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Help - No desktop button

  • 27-10-2005 7:16pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 868 ✭✭✭


    Can someone lease tel me how I get the 'Show Desktop' button back onto the bar at the bottom of the screen.




  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,558 ✭✭✭netwhizkid

    Open a new Internet explorer window and type this in the adress banner C:\Documents and Settings\User1\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch

    replace User1 with your username eg. DonalN or whatever it is,if you don't know it, it will be at the top of the "start" window anyway. When you get this open presumably the "Show Desktop" is gone or has been dragged accidentaly to the desktop. If it is on the desktop simply drag it over into this window and it will reappear in the quick launch again. If it is in neither desktop or the window given above try search for it and do a search for it. If you find it it should say
    Show Desktop
    Windows Explorer Command

    This is the real thing, you may find this

    Show Desktop

    this won't work as when you click the link it will only say windows is searching for missing shortcut. (if all else fails try it who knows!) Give it a whirl anyway, if it has only diappeared recently and you really want it you could do a system restore, only back up any files you created recently. Don't do this though unless all else fails, Actaully don't do it at all until more boards users give you their opinions on it. This damn handy to have if you were looking at boards or whatever and your P45 luving gf comes in you can kinda have it as a panic button. also handy if your looking at prawns ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,495 ✭✭✭Mr. Presentable

    If the Show Desktop icon is deleted from Quick Launch, the procedure below will recreate the file.

    Open Notepad and enter the following text:


    Save the new file as Show Desktop.scf then drag and drop the icon on the Quick Launch bar or whatever location you want the shortcut to appear.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 868 ✭✭✭DonalN

    That did the job Spannerhead...thanks for the replies...
