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Total Annihilation

  • 22-07-2002 11:36pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,396 ✭✭✭

    Seems to be a bit of a split forum about it so discuss it hear

    I give it a icon14.gif

    Best RTS i've played.
    And the 3rd party unit packs we're great


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭Asuka



  • Registered Users Posts: 10,574 ✭✭✭✭Dont be at yourself

    It sucks piss.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,136 ✭✭✭Pugsley

    Originally posted by NekkidBibleMan
    It sucks piss.
    Everytime i try that i end up drinking it, can you advise me how to improve my ways? :p
    Never played TA, so i cant comment :)

  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 15,001 ✭✭✭✭Pepe LeFrits

    Best RTS i've played also, although not the most ground-breaking. And now i can't find my TA CD, and its doing my nut.

    Ohh my lovely Sentinels, how i long to have you shredding the core units once more :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,815 ✭✭✭✭po0k

    It doesn't suck piss.
    Loverly graphics for it's time, proper LOS fighting, differnt approach to construcion, not being tied to your construcion yard is class.

    It's available for about €6 now too, pick it up kaids

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,274 ✭✭✭Monty - the one and only

    Asuka, dont attempt to laugh at TA, you play Dark reign ffs....:p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,576 ✭✭✭Kairo

    asuka + nakey can suck my peewees ;) Ta owns

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,333 ✭✭✭Celt

    Got to pity the unbelievers :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 852 ✭✭✭m1ke

    TA was a work of art, I remember the day I bought it thinking ahhh here's another crock of shyte rts clone biatch. Was I wrong.

    The unit packs, the 3rd party addons, the community, the multiplayer experience. The kind of strategys in multiplayer c&c and red alert didn't apply to TA it was something new. Great graphics for it's day - i loved the different terrains and the core contingency addon and I always thought the sound track complemented it really well. All added up to months of fun.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,815 ✭✭✭✭po0k

    Originally posted by Celt
    Got to pity the unbelievers :)

    Not pity......burn

    /me gets torch and thick rope

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭Asuka

    FFS, Dark Reign rocks sooooooo much. And Dark Reign 2 wasnt half bad either.

    Kaids, you can have my copy of TA. If you can dislodge it from my penis where it is busily trying to suck some more of my piss.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,004 ✭✭✭Lord Khan

    TA was an excellent game when it came out and still damn well is. It gave you a propre RTS with Land, sea and air and not just 1 or 2 units of each but descent numbers ... the addons were very nice too especial the Offical addon pack.

    TA:Kingdoms did suck. and with TA 2 now back in production it should be good ... but it is under a different team so ... no fingers crossed. Asuka ... with those replies grow up :)

    Face it they are just pissed off cause they couldn't handle the proper combat scheme of TA and always got owned

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,136 ✭✭✭Bob the Unlucky Octopus

    The single-player game was uninspiring, the plot pathetic and uninvolving. The unit tree involved trillions of unused potential- simply because there wasn't enough viable difference and utility between the units. POS game from prop to post...


    PS- single-resource metal harvesting has to be the most frustrating thing about that game ever.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,333 ✭✭✭Celt

    Originally posted by Bob the Unlucky Octopus
    The single-player game was uninspiring,
    I quite liked it, and it most certainly did what it set out to, introduce new units in such a way as you had the opportunity and were almost forced to test every unit at one stage or another.
    the plot pathetic and uninvolving.
    I preferred it to StarCraft's.
    The unit tree involved trillions of unused potential- simply because there wasn't enough viable difference and utility between the units.
    Tell me, you dont see the difference between a long range, slow moving artillery unit and a small lightly armoured and armed fast rushing tank? Or an anti aircraft tank? Or a ballisitc missile tank?

    Your lack of comprehension is your problem and certainly not the games if all you can understand is "There must only be a single unit I need build to win"

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,004 ✭✭✭Lord Khan

    There was 2 Resources ... energy and Metal... and several ways to get both. Most other RTS only have 1.

    thesingle player I liked, it was quite well laid out and didn't get bored. maybe you just miss fancy cut scenes bob.

    I loved multiplayer ... you could have large scale battles with out getting boringly dug-in like Starcraft terrans.

