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The Biocheck Range



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,497 ✭✭✭rooferPete


    No I don't recall seeing that brand here, I would take extreme care before buying any of the products I viewed.

    There are products available from reputable suppliers for most of the range of products I viewed, my reason for advising care is I did not see one of the products with the test results from an independent laboritory.

    If you are buying anything construction related in the UK always look for an up to date BBA certificate, there are a couple of other ways of checking them and one other which shall remain my professional secret does not show that company or the products on the list of what would be accepted as quality products.

    My advice is check out your problem again and look for a product that carries some accepted testing and real guarantee, that is insurance backed.


  • Registered Users Posts: 484 ✭✭Shewhomustbe...

    Would you be able to advise any reputable brands?
    I don't have a major problem, thankfully, just a few problem spots due to bad ventilation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,497 ✭✭✭rooferPete


    If your problem is mould causeing condensation because of poor ventilation it might be worth looking at installing extra vents.

    There are very few ways of preventing the mould if the main problem is not addressed first because the walls will still be in a warm air hitting a cold surface situation.

    While the liner looks good there is not much new about it, in the 1960's and 70's it was presented as a roll of aeroboard that was fitted similar to wallpaper.

    Sad to say it still turned black in the corners and in really bad cases it just rolled off the walls in sheets bringing the wall paper and lining paper with it.

    It may be a better option to install vents and / or dry line the walls with insulation incorpoated, you may have to carry out the work in stages but you will be sure the job is finished with.

