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Minus The Bear, We Are Knives & SW DJ's @ Skinny Wolves Club / Thursday 27th Oct

  • 24-10-2005 8:24pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 46

    Skinny Wolves Club
    Thursday 27th October //
    Minus The Bear & We Are Knives Live w/ Skinny Wolves DJs
    Band Times:
    We Are Knives 10.00pm
    Minus The Bear 11.00pm
    Records from 9pm until 2am

    Tickets now on sale from City Discs and Road Records priced 10euro

    Ex-members of BOTCH, KILL SADIE, SHARKS KEEP MOVING, and producer Matt Bayles (ISIS, MASTODON, BLOOD BROTHERS). On Suicide Squeeze Records, that's also home to MODEST MOUSE, ELLIOTT SMITH, PEDRO THE LION & HELLA to name a few.
    "Think early Police, add a dash of Prefuse 73’s electronic subtlety, tons of intricate musicianship, heaping mounds of sincerity and a few emotional outbursts"


    ///MINUS THE BEAR Press
    "Three years removed from the riveting full-length debut, Highly Refined Pirates, this highly stylized Seattle indie-pop group flaunts substantial glitch-riddled prog-pop on their second Suicide Squeeze full-length. Weaving through territories long established by '70s prog-rockers (Yes, Rush), '80s proto punks (Fugazi), and '90s art rock mind-****s (Jawbox, Joan Of Arc), Minus The Bear invoke the modern love affair between dance driven strategy and lush, Upper Pacific sweater rock. Features appearances by Judah Nagler and Josh Staples (The Velvet Teen), Michael Richardson (The New Trust), and Heather Duby" - insound

    "The perfect mix of catchy melodies, angular textures placed just right and a hearty dose of spaced out atmosphere come together with stellar arrangements" - insound

    "The band has tapped into such an original sound, with their layered, single-note guitar playing, driving drums, and superior bass lines, that not many can argue with them. Oh, and the vocals are pretty much flawless as well. This is a band that continues to completely impress, and has only gotten stronger with each release they have put out." - Rockworld

    "Combining angular rhythms with melodic guitar and spacey atmospherics, Minus the Bear has created an intriguing amalgamation of math-rock, indie-rock, and post-rock." - Adequacy

    "multiple guitars intertwine, the vocalist emotes sincerely, and bubbly electronics dance through the mix, as the songs bend around angular corners, occasionally reaching noisy crescendos but just as often trailing off into silence." - dusted


    ///WE ARE KNIVES Web
    no site yet....just come see them live....

    ///About WE ARE KNIVES
    With ex-members of SOME DAYS BETTER and the KILLING SPREE how could they fail to be amazing? Shifting time signatures, finger tapping, guitar loops and pounding drum kit, these guys get better with each show. Perhaps the best band from these shores? That wouldnt be an exaggeration. They're ability to play is only matched by their willingness to play. Since only joining forces with ex-Killing Spree drummer, Bernard, they've gone from strength to strength and now there's nothing holding them back. Easily able to give any touring band they've played with a run for their money.

    Go to: for mp3's/ video & more information
