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Fun for exercise?

  • 30-08-2002 12:21pm
    Registered Users Posts: 4,400 ✭✭✭

    Just having a think back on what we did for fun when a day wouldn't go our way, for example we plan a windsurfing weekend only to be greeted by no wind/you plan on bodyboarding/surfing and you just don't get favourable conditions.

    Or you just want to have a laugh, so what do you do?

    We went out spearfishing (my bro and I + another friend) and afterwards we decided to have a swim and see how long we could stay down for. Then the fun started, one of us told another to take his fins while he dived down and picked up a big enough sized rock to keep him down on the seabed and proceeded to do a great man on the moon impression, running around the seabed as an astronaut would on the moon :)
    It then developed into a race whereby one man stayed on the surface while the other two went down, picked up their rocks and had a wee race :D twas a good ol laugh and we even had an underwater rock throwing event afterwards, to see who could throw the rock the furthest while submerged.
    Little did I realise that some people use this as a form of training to prepare themselves for free diving and ridiculous amounts of time submerged after being thrown off a huge wave while surfing huge waves such as jaws. Two bohemian brothers who make a living spearing huge fish and selling them on the local market over there also used the underwater running to get into shape and enjoy themselves while they do it.

    Beats the gym anyday! :D

    Anyone else have some similar ideas i.e the underwater football/rugby while scuba diving, can't wait to try that out!

    Another quicky that springs to mind is just standing on a windsurfing board at the waters edge and seeing how long you can stay on before a wave knocks you off/if it's calm enough, see how much wandering/dancing you can do on the board before getting ditched into the water, my favourite one being standing on the nose of the board so that the back comes out of the water as far as possible until I jump back and it slams the tail back into the water (if I don't fall off ;)

    so on to you sir, what sort of madness have you tried that may have been great exercise without you even realising it or is just damn good fun?


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,643 ✭✭✭Jak

    Em if I am at home and the conditions are wrong, I don't go to the water ... (anymore)

    Generally I will always have an option as most of the sports/activities I am into work as perfect alternatives to each other. As for using any of the stuff for training, I really don't rely on it as I'm kinda hooked into the whole weights thing.

    Though this coming season I am gonna be trying pool sessions akin to what you are talking about Tac to work on breath control etc.

    However .. if away for a weekend and conditions are against us - no waves - no wind and no gear for anything else ... well we usually just try to find something interesting to jump off, roll down or swim in :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,400 ✭✭✭TacT

    we do that all the time anyway ;)
    Jumping off cliffs is always fun!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,643 ✭✭✭Jak

    Well went out Kiting today with great hopes - got up and moving at the start fine then the wind pissed off : / - I need a holiday.

    So after a while we packed up and had a lil BBQ - not very extreme but it had its own merits.