    Most say that the two sides in TA were the exact same units ... they weren't, each side has different angles such as rate of fire, firepower. The unit tree was huge think mine is running well over 150 each side. but you wouldn't use everything single unit ... you'd pick the ones you liked most... there was no dominating unit in the game, even the Uberpowerful Korgoth can be destroyed with ranged weapons, and yes it is a cool unit just takes ages to build :). the units I like everything is there ... Build time, power, speed and general behaviour the first true 3d RTS enviroment where the units actually can use it ... such as can't fire over hills ... slow down walking up slows... while other units can get up the slope faster.

    The game was great because the developers did actually put a lot of thought into it's creation.

    Starcraft is an unbalanced game unless you have brood wars really.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,136 ✭✭✭Bob the Unlucky Octopus

    Originally posted by Celt

    I quite liked it, and it most certainly did what it set out to, introduce new units in such a way as you had the opportunity and were almost forced to test every unit at one stage or another.
    Wow! An RTS that progressively use new units where they're required, what an AMAZING idea! Of course, no other RTS does anything like that :rolleyes:

    I preferred it to StarCraft's.
    Heh, you prefer a stoic, langorous and uninspiring storyline to a game which has attracted half the sci-fi/fantasy writers in the US for sale of the book rights? Never heard that preference before (except from rabid TA fans :P). Let me guess- you like German opera too.

    Tell me, you dont see the difference between a long range, slow moving artillery unit and a small lightly armoured and armed fast rushing tank? Or an anti aircraft tank? Or a ballisitc missile tank?
    I do- I would just never build anything but the rushing tank and the medium tank. The horrible thing about TA was that when you played it multiplayer, it was just a sh1tty sh1tty game. The number of unecessary units was just beyond belief- why on earth build mobile air defence for example, if both sides have good fixed-unit and *repairable* structural air defence? The best players will only use a few units, and even then, unit combinations aren't essential to win, not even for the best players.

    Air power is poorly done, easily destroyed and not worth developing for the most part (unless the map requires it). Naval power is unimaginative- and uneccesary. The downfall of many RTS's who tried the naval power simulation is the failure to realize that the scale of land combat is vastly different to naval combat. What's next- space + land + sea + air combat RTS's? All you really need is 1 or 2, SC only had 2. The best RTS's focus on small-unit combinations, not grand chaotic battles. If you're the sort of player who accumulates resources, builds elaborate base defence and then a HUGE force to win...then TA is for you. The battle scenes are designed for huge battles, but if you play this way- the best players will use small unit combinations or single-unit thrusts and beat the living crap out of you. It's a good RTS for bad RTS players as most reviewers said at the time.

    Starcraft provides a viable incentive for every race to pursue a variety of strategies (templar/dragoon rush, carrier haul, mutas + overlords + hydras, ghosts + science vessels)- the small unit combos were unbeatable until Blizzard's latest offering came out (WCIII).

    Your lack of comprehension is your problem and certainly not the games if all you can understand is "There must only be a single unit I need build to win"

    Shows what you lack of comprehension?. Perhaps it was my lack of comprehension that helped me play competitve Starcraft at major LANs...not just SC but several other RTS's back home. There's a reason that SC is the most popular RTS amongst the best strat players. It isn't all some grand anti-Cavedog/TA conspiracy(as some fans believe)- SC is just a far superior game for experienced players. What made Starcraft unique (amongst other things) was the way single-unit strategies always failed against combined unit defence. For all the elaborate eye-candy, TA was ultimately about resource management. The two sides' units were so similar that nothing else mattered too much. Whereas in StarCraft, the race you chose made for a decently different style of play. They build differently, grow bases differently, build units differently and of course fight very differently and with balanced teams. TA's units only lent themselves to a few strategies- and most revolve around large-scale rushes *yawn*. C&C had the large-scale rushes, RTS players were quickly bored, realizing that *strategy* didn't equal eye-candy but a well-balanced set of teams that were different and more important, played differently with strategic planning, not "who can build the biggest hammer".

