the waranty definatly, outside the warranty - will depend on how busy the shop is at the time i suppose :D )


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,027 ✭✭✭flywheel

    i'm still to find a shop to offer an over the counter 7650 update in dublin city centre, they can all do regular nokia's but the 7650 needs special equipment to be updated and none of the one's i've called have got it in yet - keep being told to ring back in a week or so :(

    it is possible to send it away to be updated though - but the turnaroud time varies min a couple of days


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,959 ✭✭✭✭Villain

    Originally posted by DubWireless
    very much worth a shot as he's tried everythgin else - i'm on V3.12 though and been Bluetoothing to all the adapters/cards i've worked with - it's a strange one alright - but it has been know to break some things in a version update that worked in a previous version!

    irish1, did the 4.36 version come with a Vodafone or O2 supplied 7650?

    Brian G

    Sorry for the late reply it was with a Ready to Go Bonus bonus pack from Vodafone. Bought in the Jervis Centre.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 437 ✭✭daveJAM

    bkehoe, afaik, there's a nokia service centre on selskar street. I'd imagine that would be your best bet.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,154 ✭✭✭bkehoe

    selskar street, is that in Wexford town, or where? ;)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 437 ✭✭daveJAM

    Yeah i think so, I only know this cos its under the same ownership as the waterford one so the address is on all their ads and stuff.
