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Hmmmmmmmm.................. crazy sh*t

  • 26-09-2002 1:05am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭

    i have win 98 on my comp at the mo but i tryed to upgrade 98 to 98 se it would not upgrade ?

    any how why dosent 98 se full upgrade the plain 98 os ?????

    Why and can anyone Help me at all


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,608 ✭✭✭✭sceptre

    Might be a surprise to you but a full version of Windows 98 won't update from win95 wither. It's one of the reasons Microsoft released an upgrade path from Win 98 to Win98Se fot about a tenner a few years ago.

    Have a look at what's below. Instructions on upgrading from windows 95 to windows 98 using a full version of win98.

    The principles are the same when upgrading from Win98 to Win98SE.

    If you do what's listed below and it goes wrong, don't blame me. If you do it correctly it will work.

    What you have to do is boot into DOS after removing all files from the system (probably two) and install from there. Easiest way is to use a DOS boot disc and install from the CD but some machines need specific CD ROM drivers which might not be covered by the generic drivers so we'll do the following:

    1. Pop Win98SE CD ROM into the drive.
    2. Copy X:\Win98 (where X is the CD drive letter) to C:\Win98 (make sure all files are in c:\win98 before going to step 3)
    3. Remove Win98 CDROM from drive
    4. Do a search on C Drive for "" (making sure that you have "hidden and system files" shown by checking in windows explorer (it's probably under Tools->Options or Edit_>Options (can't remember which but it changes depending on whether IE4 is installed or not)
    5. Delete or rename all instances of (personally I'd rename them so you can put them back if there's a problem (which if you follow the damn instructions there won't be)). Make a note of where the files were - so that if something goes wrong you can rename them in DOS
    6. Reboot into proper DOS (using the "restart in DOS" option on the shutdown dialog box)
    7. Run c:\win98\setup.exe
    8. Install. Do a "custom install". Make sure that windows 98 is installed to "c:\windows". It may offer to install to "c:\windows.000". Don't let it. Edit the installation path so that it reads "c:\windows"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,339 ✭✭✭✭tman

    make a 98 boot disk (add/remove programs - startup disk tab)
    back up all your files.
    restart with disk in drive.
    choose "with cd-rom support"
    throw in the win98se cd.
    type 'format c:'
    type 'x:\win98\setup.exe' (with x being your cd drive letter, if it's d normally, ittl be e now)

    it means losing all your files unless you have some way of backing up, but windows will fly along for a few months