    Don't have to take my word for it- ask any seasoned SC player to play you at TA- chances are he/she will cane you 9/10 times. After the diversity of strat offered by SC, TA is like going back to lego after spending a lifetime building Technic :p


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,333 ✭✭✭Celt

    Wow, what an informative post from someone who obviously doesnt like TA and wont rest until everyone agrees with him!

    As anyone who has played TA a lot will know, your post is mostly the same regurgitated old crap.

    Maybe you can convince a few newbies though, if anyone could be bothered to read your post which is 90% "SC is better, blah blah blah" and only 10% relevant.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭Asuka

    Lord Khan, you are most amusing. Im not taking this argument seriously because Ive already had it. Several times. But there are some gaping holes in your argument that i just cant resist to take you up on.
    It gave you a propre RTS with Land, sea and air and not just 1 or 2 units of each but descent numbers
    Err, no, you dont need land, sea and air. Two out of three will do for most RTS games, while one out of three is sufficient if its particularly good. All three generally make for an over-complicated RTS, unless its well implemented.

    As for decent numbers, TA tried to implement this by making tons of slightly different units, and I for one was bored senseless by this aspect. There was very little imagination shown in the development of the units.
    There was 2 Resources ... energy and Metal... and several ways to get both. Most other RTS only have 1.
    Ohh... this is fun. Could you name ANY SINGLE RTS with only one resource? Maybe C&C, im not entirely sure there. Otherwise, I cant. Most have much more than 2.
    Build time, power, speed and general behaviour the first true 3d RTS enviroment where the units actually can use it ... such as can't fire over hills ... slow down walking up slows... while other units can get up the slope faster.
    Dark Reign did ALL of this first, and implemented it better.

    Be honest. Have you ever really played Dark Reign?


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,136 ✭✭✭Pugsley

    Originally posted by Asuka
    [Ohh... this is fun. Could you name ANY SINGLE RTS with only one resource? Maybe C&C, im not entirely sure there. Otherwise, I cant.
    And C&C was only givin one resource because it was meant to be simplistic to get started at, anyone can have a go at it, most RTS's ive played have 3 or 4 resource's tho, very few have any more.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,136 ✭✭✭Bob the Unlucky Octopus

    Wow, what an informative post from someone who obviously doesnt like TA and wont rest until everyone agrees with him!

    Wow, thx! Hugs & kisses :D
    As anyone who has played TA a lot will know, your post is mostly the same regurgitated old crap.

    Anyone who's played TA that much needs their head examined. But of course, you'd know that judging from the way you dissect a position.
    Maybe you can convince a few newbies though, if anyone could be bothered to read your post which is 90% "SC is better, blah blah blah...

    Woohoo, seems "a few newbies" would include you...grats! :)


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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,136 ✭✭✭Pugsley

    Yea occy!
    You show 'em how to rant like a pro! ;)

  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 15,001 ✭✭✭✭Pepe LeFrits

    Here PHB, stop posting through Occy's account... We get enough of your '1337 heads' talk on the CS board :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,333 ✭✭✭Celt

    Originally posted by Asuka
    As for decent numbers, TA tried to implement this by making tons of slightly different units, and I for one was bored senseless by this aspect. There was very little imagination shown in the development of the units.
    Saying there slightly different just makes it look like you've never played TA for any length of time..
    Ohh... this is fun. Could you name ANY SINGLE RTS with only one resource? Maybe C&C, im not entirely sure there. Otherwise, I cant. Most have much more than 2. Dark Reign did ALL of this first, and implemented it better.

    Be honest. Have you ever really played Dark Reign?

    MechCommander/HomeWorld had only 1 resource type as do quite a few rts's who's only resource type is Cash.
    As far as I know, TA and DR came out at the same time, and TA was in development longer?

    Also, DR may have many of TA's features, but very few/none were implemented better.

    Just look at TA's 3d, and compare it to DR's...
    Dark Reign is just a slightly better C&C, Total Annihilation was much much more.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,333 ✭✭✭Celt

    GamesDomain rated TA higher then DR.
    Avault rated TA higher then DR.
    MobyGames rated TA higher then DR.
    GameSpot rated TA higher then DR.

    It must be a very large conspiracy.
